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would you hand it in ?

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Shame he didn't leave his keys with it too judging from some of the posts on here, then you could have gone and robbed everything else he owns and maybe had a shit in his bed while you're there, just to really f.uck him up like.

lol ....thats the real world iam affraid A ...me iam with jigsaw on this one ..no question no ifs or buts i would ring the lad up and give it back ....but i would exspect a drink of the lad ....:laugh:

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Give the f****n thing back,why would you even need to ask.Some bloke out there pissed off and you dont know his circumstances,he may be in need of his cash back.I couldnt look at meself in the mirror

It's a shame you've asked.   Without his wallet, cash, cards etc, he might not be able to afford to feed himself or his family.   Like Scothunter, I've found plenty when working the door, if it's

I done work for a doctor , when he paid us he went to the bank got the money , the girl put it in an envelope so he just came back and gave me the envelope , when i counted it £1000 too much in it ,

Definately give it back.


I've lost my wallet a couple of times, unless there's loads of cash in it, it's worse to have lost the cards and other things such as photos of wife and kids which was my case.


Last time it happened the money was still in it and I gave the lad 20 quid, although there was more in it, I think thats fair.


The kids dad had sent him to my door...either to teach the lad that honesty pays or because he thought there was more chance of a reward ;)

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once years back i had a paper round and found a wallet with 40quid and coins, cards, drivers licence ect.. took it to the house and handed it to the bloke, he was over the moon i had handed it back and said he has lost it on the way home from pub the night before, he them checked in side, and looked even more chuffed handed me a 20note and thanked me some more! everyone was happy at the end of the day! hand it back fella! :thumbs:

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Shame he didn't leave his keys with it too judging from some of the posts on here, then you could have gone and robbed everything else he owns and maybe had a shit in his bed while you're there, just to really f.uck him up like.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: you crack me up mate

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whys every1 assuming the wallet owner is a honest worker, could just easily be selling crack or heroin.



very true or it could be a chaps money for fines and he is now in default and looking at prison and his kids going into care.swings and roundabouts mate

doing whats right may not give imediate satisfaction but long term its for the best.

dont get me wrong i have been in the shit financially and may have kept the money,on other occasion i found one and was rewarded well for my honesty,the chap gave me the cash anyhow,and sent a letter to the local paper which was published,this later helped with job search and the like.

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.....January is a hell of a long month before payday....and it would be tempting just to keep the cash and just give him the cards and wallet back....... but it just ain't the right thing to do ...... I would definitely give it all back to him.:thumbs:

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i found a wallet once with all the chaps details in it, a good few hundred cash not to mention gold cards aswell ..

i took it back to him,rid me bike to his place a couple of miles away, knocked on his door and asked if hed lost anything, no i dont think so he said when i told him what id found and alongside which stretch of road then handed it too him he bareley said thanks snatched it from me , checked it was all there and slammed the door in my face...... i was 15 at the time and felt like right c$nt not so much as a bloomin fiver did he give me

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well today i found a wallet with quite a few notes in it, thing is the guys name and address is in it aswell, would you hand it back to him or say f*ck it finders keepers ! thing is i've been looking for some new nets and a new pair of neoprene wellies. what would you do ? a.t.b. sfa

wallet,name address then YES i would hand it in,few notes blowing down the street like i found twenty year ago then pocket it,jmo

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.....January is a hell of a long month before payday....and it would be tempting just to keep the cash and just give him the cards and wallet back....... but it just ain't the right thing to do ...... I would definitely give it all back to him.:thumbs:



thats just bad form,it doesnt encourage honesty at all,i think i would have knocked on his door and reminded him that it would be just polite to offer a reward as you were honest enough to hand it back! hope you shot his windows out with a catty!lol

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Iv done a lot of taxi work in my time and so iv found all sorts of things. Most say thankyou for returning it but there are a lot of arseholes out there.


I was even accused by one girl of knicking her money before handing it back even after i had taken the time to go to her house and knock without an answer twice, put a note through her door and then got a call to meet her at her new address. Now i had been through the purse to try and find a way of contacting her, she had a couple of 5ers, cards, a driving licence still with old address on it and a wrap of either coke or speed. Next time i saw her she got in a different taxi rather than mine and when i asked why she said it was because she had more money in the purse when she lost it than when i gave it back to her. I said if i was gonna do that dont you think i would of taken the other 2 5ers and your drugs too you thick bitch?!


Another purse return and i watched as the prick boyfriend looked through it to make sure i hadnt nicked anything.


Had loads of mobiles over the years. Returned all but one that was out of battery so i couldnt go through contacts. I still asked about though.


Some people are gratefull and give you a drink, sometimes a nice drink, some dont give you a drink but use and recommend you because they know they can trust you,


and a lot are c**ts but its only YOU who has to look in YOUR eyes in the mirror everyday.

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