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Drug Testing At Work

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alright mate,i do elctric digging work hit anything and get tested and also have random tests but on are firm plant hire company or whoever has signed in can be asked to take 1 i think ,which hire company does he work for rob ,carillion is who i work for

thats who finished me they were mcalpines before

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The Urine test (This was written by an oil rig worker in the North Sea - What he says makes a lot of sense!)   I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees

right mate what you need is some rhino horn and elephant tusk and some white vinegar mix it all up and suck it up with a 10ml Syringe   now squirt it up your japs eye the morning before you take

hi mate,the lad i know doesn't want me to say which company he works for but its not carillion although a lot of electricity supply companies and other types of companys like them use this plant regul

alright mate,i do elctric digging work hit anything and get tested and also have random tests but on are firm plant hire company or whoever has signed in can be asked to take 1 i think ,which hire company does he work for rob ,carillion is who i work for

hi mate,the lad i know doesn't want me to say which company he works for but its not carillion although a lot of electricity supply companies and other types of companys like them use this plant regular :thumbs:

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I work for one of those Electricity companies, and we have random testing. Both drugs and alcohol. Don't know anyone who has been tested, and never heard of anyone been given the shove either. It's only going to get worse i'm afraid, soon wont be able to fart indoors.


Just had a guy at work get a 6,000v belt and live to tell the tail, so the sh*ts gonna hit the fan over that. I wonder if has been tested ??


I suppose the "stock" answer from the companies will be the "If you've done nothing wrong, then you've got nothing to worry about" sh*t.

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network rail always do random D&A tests anyone who has ever worked on the railways will know this, plenty of lads who dont smoke anything piss in balloons and give them to lads who use weed,so if they get tested they just get the warm piss from the balloon into the tester...


only way to get away from getting sacked

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  • 8 months later...

Born Hunter im hoping your still about, Im due start work at carillion and have given up smoking weed but if they take a hair or blood sample i wont pass becuase of how long it stays in the system! iv got some piss tests off the internet which i failed at first but given up for just over a month now and i pass them every time i do one! so not botherd about a piss test but still shiting myself because i dont know how they will test... any idears??? have you been tested??? i dont smoke anymore and really want this job so any help would be greatfull.

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Why give him leeway on anything. Why should he be allowed to take drugs and operate machinery of any kind ?. I would fire him in a minute if he worked for me. Can you imagine him putting peoples lifes at risk on sites whilst he swans around on his machines. Plain and simple pal, get off the drugs.

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The Urine test (This was written by an oil rig worker in the North Sea - What he says makes a lot of sense!)


I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit.

In order to earn that pay cheque, I work on a rig for a drilling contractor.

I am required to pass a random urine test for drugs and alcohol, with which I have no problem.

... ...

What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test.

Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a benefits cheque because I have to pass one to EARN IT for them?


Please understand that I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet.

I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sit on their arse drinking beer and smoking dope.


Could you imagine how much money the government would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a benefit cheque?

Edited by MOO
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i failed a urine test said i had taken cocaine , started an argument with tester my argument was that i was 42 ,married with three kids 17 stone and way to boring to do any drugs . any way he asked what painkillers i had taken turned out that it was codeine . still never got job apparantly its not the done thing to threaten to make testers drink samples .crap job anyway . by the way if you tell them about codeine when they test you , you get suspended on pay while it goes away so long as thats all you have on you

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Hate to sound boring but random drugs testing it's a modern day occurrence, so if you want a job or to keep it the only way is to not take the drugs if they do random drugs testing. Let's face it would you want to be working next to someone operating heavy plant that's not 100%? Also if you lost your job due to a failed D/T what's the chances of getting another...?

There isn't a way of beating it they can tell if you've had some in the last 28 days and the H&S guy told me they can tell if it was passive or not so the old "I went to a party and come to think of it there was a funny smell" won't wash with them.


I would however be seriously pis**d off to fail a D/T for prescribed medication that is just wrong.

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Why give him leeway on anything. Why should he be allowed to take drugs and operate machinery of any kind ?. I would fire him in a minute if he worked for me. Can you imagine him putting peoples lifes at risk on sites whilst he swans around on his machines. Plain and simple pal, get off the drugs.

my thoughts exactly :thumbs:

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Hears one for you to remember last year i was working on a blue book site and was pulled in on a random drug test :icon_redface: no problem i thought wrong :cry:


right sir before your test we would like to give you the opportunity to tell us if you have taken anything that you feel may affect this test or if you are on any

medication that we should know about


:hmm: :hmm: i don't no weather this will affect you results but as i have a stinking cold i have taken one dose of beechams day nurse non drowsy

thank you for telling us this should not be a problem


:icon_eek: well guess what it is i failed the test i offered to get the bottle of day nurse from the car NO SIR WE HAVE CALLED SECURITY AND YOU WILL BE

ESCOURTED OF SITE and will not be allowed to return until the lab returns there findings :icon_eek: :icon_eek:


before i leave let me tell you something i have never taken drugs in my life ( i know i am a sad b*****d ) someone will have to pay for any time i loose

anyway after 7 days they failed to prove i had taken drugs and yes i was paid


during my time off and to make sure of my facts before blowing my stack i went to my doctors and explained the situation to him :icon_redface:

he informed me that a number of over the counter cold remedies could cause positive drug test and the only things he would prescribe while on a blue book site

was paracetamol


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Beat a drugs test by putting a bit of fluff or spit in it and stir. Depends how much you want it if you feel like stirring your own piss. Contaminated sample so they won't test it. I don't take drugs but that's how to beat it

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it would shock you the amount of people walking around a building site stoned.


I know that's all well and good until some poor fecker ends up not going home to his family cause some kid wanted to stay up and get wasted all night.

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