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My old man

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just spent a bit of the day with the ol man tweeking bits of my CBR, put new brake and clutch levers on it made by trak tech, carbon fibre yoke cover...


in prep for the good weather and long days ahead...


shes looking a treat now..... :)



Sorry forgot to add that he's just spent the week working 14 hours a day, and still had time to give me a hand...

that to me says alot about him... :notworthy:





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I owe so much to my father for pulling me out the sh1t time after time when i was a young villan :thumbdown: he introduced me to working dogs that pretty much curbed my ways


then he gave me half of his business which has kept me well above the water, he is my best mate share everything with him im now nearly 30 got my first child on the way and hope im half as good as my dad at being a father the man is my legend :thumbs:

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me and my dad have NOTHING in common.



same here, he died 4 years ago. Funny thing me and my son have NOTHING in common, and just the same we dont get on :yes: . You know what they say you (pick) your friends, you (dont) pick your family :yes:

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my old mans 73 , and if i want to know anything hes the first i ask. taught me the basics for electrics and plumbing in the house, and hes a dab hand at decorating and computer problems. the kids think hes the coolest papa on the planet, cant argue with them :toast:

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I can't stand my old man to be honest. I've not had anything to do with him for a long time now. I've got enough problems of my own to have him making things even more difficult. Me and my family are better off without having him around anyhow. He's selfish to the point that it just leaves you gobsmacked and it's a shame to say that but the way things are, the next time I see him will probably be at his funeral unless I die before him and if that was the case I wouldn't want him turning up to see me off.


I do think it has made me realise just how precious my kids and other family members are though, so I thank him for that much.

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just wish mine was still here, not a night goes by where he's not in my dreams


sure, he liked a drink, dont most of us? Perhaps thats what cause his illness (kidney cancer), but who knows? he wasnt an alko, just liked a few pints after work ;)


we had our ups & downs. but he was a great dad, got me into ferreting etc....


my dad, a real man. R.I.P

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well i hate my dad he walkd out days after i was born and always made lies as to why he wouldnt come and get us on saterdays he was ment to have us as he was with other woman ans hes been adding me on facebook all the time but i keep ignoring him has a complet w***

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gotta say that my dads one of the best fella,s you could meet ,taught me all about hunting ,been going out with him since i was around 7yrs old....although we never seen eye to eye when i was in my teens,early twenties etc..(thought i knew it all )he was a;ways there for me even tho i never realised it!!do now tho dad. your the best....love you always Darrell snr....darrell.

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My dad is my hero, i always was a daddies girl, i used to walk for miles and miles as a small child with my dad and his Lurcher simply because i adored him and wanted to be with him, my mum was and still is straight with me that he wasn't the best partner he could have been but he was always the best dad he could be (and still is)



My 5yr old daughter ADORES her daddy yet he only see's her every other weekend, even though he lives 6 miles up the road and is his own boss :no: very sad for her and :wallbash: for me! Nothing like my dad!

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