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Proper,genuine dogmen?

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Men with a genuine love of their hounds and chosen Quarry.

Men who know how to condition their charge to perfection.

Men with Respect for their Hounds, Their Quarry and the Countryside.

Men who know when to say enough is enough.

After all they are flesh and Blood and not Machines.




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Not many around and not to many on here. I know of a few, one has posted above, and has been rather modest. Never have i seen a man venture out as much with his dogs, and runs such a variety of game.

To me the word 'genuine' means everything that Maxhardcore has said but I'd also add, someone who never brags up their catch, who doesn't feel the need to make the 2 hares into 3, or the 15 rabbits i

Proper dogmen are the one's that look good in the field. They wear some real snazzy threads and some fancy shiny shoes.   Like this cat right here.  

great post to read lads and being a former lurcher lad theres a few geniun lurcher men putting there views on and top marks to you for saying honest things and not talking bullshit like some of the wanabee lurcher [boys] that get on this site .all the bragging about how many hares/rabbits etc they catch in an hour just makes me laff real lads just do it and say nowt to no-one

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someone who works there dogs at every given opportunity (not everyone can get out 5/6 nights/days a week)

someone who respects the land they work and also manage the land they hunt(not hammer it to bits of run it out of season)

someone who runs there dogs to the dog limit and not there own.

someone who who treats the dog as a dog not a tool

someone who spends time in bringing a dog on in all aspects of work and recognising the dogs limitations.

someone who dose it because they love to seen a dog work (not because its illegal or they love killing things or they can make a few bob)

someone who who breads there dog because they need to not because they need some cash.

someone who who can handle any situation when the sh*t hits the fan.


and most of all someone who is willing to share there knowledge with the right people other wise what chance dose the dog world have with out the proper dog men/women leading the way.

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Men with a genuine love of their hounds and chosen Quarry.

Men who know how to condition their charge to perfection.

Men with Respect for their Hounds, Their Quarry and the Countryside.

Men who know when to say enough is enough.

After all they are flesh and Blood and not Machines.




how can you agree, :icon_eek: cesar millan.

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It,s really difficult to define ,Personally I don,t think it,s about how good thier dogs are ,or even how much tackle they get , I v met a couple of ,what I consider to be good dog men , over the years and the thing they had in common , was a presence , an aura , call it what you want ,but they had an affinity with thier dogs , a bond , a partnership , and I don,t mean just a well trained dog , but something stronger , as I said it,s really difficult to define , but there is a differance between , a man who likes his dogs and a good dog man . :thumbs:



Bang on


Give me goose pimples that statement.


The dog knows automatically when that person is present.


Other dogs also take to these people in no time.


It must be a gift :thumbs:

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Does a good dogman have to hunt I would think that their are plenty of good "dogmen" who work their charges for different reasons be it guard dogs/sheepdogs etc?

this is the lurcher part of forum,are you a punch drunk keeper :tongue2::tongue2::tongue2:


Aye it is the lurcher section but how does that affect my question which still stands do you have to hunt your dogs to be called a dogman?

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Does a good dogman have to hunt I would think that their are plenty of good "dogmen" who work their charges for different reasons be it guard dogs/sheepdogs etc?

this is the lurcher part of forum,are you a punch drunk keeper :tongue2::tongue2::tongue2:


Aye it is the lurcher section but how does that affect my question which still stands do you have to hunt your dogs to be called a dogman?


No you don't.

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Does a good dogman have to hunt I would think that their are plenty of good "dogmen" who work their charges for different reasons be it guard dogs/sheepdogs etc?

this is the lurcher part of forum,are you a punch drunk keeper :tongue2::tongue2::tongue2:


Aye it is the lurcher section but how does that affect my question which still stands do you have to hunt your dogs to be called a dogman?

on a hunting lurcher forum :doh: ....the clue is in the letters you clicked on at the top of the page :doh: go ask the shooters you fight for :doh::feck:

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What I ment to say is DOGS not dog ,in the sence of keeping a line / strain, breed at a high level.

But after reading what you wrote I dont agree, Cully,Teddy myself off the top of my head have all kept multiple breeds well over the 1-2 year mark at a high level.



Well then like you always say, go do it on the greyhound or race horse track there Mr. High Level. :thumbs:


And dont start this shit about it being two different things cuz you know it aint. High level is high level no matter what game you are playing. You cannot consider young, dumb and lucky or old and washed up "high level". Cant wait til the day somebody shows me high level for more than two years with any dog of any breed.

Well let me put it to you this way Captain Fat Ass from Dywight it isnt two differnt things. I'll show you 1000s of GHs that ran over the years on the top track at a B, BB, A, AA in USA. {leave horse out this about dogs}And you dont think Cully and Teddy who were right off the top of my head dont have dogs at 3 plus years that preform at a high level??? your a crazy sour mutha flunker, must be friday. Another thing who you calling"dumb,lucky or old and washed up" the 3 of us will fly to Chicago and pull you apart like a pack of wild dogs on a kitten, you warm beer soaked peice of wonder bread.Yeah and another thing stop with this "show me" "show me" chit pussy why dont you show me somthing like a dog you bred off your yard thats worth feeding fec face cuzt. :toast: Im the best!

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What about Scratch? feck how old was he when you gave him to me? That week down in Sumner he was at a high level imo how old was he then idiot :hmm: Can you feel my balls bouncing of your fat white american ass now? I can. :bye::feck:

Edited by STUNTMAN
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