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would you hand it in ?

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i lost phone once on bus what i borrowed and i got call at work it was the person who found it i was over the moon [bANNED TEXT] found odd tena's u dont know who's they are but just cos skint mate doesnt mean might not be taking his rent or kids food shopping money well choice is urs mate would u want ur wallet bk not many honnest people wouldnt do it :thumbs: out intrest how much was in it

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Give the f****n thing back,why would you even need to ask.Some bloke out there pissed off and you dont know his circumstances,he may be in need of his cash back.I couldnt look at meself in the mirror

It's a shame you've asked.   Without his wallet, cash, cards etc, he might not be able to afford to feed himself or his family.   Like Scothunter, I've found plenty when working the door, if it's

I done work for a doctor , when he paid us he went to the bank got the money , the girl put it in an envelope so he just came back and gave me the envelope , when i counted it £1000 too much in it ,

It's a shame you've asked.


Without his wallet, cash, cards etc, he might not be able to afford to feed himself or his family.


Like Scothunter, I've found plenty when working the door, if it's loose notes it's mine, but a wallet with ID in? No question, straight back.


You're a scumbag if you don't give it back, and I'd hope whatever you bought with the money will bring you no luck at all.


Do the right thing!

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I am classed as a low life poacher but would hand it in streight away like a mobile phone i found [bANNED TEXT] out and about contacted a number on it and returned it same as if i found a lurcher or other working dog i would try to find its owner.

UH ! it's a wallet not a dog !


think he meant he would try and return the property to its rightfull owner.i think you have already made up your mind what your going to do with it.

if i was the rightfull owner i would not have been so lack so daisy ! p.s as for making my mind up only time will tell !

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It's a shame you've asked.


Without his wallet, cash, cards etc, he might not be able to afford to feed himself or his family.


Like Scothunter, I've found plenty when working the door, if it's loose notes it's mine, but a wallet with ID in? No question, straight back.


You're a scumbag if you don't give it back, and I'd hope whatever you bought with the money will bring you no luck at all.


Do the right thing!

well said mate the bloke might have loads coin he might reward u for it but he then might not have loads coin u will never know do the right thing mate or get loads shit on here

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im skint at the minute so im afraid it would be going in my sky rocket :yes:

me to pal not got 2 pennies 2 rub together


Yeah, I'm fecked just now too but there's no way I'd not give it back to someone who I'd got some kind of contact with :blink:


It's little better than mugging the fella, IMO.

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I am classed as a low life poacher but would hand it in streight away like a mobile phone i found [bANNED TEXT] out and about contacted a number on it and returned it same as if i found a lurcher or other working dog i would try to find its owner.

UH ! it's a wallet not a dog !


think he meant he would try and return the property to its rightfull owner.i think you have already made up your mind what your going to do with it.

if i was the rightfull owner i would not have been so lack so daisy ! p.s as for making my mind up only time will tell !


Oh right, so it's the blokes fault he LOST his wallet!!! How do you know he was careless? Maybe he'd just come out of the doctors and been told he has cancer? Accidents happen.


His luck got worse today though eh when you found it.


You sound like a c.unt



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I am classed as a low life poacher but would hand it in streight away like a mobile phone i found [bANNED TEXT] out and about contacted a number on it and returned it same as if i found a lurcher or other working dog i would try to find its owner.

UH ! it's a wallet not a dog !


think he meant he would try and return the property to its rightfull owner.i think you have already made up your mind what your going to do with it.

if i was the rightfull owner i would not have been so lack so daisy ! p.s as for making my mind up only time will tell !

doesnt mean he lacksa daisy u dont know how he lost it as say on here fact just say it ya going to keep it ur mind already made up if found dog would give it bk yes because cannot buy nets welly with it if skint get job buy them
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I am classed as a low life poacher but would hand it in streight away like a mobile phone i found [bANNED TEXT] out and about contacted a number on it and returned it same as if i found a lurcher or other working dog i would try to find its owner.

UH ! it's a wallet not a dog !


think he meant he would try and return the property to its rightfull owner.i think you have already made up your mind what your going to do with it.

if i was the rightfull owner i would not have been so lack so daisy ! p.s as for making my mind up only time will tell !


ridiculous statement.

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Personally i believe in karma and basic "goodness", i'd return it without thinking as in an ideal world i'd like to think someone would do the same for me........


I've been slapped around the chops one too many times to believe in Karma but I agree in what you're saying :thumbs:


Just do the right thing, SFA.........Give it back.

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Personally i believe in karma and basic "goodness", i'd return it without thinking as in an ideal world i'd like to think someone would do the same for me........


I've been slapped around the chops one too many times to believe in Karma but I agree in what you're saying :thumbs:


Just do the right thing, SFA.........Give it back.

if it was years ago he would had that done to him like ur avatar pic reagardless stilll scum if he keeps it

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Personally i believe in karma and basic "goodness", i'd return it without thinking as in an ideal world i'd like to think someone would do the same for me........


I've been slapped around the chops one too many times to believe in Karma but I agree in what you're saying :thumbs:


Just do the right thing, SFA.........Give it back.

if it was years ago he would had that done to him like ur avatar pic reagardless stilll scum if he keeps it



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