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Rabbits! Rabbits! Rabbits!

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Anyone in the Norfolk vicinity who has some Air rifled or Rimfired Rabbits and they would like to part with them please give me a shout. obviously I would buy them and looking at around 10 Minimum :thumbs:.


Even if you add a few in the freezer until you get in double figures thats no problem.



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Flipping eche Jasper,


If you would have said before last night I could have given you about 30 to 35 rabbits for free mate.


I would have even got them delivered to you by one of my lads who is off that way this weekend.


They for your hawks buddy?


I’m shooting tonight with Davy after I have been to Shays to pick up the new .22 Ultra multishot.


Shame you were a day late buddy,





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Flipping eche Jasper,


If you would have said before last night I could have given you about 30 to 35 rabbits for free mate.


I would have even got them delivered to you by one of my lads who is off that way this weekend.


They for your hawks buddy?


I’m shooting tonight with Davy after I have been to Shays to pick up the new .22 Ultra multishot.


Shame you were a day late buddy,






Its typical mate! just my luck :doh:. Mainly for the hawks and ideal to help keep one of the birds in flying condition. its low nutritonal value means they can eat alot keeping them in condition and not pile on too much weight like with a higher quality diet..


atb Jasper

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  • 3 weeks later...

I live in Norfolk Jasper and you can have what I shoot and don't eat. :thumbs:


Nice one EF :thumbs:. The keeper thankfully popped some round the other week which was handy shot with the Rimmy.


I'm after plenty of Woodies now for the next coming months! either popped with the Air Rifle or downed useing steel shot with the shotgun :thumbs:.


cheers Jasp

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