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armed police at my door

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Hi people let me just say baby not here yet misiss still in hospital

well after having to leave the misiss there for the night not happy at all.


I get a knock on the door and two armed cops walk in eeeerrrrrrmmmmmm can i help you?????/

because we want too ask you some things

any way they left with my name and make of gun (im not happy)

as thay was going thay said thay was going too the caller to speek too them turns out its the drug deller under my flat

who has a airgun too and sells weed :censored:

hew said that i was shooting buirds out the window ( i wasnt)

not a happy bunny at all.



SO people what do i need to cover my arse as a owner of a air gun I know i dont need a licence

but im now getting one asap and Insurance too

but what else can i get to cover my arse in the long run

I keep it in a slip unloaded under the bed but but do you think i need a gun safe bolted in

iv got a hw77 .22 ( iv looked it up and it says it firers at 12.0ft-lbs) is this true

Im now starting too think i shood sell it and say stuff it all as iv got a baby on the way and do i need the police

banging on my door because of him

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i cant really give advise apart from if they call back be polite and answer what ever they ask. i had them here 3 or 4 weeks ago because some kids had went round one night and popped the lights in the street. and someone in the street called them in the morning and give them my name as they have seen me walking up the street with a gunbag. the cops where ok with me and said not to worry as long as i dont forget the laws on keeping a air rifle, i.e must be kept unloaded and in a case at all times when not on permission .

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they left with my name and make of gun (im not happy)


Why are you not happy?

Thats what you call a result :yes::good:


I know i dont need a licence but im now getting one asap and Insurance too


You will NOT get a license for a sub12 air rifle :no: Because they don't exist!

If the Police thought you had a rifle over the legal limit, they would have siezed your gun.


I doubt they will return.


Like I said you got a result :yes:



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Hi Monkey.


As Phantom has said, you got a result.

Keep your head down, and get that insurance, a letter of permisson would be good too.

Dont be put off by other peoples crap.


I wish you and Mum all the best with your new baby, and hope all goes well for you THREE.

Be sure to let us know if you have a boy or a girl :thumbs:


You wont have time to shoot soon :laugh::laugh::thumbs:








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Same thing happend today to the guy who lives in the flat above me

Strange that :)



All the best with the little one mate now get of the computer and enjoy your last night without being woken up for a while ;)

.atb. .ste.

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get it checked over a chrono..........


they arnt actualy aloud to just walk in...not without some serious reason, but, if you have nothing to hide whats the problem, they have to be civil too so no need to take that shitty young ones bad cop good cop bull, that is soooooooooooo anoying!

point A you havent agresed them

point B you havent done any thing

point three its actually illigal to be provocing violence or being proper shag nasty at folks!



however as you dont actualy know what your doing...sy,, but you dont??? a license? for a sub 12fp...sy but your soley at their mercy there, they could say anything they wanted and you'd be non the wiser.


that and by law its up to you to know whats what.. very techy....


do a google NOW!...


I've lost my web pages sy..


try the met office, deffra, basc, basa...any one and every one and gather the ones they all say and ponder the odds and sods.



basically, if you allow an under 18 to get a hold your gun its your fault and your liable (bar burgulars anf that).


NEVER leave loaded with or without a pellet.. if its cocked its loded even without a pellet in the hole.


if you go any where whith it it needs be in a gun case (unloaded, including a mag being empty and not in the gun, one pellet in the mag any ware and its a loaded gun, and yup even if the mags no where near the gun....they WILL DO YOU INSTANTLY).


You have to be 18 or over to own one...any exscuses you can think will just be laughed at basicaly...they really dont care.


if you go any where to shoot, or to a gun shop etc, you have to go straight there, no calling in shops and mates houses etc... if you put one foot on any property other than public property, like roads and proper paths your trespassing, because your trespassing with an airgun its classed as an illigal fire arm, as in a full bore illigal gun because its used with a crime... the crime of trespassing.... if you have permision it not only has to be the land owner, but he has to own the shooting rights.(and/or be able to actualy legaly give you permish).


theres more....how close you can get to the lands edge... how close from a public highway, the pellet CANT leave the property where you have permision to fire it...etc etc..


if you point any gun, even a plastic toy gun at someone its classed as a fire arm...even if you winge and moan till yu tities drop off lol...as far as the person is concerned you pointed a proper gun at them, they shit it thinking they were dead...was a ten year prison centance probly more now.


cant shoot building...thats another 10 year odd one..


but!! if your all legal, and get offered a 'let off with a caution' refuse it and demand a loyer who specialises in firearms cases, a narmal breif has less of clue than you tbh.....being let off with a caution (gun confiscated) is an admision of guilt... if you were all legal you admitted being illigal................(and they could still take you to court up to 5 years later, well..you did admit it!).


no at the moment you DONT NEED A FIRE ARM SAFE.....but if you want one its your bizness.


do the google search.......



edit in.. theres more...


the wild life and country act forbits killing any animal... thats fact, however, the deffra list of species thats up for the cull(are aloud to be killed) are listed on the deffra web site.. good luck finding them though lol.. they specify what you can use, and when you can kill etc.. you need reason more than its fun, or i'm hungry etc.....its in the defra licences...(the licenses are called 'open licences' you only need to know them, not carry them round, some licences you need to carry, so dowload them, others you need to apply for..)


does any one have the DEFFRA licence list address?

any law pages etc?


think it'd help a few out... before they get done in all inoscence.

Edited by ghillies
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That was a very long winded explanation Ghillies


A few points for clarification though.


DEFRA no longer exists. The General Licences can be found by following the link at the top of the section. There are no 'Open Licences'


Trespassing is NOT a crime, its a civil matter. However if you trespass with a gun it is called "Armed Trespass" and that IS an offence.


The Met Office will only be able to tell you about the weather and sod all about guns or hunting or criminality :whistling:



Edited by Phantom
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sy...metropoloton...ring your local station even, asked for the fire arms department and go through the 'put you onto' him her who ever or heres the number.


better speeking to the guy who issues/allows the FAC certificates.



DEFFRA gone? it's a wander they could find the right page to do it lolol!


long..hmmm the whole thing is a bit longer in it's fullness. quite often the averae bobby or even at the station theyre clueless bar the 'leaflet' of vagueness.


(e.g. years ago it was illigal to shoot on a highway on the leaflet...problem was you could legaly as long as it didnt scare anyone, so a bit sort of subjective to who ever you met..fair do's in the middle of no where is there any need for 14 squod cars ensuring you bag the gun after emptying the mag to take 4 steps to the other feild?)

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