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just wondered if any one has had this problem run my dog about 8weeks ago now she was on to a big rabbit on lamp it took her down a ditch with about a 2and a half to 3 foot drop the prey came back up and my yong pup nabbed it i recon for about 30 sec then droped it just then the other dog appered back up and went on to catch.and coursed another 1 on way back home no sign of being lame could hardly stand next morning took to vet got medicam they checked her over no breaks finished bottle still no let you bend the wrist another bottle medicam still the same took to greyhound man he checked her over found nothing gave me this blue gel to rub and told me to run her then rub her down way gel when i got home but only once a week then slowly incress there was never any swelling but is still lame yet after a run any info anybody cheers.

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Most likely the dog has sprained its wrist: damage to ligaments. A proper sprain can take months to heal. Get yourelf some Zheng Gu Shui (ebay and internet easiest places to find it) It is a Chinese herbal embrocation which you rub into the affected area. Do this every other day for a couple of weeks. I swear by the stuff: I have tendonitis in my elbow (tennis elbow) and I'd be virtually crippled if I didn't use it once a week.


You dont need to use it every day but it will help the ligaments/tendons to heal: ligaments take a very long time to heal as they have a bad blood supply. Could also be some tendon damage as well which only a very experienced greyhound man will be able to find. Rest is the most important thing. A month on the lead, no jumping or running, is not too long for a sprain, and if it is a bad one, then longer is needed.

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Most likely the dog has sprained its wrist: damage to ligaments. A proper sprain can take months to heal. Get yourelf some Zheng Gu Shui (ebay and internet easiest places to find it) It is a Chinese herbal embrocation which you rub into the affected area. Do this every other day for a couple of weeks. I swear by the stuff: I have tendonitis in my elbow (tennis elbow) and I'd be virtually crippled if I didn't use it once a week.


You dont need to use it every day but it will help the ligaments/tendons to heal: ligaments take a very long time to heal as they have a bad blood supply. Could also be some tendon damage as well which only a very experienced greyhound man will be able to find. Rest is the most important thing. A month on the lead, no jumping or running, is not too long for a sprain, and if it is a bad one, then longer is needed.

cheers pal will look in to that as i said the grey hound man gave me this blue gel to rub her with i also have radiol m-r muscle embrocation that i usei i rested her up for a month the back door was as far as she got then he told me to give her a run but only once a week and build it up slowly from there which has prob not helped her case cheers for the info think i will just keep her off the rest o the season thanks rab.

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Wrists are a very problematic area as they have lots of tiny bones held in place with lots of tendons, even with multiple x-rays a small break to one of the bones can easily be missed and, as Skycat says, tendon injuries can take just as long as a break to heal. You’re probably doing the right thing with laying off for the rest of the season. I lead walk for a while till no lameness then another week beyond that at least. Once no lameness build up to a trot, bests running with you but with a bike if you can’t run, not a canter but trot, start short and over a few weeks build up to around five miles 4 to 5 times a times a week, this should bring you both to a good baseline fitness. Once fit and sound start to give off lead in a small area for a little run after the five miles when it will be less likely to go mad and injure itself, slowly build up till its free running while you jog for the 5 miles, by next season it will be as fit as poss when a little ball work and easy bunnies will set it up for the season. If at any time the lameness comes back stop and go back to lead work. Unfortunately the are many wristy dogs that are unable to work on consecutive nights due to recurrent lameness and even with six months rehab no cure is guaranteed but if your not planning on working till the autumn you have nothing to lose.

Ps Zheng Gu Shui, basically knotweed, is not going to add anything other than make you feel better because you are doing something and the blue ointment is likely no better either, bare in mind the dog will lick what you put on so speak with the vet about using an anti inflammatory gel, ibuprofen type, if you want a rub. Pain killers/anti inflammatory drugs are good in the acute phase but tend to mask pain and so the dog over does it and may well slow the healing process in the longer term.

Good luck s

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hope ur dogs ok now,a wee tip for u if a dog is limping and you cant see see swelling or it doesnt show signs of pain when u check him over it could be comming from his spine,if front ,straddle over the dog put your thumbs either side of spine between shoulder blades press down a little pressure he,ll let u no,or if legs go down,

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hope ur dogs ok now,a wee tip for u if a dog is limping and you cant see see swelling or it doesnt show signs of pain when u check him over it could be comming from his spine,if front ,straddle over the dog put your thumbs either side of spine between shoulder blades press down a little pressure he,ll let u no,or if legs go down,

cheers for tip mate i will go try it see what she does the only time she limps is if she has a run dont matter if its out in the feild on game or down the shore just running around she is normaly like that for a day then back to normal allthough she is not limping she will not let you bend the wrist still never any swelling that i can notice its puzzeling me between vets and greyhound specialists they have checked her over and dont see anything wrong vet gave medicam told me to rest her for a couple of weeks the gh man said just run her once a week then build it up slowly.

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