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b*****d Anties

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RSPCA bunch of idiots don't let them in they have no rights whatsoever unless you invite them into your property or they are with the plod.



even if the RSPCA are with the police they still do not have any power or right to see your dogs, kennels etc. the only time they do is if the police hold a warrant and the specific RSPCA's officer,s name is on that warrant. otherwise they have to wait off the property for the police to inspect. worse thing to do is invite them in, once you have they can then remove your dogs for any reason. try getting them back then

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people like these p*** me right off ,they havent got nothing better to do then stick their big noses in other peoples buisness . i think if the rspca come around to you and your animals are ill treated then the person who reported you can stay annominous, but if your animals are fine then you should have the right to know who they are so you can go around there and shove the rspca report up their f*****G noses. :censored:

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Feel sorry for you mate used to live next door to one,they reported me to every f ker who would listen best part about it was they soon get pissed of with coming to hoax calls and then you can get on with the real stuff,one of the neighbours used to take in cats who quite frequently would have twenty in acouncil house the used to roam through my garden sticking to the wall at the back of the kennels driving my lurchers nuts,decided to make outside run for my ferrets ,cat tried to catch one of the younger ferrets one day by leaping down on to the top of the run ,my beddlington whippet was there to meet it I took it back to the neighbour in a Tesco bag ,RSPCA Visit proceeded with the police to inspect my fence which was twelve feet high.As I said tell her to keep the cats in her garden by installing a twelve feet fence as I was really traumatised by the sight of my dog killing this cut and my dog might have caught fleas.



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