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Wee Problem?

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Do you mean you want to replace a rifle with one of the same calibre that you already possess Callum? if so then you simply apply for a 'one for one' variation, which is usually straightforward and in my experience comes through pretty quickly as all the relevant checks have already been done, and it's free.

If you're after an extra rifle, even if it's of the same calibre, then it's a bit different but provided that you demonstrate a need for requiring it (and if it's a different calibre, that you have suitable land over which to use it) then you should still be ok. I would suggest just speaking with your licensing office, tell them what you're after and see what they say, as it's obvious from what's posted on here that things vary slightly from force to force.

Hope this is some help,




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Do you mean you want to replace a rifle with one of the same calibre that you already possess Callum? if so then you simply apply for a 'one for one' variation, which is usually straightforward and in my experience comes through pretty quickly as all the relevant checks have already been done, and it's free.

If you're after an extra rifle, even if it's of the same calibre, then it's a bit different but provided that you demonstrate a need for requiring it (and if it's a different calibre, that you have suitable land over which to use it) then you should still be ok. I would suggest just speaking with your licensing office, tell them what you're after and see what they say, as it's obvious from what's posted on here that things vary slightly from force to force.

Hope this is some help,





No mate

I really really want this rifle l found on the internet which is pretty rare and at a pretty good price. It is in .270 Winchester

and my largest calibre to date is the .223 Winchester. I spoke to the woman in the firearms dept yesterday and it was like hitting a brick wall. She said the variation would take 2 months minimum, the feo would have to come round as it was a substantial increase in calibre which isn't a problem and that l would have to get letters of permission from at least one deer stalking estate as l stated to her on the phone that l wanted this calibre for deer stalking.


Before anyone says it l was planning getting a variation anyway to add a deer calibre to it (not just for this gun) but my dilemma is should l buy the gun and hope for the variation to be accepted or possibly ask the seller if he would accept a deposit of some sort?


cheers Callum



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If you want the rifle and you are going stalking then go for it ! If you get the permission the police have no grounds for refusal.

I would talk to your RFD and arrange him to store it, But you might have to pay for the rifle and your RFD will be it's keeper.


Good Luck !

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If you want the rifle and you are going stalking then go for it ! If you get the permission the police have no grounds for refusal.

I would talk to your RFD and arrange him to store it, But you might have to pay for the rifle and your RFD will be it's keeper.


Good Luck !



I've since spoken about this to my rfd as l was placing an order with him and he said it would be pretty difficult getting a permission letter even stating paid stalks! I also spoke to the head keeper of one of the estates on the island and he said to me that he could not give me the letter either as he stated he did not have the authority and he doubted the owner would give me a permission letter either as the owner is a very private man. He was helpful in that he gave me 4 or 5 names to try to get in touch with but no contact number to phone unfortunately.


On the plus side my rfd said that l should just go ahead with the variation and forget the permission letters from the estates and specify on the form stalking by invitation, zeroing and paid stalks. He also told me to send a covering letter stating that l am going to go for my dsc 1 in the summer as well and he reckons that there should be no reason for refusing me on this



I also have 2 to 3 miles sq of land as well but unfortunately no deer go on it but the village clerk has given me permission to shoot on it so l can state this land as well on my variation as well as a permission slip covering me.


thanks for the reply Callum



Edited by mangy1983
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If you want the rifle and you are going stalking then go for it ! If you get the permission the police have no grounds for refusal.

I would talk to your RFD and arrange him to store it, But you might have to pay for the rifle and your RFD will be it's keeper.


Good Luck !



I've since spoken about this to my rfd as l was placing an order with him and he said it would be pretty difficult getting a permission letter even stating paid stalks! I also spoke to the head keeper of one of the estates on the island and he said to me that he could not give me the letter either as he stated he did not have the authority and he doubted the owner would give me a permission letter either as the owner is a very private man. He was helpful in that he gave me 4 or 5 names to try to get in touch with but no contact number to phone unfortunately.


On the plus side my rfd said that l should just go ahead with the variation and forget the permission letters from the estates and specify on the form stalking by invitation, zeroing and paid stalks. He also told me to send a covering letter stating that l am going to go for my dsc 1 in the summer as well and he reckons that there should be no reason for refusing me on this



I also have 2 to 3 miles sq of land as well but unfortunately no deer go on it but the village clerk has given me permission to shoot on it so l can state this land as well on my variation as well as a permission slip covering me.


thanks for the reply Callum




Sounds promising. Good luck.

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