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Got a email from a holiday park about 4 miles from me tonight.....they want me to sort a rabbit issue for them :thumbs: .......looks like it's going to be needed to be done before season starts........that will give me roughly 6 weeks to hit em hard......going to go have a look on fri or sat will keep you posted guys

Edited by StevoSmith
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Had a good chat with owner today on phone and his concerns are genuine....at the moment the holiday park is in closed season so would idealy like to have them sorted before it opens.....He explained to me that they have always had quite alot of rabbits but this winter the local council made a cycle path next to site and put up rabbit proof fencing to stop them undermining the raised path......this has now made things ten times worse for site owner as now the rabbits that were evicted from land where they made path ended up on his land...and what with the new fence they cannot spread out into countryside so you can imagine the ammount he has on his land now....and what with the spring comming up the numbers will explode and he will end up with a plauge of the critters. He also has concerns about the caravans but i did make my point clear that i am insured and would not take the shot without first making sure that behind them is clear...he was very happy with this. So tomoz im going to check the site out....take a pad,paper and camera draw a rough map of site...warren locations.....place's for cover..and rabbit runs and caravan/warren locations compared to eachother before i even take a shot.....it may be i will have to get tus from this site to bring his ferrets in on the job if there are hundreds of them.I will post pic's details and rabbit numbers when i get back tomoz.

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Ok went for a scout and they must have loads of bugs the lawns were dug up and rabbit cr@p everywhere took photo of few warrens and run carnt understand why i carnt upload some ov em but here is what i managed to get.......Erm i just realised why i carnt upload pics i didnt have enough room on memory card lol only saved 4 :icon_redface:


Me before leaving thismorning :thumbs:


warren 1


warren 2


warren 3




I seen about 15-20 rabbits also today and working on the assumption that you only see about 10% of the population it give you a rough idea of rabbit population...im going the for another scout about thisevening with tus from this site to see what we can see and maybe pop a few off pic's to follow

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