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burnign the koran

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Not a chance mate , they where burning the British Flag WEEKLY down Finsbury park way , the police where there alright...... PROTECTING THEM !

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“Police have seized the remains of the book and a 32-year-old male has been arrested on suspicion of using racially aggravated threatening words or behaviour.




cheeky bent paki loving c**ts ffs.


seen a bnp video the other day of a load of muslim extremists shouting death to british people, death to europe and all that bolaks with microphones in cardiff, the police were just stood there doing fuk all a guy complained and all the police said was its been noted. in other words they aint guna do fuk all. emagine twenty white british people shouting death to all pakis or whateva theyd be fukin arrested immediatly :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored:

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according to reporrts,i would not worry about griffin and his send me cash anymore its all gone tits up with them.dont know if its 100 percent at the minute but if it is then looking like griffins had is day and lost everything.



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