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I would like to add my two bits. The stag hoounds I have are derived from deer hounds imported by a fellow about 100 years ago. He imported 2 and a greyhound. He hunted coyotes and bred the good ones. He and his family until recently never bred out. The dogs were getting to small so they got a couple of track grey hounds to breed into them. The one bitch I have from this line wont run a rabbit or hare yet but has killed coyotes. she is about a year now. I have a cross grey pup crossed with a exracer , He is very imature at elleven months and is only running hard when playing with other dogs. the bitch was killing at that age. there mothers were sisters and both good coyote hounds. the grey hound that sired him was a great kill dog single handed caught lots of coyotes. My freind has a litter mate to my bitch and he is killing coyotes with the team. So I think that it is all in the line of dogs used in the cross some mature slower than others. As for running to early if they want to go let them go, just in moderation, can't wreck a good one. I do not baby my dogs they live in a barn get fed and watered lots and ran once a day unless hunted then no run the day before. I have about 7 coyote hounds and do not have many issues with feet legs and such or bones and joints. I have let them run when they wanted to and leave the younger ones loose in the barn together until they start to get keen on hunting then they are tyed up. I have seen them play really hard and do not see any ill effects, the odd bite mark or scratch. But I will say that if you hunt bigger game you can hurt a dogs drive if he is over matched or hurt by his opponant. So my young dogs I try and always have back up untill they are screamming keen then a few knocks just keeps them thinking. I find The stag hounds are brillant and biddable compared to the dogs with more than 3/4 grey in them at least mine are.


thanks for the post rock..nice one

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Here's my 3/4 greyhound 1/4 deerhound bitch. She's a litter sister to Nightwalkers bitch. 28". As people have already said, she was about two until she started to work properly but when the penny dropped, boy did it drop. She's taken a few rabbits, although it's obviously not her forte. She's had a few hares (pre-ban of course) but by chr@st, does she hate foxes!? Not had much chance to try her on deer, although she ran a couple pre-ban.

She's got the most amazing nature, not too keen on strangers (never a bad thing), gentle, she has a helluva habit of licking my head when I shave it, guess it tickles her tongue or something (it's kinda hard to shift a 75lb dog when it really wants to lick yer dome - believe me. lol)

She's also EXTREMELY protective of my baby daughter, in fact she positively will not allow anyone except me or Mrs Misty to touch her when she's in her pram. She will stand for ages, looking into the pram, wagging her tail, twisting her head as Gina 'talks' to her.

As has been said by others, I will always have a deerhound cross now. They just 'do it' for me.








Oh, and she was sooo cute as a pup too... ;)




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to me keeping a big lump of adog for hares rabbits the odd roe ,well isnt sense i like my lurchers to be 26 to 27 ,and had the oddd good one at 25 , 29 or 30 inch dogs you would need space etc ,i had deerhound crosses 20 odd years ago and would have them again . but theyll have to go some to beat my colli line or saluks even tho in new mexico th e staghound are deerhoundyband thye are the best for coyote hunting ,if i lived up north of scotland and had limitless moors i would have one again all the best for bigger deer etc

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this is the only picture i can put up the rest are to big, and i dont know how to shrink them.

hes deerhound x greyhound / beardie x greyhound 29" game as any bull cross, jumps anything, and is as fast as fook, as for big dogs not being able to catch rabbits well he does alright. major set back is he cant be trusted with livestock (my fault) and has more than once grabbed small dogs, once was mistaken identity, but when he got hold he still wouldnt let go, digs rats out of holes, and once found a litter of feral kittens in a rubbish pile, so hes got a cracker nose, loves water and will take ducks and other water side wildlife on the lamp, wouldnt swap him for nowt

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this is the only picture i can put up the rest are to big, and i dont know how to shrink them.

hes deerhound x greyhound / beardie x greyhound 29" game as any bull cross, jumps anything, and is as fast as fook, as for big dogs not being able to catch rabbits well he does alright. major set back is he cant be trusted with livestock (my fault) and has more than once grabbed small dogs, once was mistaken identity, but when he got hold he still wouldnt let go, digs rats out of holes, and once found a litter of feral kittens in a rubbish pile, so hes got a cracker nose, loves water and will take ducks and other water side wildlife on the lamp, wouldnt swap him for nowt

a dog that cant be trusted with livestock aint worth a wank

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to me keeping a big lump of adog for hares rabbits the odd roe ,well isnt sense i like my lurchers to be 26 to 27 ,and had the oddd good one at 25 , 29 or 30 inch dogs you would need space etc ,i had deerhound crosses 20 odd years ago and would have them again . but theyll have to go some to beat my colli line or saluks even tho in new mexico th e staghound are deerhoundyband thye are the best for coyote hunting ,if i lived up north of scotland and had limitless moors i would have one again all the best for bigger deer etc


some cracking dogs lads im well impressed,,keep the pics comin....

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Guest whitser

lad i dig with has two deer hound x's. they both take all quarry. they will also draw. the dog is a bit too big for rabbits and hares and is turned easily but he takes foxes like rats. i'll try and get some pics up on the forum.

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this is the only picture i can put up the rest are to big, and i dont know how to shrink them.

hes deerhound x greyhound / beardie x greyhound 29" game as any bull cross, jumps anything, and is as fast as fook, as for big dogs not being able to catch rabbits well he does alright. major set back is he cant be trusted with livestock (my fault) and has more than once grabbed small dogs, once was mistaken identity, but when he got hold he still wouldnt let go, digs rats out of holes, and once found a litter of feral kittens in a rubbish pile, so hes got a cracker nose, loves water and will take ducks and other water side wildlife on the lamp, wouldnt swap him for nowt



lad i dig with has two deer hound x's. they both take all quarry. they will also draw. the dog is a bit too big for rabbits and hares and is turned easily but he takes foxes like rats. i'll try and get some pics up on the forum.


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