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Daytime and Nighttime. . .

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Interesing post, mine ferret, mooch and lamp because i do. They know the difference and what is expected of them depending on what we are doing. Although they do both one is by far the better ferreter while the other is better on the lamp. Bushing wise they work very well although only one will enter cover, thats not a bad thing though as i have a terrier for that and want the lurchers on the outside ready, not stuck inside the bush, when something flushes. I wouldnt like to be restricted in my hunting by only having specalist dogs, what would happen if your lamping dog is laid up and its the perfect night? Do you stay at home because you dont want to use your daytime or ferreting dog?



You got what i was asking / saying - cheers mate. What do you think makes one a better ferreter and the other better on the lamp? You reckon this is down to what you have put into them, the time you have given each dog on each discipline or is it a natural thing?

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everthing but the cover bit,the terriers have allways done that if something runs in then that a different matter

So WHY exactly do people get pissed off? Cos what pisses a lot of people off is people jumping on threads and being flippant and agressive for no reason? What you say is foolish - for example a lurche

My little beddy/whippet/grey, will hunt up in the day time using his nose, and equally work the lamp at night. . . . he's exceptionally obedient both day and night, returning as soon as the lamp is o

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I always find it takes2 or 3 seasons to get a dog competent at different aspects of daylight hunting,the same dog will be lamping to a decent standard after 2 or 3 sessions.My dogs work both,i prefer daylight hunting and lamp to bag up on bunnys plus whatever is chased at night is more discreet.An intelligent bred dog soon learns to adjust to different scenarios.

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mate no favours i walk the walk and thtas about it , it does take 2 or 3 seasons to get a good alrounder localy thats what ive always tried to get thats why we bred the good coursing saluks to collie types cause when you cant run cause the grounds hard, moons out ,you can hunt bolt rabbs and have a go , it takes abit longer to get them tuned in i start my pups at 4 moons old let them see bolted rabbs on leash let them get the drift then let them see its no big deal , and come sep when its ready to go he clicks in a bit quicker

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mate if people going ask silly questions at times well they deserve all they get whats the best cross 2whats the best colour can awhite dog be seen ,people only get what they deserve at times ,when we learned about hunting it was by trail and error and our peers not some comp best lamp beast dog beast coulor ,best allrounder , feching joke u never get real depth of knowledge on these sites as its a joke , whats the ddepest whole you have dug for your ferret etc , no wonder book writers can sell books to most of the divis cant see in front of them lol

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mate if people going ask silly questions at times well they deserve all they get whats the best cross 2whats the best colour can awhite dog be seen ,people only get what they deserve at times ,when we learned about hunting it was by trail and error and our peers not some comp best lamp beast dog beast coulor ,best allrounder , feching joke u never get real depth of knowledge on these sites as its a joke , whats the ddepest whole you have dug for your ferret etc , no wonder book writers can sell books to most of the divis cant see in front of them lol



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its true thats the sad bit guys asking what age to start pup etc its a sad fact single handed in 8 years on comp i could count on one hand what ive gleaned knowledge wise ,some eejit put up what weight is adog bull cross , what do you think people are houdini then you get some twat white dogs no good ,whats the best dog , what heights the best dog or you see some ill bred mongrel and they all put up nice dog were i would be giving the guy his money back for breeding a bad dog ,not very often i have a rant but there classs

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its true thats the sad bit guys asking what age to start pup etc its a sad fact single handed in 8 years on comp i could count on one hand what ive gleaned knowledge wise ,some eejit put up what weight is adog bull cross , what do you think people are houdini then you get some twat white dogs no good ,whats the best dog , what heights the best dog or you see some ill bred mongrel and they all put up nice dog were i would be giving the guy his money back for breeding a bad dog ,not very often i have a rant but there classs

Feck me Matthew 2 great posts and your english is improving :laugh::thumbs:

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its true thats the worst thing ,you hear nothing of feild knowledge or sucsses stories its always some halfwit wanting something for nothing training tips , trying to get hard one expierence for nowt ,my dogs starting to bark on a chase its not retreiving its not coming back its chewing its qaury ,find it hard to get round them sometimes ,gave my nephew a couple of pups there doing fine hees learned the hard way ,ive not interfeared to much with them ,here they dont want to try and get on with it expect hard gained knowledge for nowt i should write a book the hunting life and have asection on questions put on here be a laugh

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its true thats the worst thing ,you hear nothing of feild knowledge or sucsses stories its always some halfwit wanting something for nothing training tips , trying to get hard one expierence for nowt ,my dogs starting to bark on a chase its not retreiving its not coming back its chewing its qaury ,find it hard to get round them sometimes ,gave my nephew a couple of pups there doing fine hees learned the hard way ,ive not interfeared to much with them ,here they dont want to try and get on with it expect hard gained knowledge for nowt i should write a book the hunting life and have asection on questions put on here be a laugh



F*ck the book mate, just carry on here. . :laugh::laugh: The thing is if people read what your sayin CAREFULLY they will realise it makes sense. An will probly end up with a red face :icon_redface: . . You cant beat the TRUTH keep at it Whin..



All the best SHanded. . :thumbs:

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What you say usually makes sense whin, its just usually somewhat off topic. But that last lot made me smile. . . . very very true. All i was trying to ask was has anyone noticed a dog that has a natural 'lean' toward a certain pursuit, regardless of time focused on that pursuit. I.e - is it totally down to what you work on with the dog or do some dogs, like some people just have a natural talent toward one type of hunting? Not such a stupid, pointless or out of order question is it?



One last thing - if you learn nothing from this site, it's full of morons, they aint funny and it annoys you etc. . . . . how come you spend so many hours on here?

Edited by Ideation
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Interesing post, mine ferret, mooch and lamp because i do. They know the difference and what is expected of them depending on what we are doing. Although they do both one is by far the better ferreter while the other is better on the lamp. Bushing wise they work very well although only one will enter cover, thats not a bad thing though as i have a terrier for that and want the lurchers on the outside ready, not stuck inside the bush, when something flushes. I wouldnt like to be restricted in my hunting by only having specalist dogs, what would happen if your lamping dog is laid up and its the perfect night? Do you stay at home because you dont want to use your daytime or ferreting dog?



You got what i was asking / saying - cheers mate. What do you think makes one a better ferreter and the other better on the lamp? You reckon this is down to what you have put into them, the time you have given each dog on each discipline or is it a natural thing?


Parker is a better ferreter because hes got a natural intensity and unending patience. He never gets bored and will watch, listen and mark where he thinks a bolt will come from. Alot of the time he is right and, unless we're purse netting which is unusual, he regularly catches as they bolt before they ever get to the nets. He is a small dog and has very fast acceleration which helps while ferreting. He is just as keen on lamping but he isnt that fast for a lurcher so he has to work alot harder for his catches.


Tyla is a much faster dog and is better on the lamp because of it, although, as some of you know, her speed does mean she picks up alot more injuries than i would like. She catches bolters well while ferreting but lacks the intensity and concerntration that Parker shows. Overall she is a better catch dog both day and night but its Parker i take when going for a days ferreting. She has had alot of time off due to injury so hasnt had as much work put in front of her.


They both work very well while bushing but dont enter cover as we work with a pack of terriers who have the bushes covered. I dont think there is any reason why lurchers cannot do all of the usual jobs without having to specialise. My dogs are not world beaters, infact they both have their faults but they keep me happy!

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Interesing post, mine ferret, mooch and lamp because i do. They know the difference and what is expected of them depending on what we are doing. Although they do both one is by far the better ferreter while the other is better on the lamp. Bushing wise they work very well although only one will enter cover, thats not a bad thing though as i have a terrier for that and want the lurchers on the outside ready, not stuck inside the bush, when something flushes. I wouldnt like to be restricted in my hunting by only having specalist dogs, what would happen if your lamping dog is laid up and its the perfect night? Do you stay at home because you dont want to use your daytime or ferreting dog?



You got what i was asking / saying - cheers mate. What do you think makes one a better ferreter and the other better on the lamp? You reckon this is down to what you have put into them, the time you have given each dog on each discipline or is it a natural thing?


Parker is a better ferreter because hes got a natural intensity and unending patience. He never gets bored and will watch, listen and mark where he thinks a bolt will come from. Alot of the time he is right and, unless we're purse netting which is unusual, he regularly catches as they bolt before they ever get to the nets. He is a small dog and has very fast acceleration which helps while ferreting. He is just as keen on lamping but he isnt that fast for a lurcher so he has to work alot harder for his catches.


Tyla is a much faster dog and is better on the lamp because of it, although, as some of you know, her speed does mean she picks up alot more injuries than i would like. She catches bolters well while ferreting but lacks the intensity and concerntration that Parker shows. Overall she is a better catch dog both day and night but its Parker i take when going for a days ferreting. She has had alot of time off due to injury so hasnt had as much work put in front of her.


They both work very well while bushing but dont enter cover as we work with a pack of terriers who have the bushes covered. I dont think there is any reason why lurchers cannot do all of the usual jobs without having to specialise. My dogs are not world beaters, infact they both have their faults but they keep me happy!


So would you say that it is more a physical thing? Or does the dogs mental make up play an equal part - such as parker with the ferreting? (I know folk think i'm asking stupid questions but there is a point haha)

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Interesing post, mine ferret, mooch and lamp because i do. They know the difference and what is expected of them depending on what we are doing. Although they do both one is by far the better ferreter while the other is better on the lamp. Bushing wise they work very well although only one will enter cover, thats not a bad thing though as i have a terrier for that and want the lurchers on the outside ready, not stuck inside the bush, when something flushes. I wouldnt like to be restricted in my hunting by only having specalist dogs, what would happen if your lamping dog is laid up and its the perfect night? Do you stay at home because you dont want to use your daytime or ferreting dog?



You got what i was asking / saying - cheers mate. What do you think makes one a better ferreter and the other better on the lamp? You reckon this is down to what you have put into them, the time you have given each dog on each discipline or is it a natural thing?


Parker is a better ferreter because hes got a natural intensity and unending patience. He never gets bored and will watch, listen and mark where he thinks a bolt will come from. Alot of the time he is right and, unless we're purse netting which is unusual, he regularly catches as they bolt before they ever get to the nets. He is a small dog and has very fast acceleration which helps while ferreting. He is just as keen on lamping but he isnt that fast for a lurcher so he has to work alot harder for his catches.


Tyla is a much faster dog and is better on the lamp because of it, although, as some of you know, her speed does mean she picks up alot more injuries than i would like. She catches bolters well while ferreting but lacks the intensity and concerntration that Parker shows. Overall she is a better catch dog both day and night but its Parker i take when going for a days ferreting. She has had alot of time off due to injury so hasnt had as much work put in front of her.


They both work very well while bushing but dont enter cover as we work with a pack of terriers who have the bushes covered. I dont think there is any reason why lurchers cannot do all of the usual jobs without having to specialise. My dogs are not world beaters, infact they both have their faults but they keep me happy!


So would you say that it is more a physical thing? Or does the dogs mental make up play an equal part - such as parker with the ferreting? (I know folk think i'm asking stupid questions but there is a point haha)


I think alot of it is mental. When we got Parker we were told, on here, that he would be too slow for rabbits and too small for anything else. Turned out to be totally untrue. As i said before, he isnt the fastest lurcher but his drive means that he overcomes that and sometimes catches by pure refusal to give up. That and the total focus he shows when ferreting is all mental. Tyla iks physically a faster and stronger dog and can make it look easy sometimes but she lacks the mental focus hes got.


I dont think i've really answered your question, just rambled on about my dogs. To be honest i think all dogs are individuals and you have to know their strengths and weaknesses and work them to their best advantage.

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My little beddy/whippet/grey, will hunt up in the day time using his nose, and equally work the lamp at night. . . . he's exceptionally obedient both day and night, returning as soon as the lamp is off and maintaining an excellent recall daytime ........... I would like to say its because i spent hours and hours training him, truth is he was just born a good dog. What i would describe as a natural hunter, he will never break any records, but has enough heart to please me day in day out. I also think growing up in the countryside helps encourage a dogs natural hunting ability, seeing game flushed every day from 7 weeks IMO is the reason this little dog is as steady as he is.


The dog doesn't get lamped very often, mainly because i don't always have time, when he does his catch rate is acceptable and normally i find if i do 3/4 nights close together its like he sharpens up and by the forth night will be much more successful, the first time out being a poor show normally. Day time he is just very naturally tuned into whats around him, i would put money on his nose, most days he will work the cover with the terrier and catch rabbits, he has run bigger rabbits . . . and although small and lacking in pace over a long slip, will power up to them and can stick well, again catching more than i expect. he isn't a coursing dog by any stretch, but its that ability to walk into an enourmous field with his nose in the air, stop, sniff, and then quarter the entire field until he kinds his reward. This has never been taught, its what i would describe as instinct and i guess allowing him the free rein to do it. The dog never ceases to amaze me with his independant and often sly hunting abilities, he also has a very high estimation of his capabilities in terms of takeable quarry ...................... Yet again, has the ability to be an extremely useful little tool with say perhaps a bigger lurcher as well.


He will happily spend a day ferreting and is again steady and honest in his work.


Spider is an excellent companion hunter, he would feed a family if needed and yet you never seem to know he's there in terms of ease! I would suspect that if he was to be taken lamping more often he would be a much better little rabbit dog, more accurate and sharper at turning. Day time he is out most days for 2/3 hours in open countryside, so is very familiar with what there is to run and where it likes to hide. Repetition and practice playing a big part i should imagine. :thumbs:





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mine is almost there day and night etc etc and she,s started to point her mark on birds like a propper little german pointer.looks great when its a lurcher ... I'm hoping she keeps this one up just for my own amusement.

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