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do you want a dog

2 run trough walls and fences or use its head   

114 members have voted

  1. 1. which 2 you prefer

    • 2 use its brains and not get messd up
    • 2 run trough them and take the knocks

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i would take full on everytime,full on pysically and mentally,

i like to make the choice whether something is runable or not and if i decide to run it then i want a dog thats in the same frame of mind regardless,

and i like that dog think he can kill it no matter what,

its my choice not the dogs,i like a dog to run with drive an heart not one that lets quarry get away over running an extra 10 yrds or not running 20 ft up a track cos its hard or not trying for the one on the edge of the wood because its close in,


when a dog runs with its head an not its heart the results in the bag suffer 100% fact,,,,,,,

ive got a boxy type of dog here an love to see them run like that, clever???

no not at all he ran 200yrds up a road left blood prints an still killed.........

full on,heart,an drive, for me ive got no room or time for anything else

So the dog ran 200yds leaving blood prints and that impressed you,well fair play to the dog pity about the sheer ignorance of the owner,don,t worry though you will have plenty of admirers on here.

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just your opions lads and lasses want you want in your dogs ,do you want run trough brick walls and fences for its game or would rather use its brains and not take all the hits and knocks ,some people

So the dog ran 200yds leaving blood prints and that impressed you,well fair play to the dog pity about the sheer ignorance of the owner,don,t worry though you will have plenty of admirers on here.

100% agree [preban]

high prey drive , will over shaddow brains everytime , you can have the cleverest dog in the world but if it LOVES KILLING MORE then thats that , fences , trees, barbedwire , dont come into the dogs head once the addrenalin kicks in , thats why dogs have them sharp teeth , for killing ,


Dogs with brain still like killing things,, they just dont get smashed up or knocked p doing it,,,,,,,, answer this,,, out of all the straight bull x greys is it not a strangley coincidental that a good percentage are layed up injred or knocked up half there working life,,:whistling: ,,, theres prey drive , then theres plain stupid,,,,,,,,,, Brain does not equal lack of balls.

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i would take full on everytime,full on pysically and mentally,

i like to make the choice whether something is runable or not and if i decide to run it then i want a dog thats in the same frame of mind regardless,

and i like that dog think he can kill it no matter what,

its my choice not the dogs,i like a dog to run with drive an heart not one that lets quarry get away over running an extra 10 yrds or not running 20 ft up a track cos its hard or not trying for the one on the edge of the wood because its close in,


when a dog runs with its head an not its heart the results in the bag suffer 100% fact,,,,,,,

ive got a boxy type of dog here an love to see them run like that, clever???

no not at all he ran 200yrds up a road left blood prints an still killed.........

full on,heart,an drive, for me ive got no room or time for anything else


Good luck because if your working that type or dog regular it wont last long,,, if it does then it aint doing much.


A dog with nothng but speed and drive will be injury prone and a liability, and lack wind,, see it time after time.

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high prey drive , will over shaddow brains everytime , you can have the cleverest dog in the world but if it LOVES KILLING MORE then thats that , fences , trees, barbedwire , dont come into the dogs head once the addrenalin kicks in , thats why dogs have them sharp teeth , for killing ,


Dogs with brain still like killing things,, they just dont get smashed up or knocked p doing it,,,,,,,, answer this,,, out of all the straight bull x greys is it not a strangley coincidental that a good percentage are layed up injred or knocked up half there working life,,:whistling: ,,, theres prey drive , then theres plain stupid,,,,,,,,,, Brain does not equal lack of balls.

so while the dog with a brain may miss them in the hedge they'll still catch more over a season while that hedge hitter is lame!

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high prey drive , will over shaddow brains everytime , you can have the cleverest dog in the world but if it LOVES KILLING MORE then thats that , fences , trees, barbedwire , dont come into the dogs head once the addrenalin kicks in , thats why dogs have them sharp teeth , for killing ,


Dogs with brain still like killing things,, they just dont get smashed up or knocked p doing it,,,,,,,, answer this,,, out of all the straight bull x greys is it not a strangley coincidental that a good percentage are layed up injred or knocked up half there working life,,:whistling: ,,, theres prey drive , then theres plain stupid,,,,,,,,,, Brain does not equal lack of balls.

so while the dog with a brain may miss them in the hedge they'll still catch more over a season while that hedge hitter is lame!


Any clued up dog will pressure quarry at a hegde or anywhere else where the dog knows the quarry will have to commit,, if a dog is on its ass and close on the quarry then very oftern it will not commit to the cover, they will run and spin and try again , trying to break away that few extra strides to buy them enough time to get to safety cleanly. There is a differance betweeen a dog sticking its head into a hedge to pull something out that has just hesitated a slipt second and kept in the dogs veiw,, and a dog that smashes into the hegde after it.


To me its about a dog that sticks to its quarry,, r,f,h,d whatever,,, a dog that runs the fur but doesnt overrun it, is a dog that will always connect with more gear than a dog that rushes in all guns blazing, those dogs overshoot quarry loose ground and it gets to cover,, steady dogs that know the crack are far better at there job, the are less likely to get injured, and they have a far longer working life.


Mainly speaking lamping here,,as in daytime any dog worth a light will go through cover, hedges fences, or over,,not smash into things,,, a dog that pulls up at the first bit of cover or fence or hedge will loss alot of stuff.

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high prey drive , will over shaddow brains everytime , you can have the cleverest dog in the world but if it LOVES KILLING MORE then thats that , fences , trees, barbedwire , dont come into the dogs head once the addrenalin kicks in , thats why dogs have them sharp teeth , for killing ,


Dogs with brain still like killing things,, they just dont get smashed up or knocked p doing it,,,,,,,, answer this,,, out of all the straight bull x greys is it not a strangley coincidental that a good percentage are layed up injred or knocked up half there working life,,:whistling: ,,, theres prey drive , then theres plain stupid,,,,,,,,,, Brain does not equal lack of balls.

keep more than one dog , if you dont want to lose time in the feild , and are concerned about injuries ,some dogs will need more rest/recovery time than others depending on their trade /working style , so what your saying is a plain stupid dog is one that would have the balls to crash into cover ,but a brainy /clever dog could but chooses not too ,.... i see that as lack of commitment .... not good judgement

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Mainly speaking lamping here,,as in daytime any dog worth a light will go through cover, hedges fences, or over,,not smash into things,,, a dog that pulls up at the first bit of cover or fence or hedge will loss alot of stuff.


so what your saying is your dogs will hit cover in the day ...but not on the lamp ??????????????? did you train these traits in to your dogs or was it bred in :hmm:

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so what your saying is your dogs will hit cover in the day ...but not on the lamp ??????????????? did you train these traits in to your dogs or was it bred in :hmm:


Well yeah my old bitch will go into cover or through cover after stuff in the day,,, but when lamping she will not dive into deep cover for things or go through run openings in hedges which have escaped the beam,, but then i do more lamping these days than day work.


If you do more daywork and the odd bit of lamping then obviously alot of dogs will still go into cover at night on the beam,, untill they click that they are lost once they hit the cover.


My dogs will run 200 yards up a beam so they are willing,, but they wouldnt dive into thick hedges after something that has already dissapeared down a hole,, but then they will not pull at the first bit of thick grass if they are right on the arse of something they will follow in.


Yes alot folk who keep point and shooters will have 3 or 4 dogs,, they have to as one or two are always knocked up :laugh: .


Pumped up sprints dogs dont last long in the feild ,,,,fact.


What exactually do you mean by a dog that smashes into cover,, bigger stuff aint as easily lost.

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My dogs will run 200 yards up a beam so they are willing,, but they wouldnt dive into thick hedges after something that has already dissapeared down a hole,, but then they will not pull at the first bit of thick grass if they are right on the arse of something they will follow in.


Yes alot folk who keep point and shooters will have 3 or 4 dogs,, they have to as one or two are always knocked up :laugh: .


Pumped up sprints dogs dont last long in the feild ,,,,fact.


What exactually do you mean by a dog that smashes into cover,, bigger stuff aint as easily lost.

.......... firstly , rabbits....... not my game, so that clears the bigger stuff not being easily lost ,and are you saying .. high PREYDRIVE wont overshaddow brains as i put in my origional post ??a dog that wants it could have a lot of brain ,but some dogs just want it more and their the ones for me baby :D

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so what your saying is your dogs will hit cover in the day ...but not on the lamp ??????????????? did you train these traits in to your dogs or was it bred in :hmm:


Well yeah my old bitch will go into cover or through cover after stuff in the day,,, but when lamping she will not dive into deep cover for things or go through run openings in hedges which have escaped the beam,, but then i do more lamping these days than day work.


If you do more daywork and the odd bit of lamping then obviously alot of dogs will still go into cover at night on the beam,, untill they click that they are lost once they hit the cover.


My dogs will run 200 yards up a beam so they are willing,, but they wouldnt dive into thick hedges after something that has already dissapeared down a hole,, but then they will not pull at the first bit of thick grass if they are right on the arse of something they will follow in.


Yes alot folk who keep point and shooters will have 3 or 4 dogs,, they have to as one or two are always knocked up :laugh: .


Pumped up sprints dogs dont last long in the feild ,,,,fact.


What exactually do you mean by a dog that smashes into cover,, bigger stuff aint as easily lost.

dont take this the wrong way but have you ever had a bullx or even a dog that would die to please you??sounds like you are making excuses why your dog dosnt want to give 100%.now i have had both nd i know, so come on.would you run your dog with brains for money on lamp against a dog that would take them in cover?now thats not a challange its just a question? :hmm:

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so what your saying is your dogs will hit cover in the day ...but not on the lamp ??????????????? did you train these traits in to your dogs or was it bred in :hmm:


Well yeah my old bitch will go into cover or through cover after stuff in the day,,, but when lamping she will not dive into deep cover for things or go through run openings in hedges which have escaped the beam,, but then i do more lamping these days than day work.


If you do more daywork and the odd bit of lamping then obviously alot of dogs will still go into cover at night on the beam,, untill they click that they are lost once they hit the cover.


My dogs will run 200 yards up a beam so they are willing,, but they wouldnt dive into thick hedges after something that has already dissapeared down a hole,, but then they will not pull at the first bit of thick grass if they are right on the arse of something they will follow in.


Yes alot folk who keep point and shooters will have 3 or 4 dogs,, they have to as one or two are always knocked up :laugh: .


Pumped up sprints dogs dont last long in the feild ,,,,fact.



What exactually do you mean by a dog that smashes into cover,, bigger stuff aint as easily lost.

dont take this the wrong way but have you ever had a bullx or even a dog that would die to please you??sounds like you are making excuses why your dog dosnt want to give 100%.now i have had both nd i know, so come on.would you run your dog with brains for money on lamp against a dog that would take them in cover?now thats not a challange its just a question? :hmm:


Lol,, yeah had a bullx,, mates got one too, a few folk around here have them, seen a good few run lol,,,,,not just bull x all or nothing dogs,,whippet whippetgreys,, some lurchers with alot of fire,,, some have too much fire for there own good and never learn to control it when it matters,,,,, too much of a in and at em style,,, them type will miss loads around here,, seen fast dogs miss and miss and miss,, beleave me,, steadier dogs that stick and dont overshoot,, but got speed when they need it :thumbs: ,,, they miss far less.


My old bitch was fast very fast,, in at em rushing em,, she used to miss a fair few,, age and work slow her down and her catch rate was alot better.

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so what your saying is your dogs will hit cover in the day ...but not on the lamp ??????????????? did you train these traits in to your dogs or was it bred in :hmm:


Well yeah my old bitch will go into cover or through cover after stuff in the day,,, but when lamping she will not dive into deep cover for things or go through run openings in hedges which have escaped the beam,, but then i do more lamping these days than day work.


If you do more daywork and the odd bit of lamping then obviously alot of dogs will still go into cover at night on the beam,, untill they click that they are lost once they hit the cover.


My dogs will run 200 yards up a beam so they are willing,, but they wouldnt dive into thick hedges after something that has already dissapeared down a hole,, but then they will not pull at the first bit of thick grass if they are right on the arse of something they will follow in.


Yes alot folk who keep point and shooters will have 3 or 4 dogs,, they have to as one or two are always knocked up :laugh: .


Pumped up sprints dogs dont last long in the feild ,,,,fact.



What exactually do you mean by a dog that smashes into cover,, bigger stuff aint as easily lost.

dont take this the wrong way but have you ever had a bullx or even a dog that would die to please you??sounds like you are making excuses why your dog dosnt want to give 100%.now i have had both nd i know, so come on.would you run your dog with brains for money on lamp against a dog that would take them in cover?now thats not a challange its just a question? :hmm:


Lol,, yeah had a bullx,, mates got one too, a few folk around here have them, seen a good few run lol,,,,,not just bull x all or nothing dogs,,whippet whippetgreys,, some lurchers with alot of fire,,, some have too much fire for there own good and never learn to control it when it matters,,,,, too much of a in and at em style,,, them type will miss loads around here,, seen fast dogs miss and miss and miss,, beleave me,, steadier dogs that stick and dont overshoot,, but got speed when they need it :thumbs: ,,, they miss far less.


My old bitch was fast very fast,, in at em rushing em,, she used to miss a fair few,, age and work slow her down and her catch rate was alot better.

:D how do you know the catch rate was better?did you keep records?big stuff in cover isnt easily lost :blink: but its easy for the dog to give up or even to be called off,i do love a brainy dog but just love the ones that love to please,give all they have, rather than them that pull up at the fence, hedge,or wood,Yes they do get better with age. but i dont beleve they catch more by not trying cos it may get away,not having a go just asking you questions,as sometime's it can be miss read in txt talk ;)injurys do happen, life as a lamping lurcher is not long because of running in dark isnt wise,even with a lamp to see.atb mick

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