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best lamp

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  On 19/01/2011 at 00:12, graham4877 said:
  On 18/01/2011 at 23:29, taurasmark said:

I bought one of these from China Torch


It's a HID Xenon 35w with a Lithium Polymer battery.


Good points.


1. The beam is incredible!

2. I've never struggled to see anything!

2. Not as heavy as carrying lead batteries around with you.

4. Can hide it easy, no wires to mess about with.

5. Made from military grade aluminium.

4. Lasts over an hour.

5. Beam can be adjusted.

6. You can pretend to be Jedi Knight, provided you make the correct sound effects!


Bad points.


1. It came with no instuctions.

2. Bulb takes about 8 sec's to warm (not sure if this is the bulb or the torch, maybe someone could enlighten me??)

3. On/Off button is at the opposite side of the bulb, right at the back. It can be a bit awkward.


My advice would be to seek a HID torch that has a quick firing time, comes with Lithium batteries and a variable power setting...

how far/long is the beam????


Apparently 1000m

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  • 2 months later...
  On 19/01/2011 at 01:47, paulsmithy83 said:
  On 18/01/2011 at 23:08, rocky1 said:

blitz 12v 22amp .get 2 night lamping :thumbs:

No point with the 22amp might as well have the 17amp and just charge it when at home ready for next night ,no point carrying extra weight rabbits weigh enough when the numbers get up. Just my views lol

i agree but that was the battery availible at the time ,and 2 goldfinch blitz is just a model of the liteforce range the blitz has the best of beams if you run big land and big quarry the head of the lamp is 240mm or if its just for rabbits and small field a striker 170 varible power with 17 amp is the way forward ,check out these 2 sites out ,arthur carter fieldsports and ian hodge fieldsports ,

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Lightforce striker 140 - I have 140 and 170 the 140 with 100w buld is better and smaller and is good for big game in big parks no need for a blitz! 14amp lith deben battery lasts all night and its light and durable. I would not use a lamp with no dimmer now they make a big difference.


Striker 140 dimmer with 100w bulb and 14amp lith battery - Sorted :thumbs:

Edited by Dave N
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  On 05/04/2011 at 13:16, Dave N said:

Lightforce striker 140 - I have 140 and 170 the 140 with 100w buld is better and smaller and is good for big game in big parks no need for a blitz! 14amp lith deben battery lasts all night and its light and durable. I would not use a lamp with no dimmer now they make a big difference.


Striker 140 dimmer with 100w bulb and 14amp lith battery - Sorted :thumbs:

The 140 is a lance not a stricker

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