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a great airgunning book by si and simon please soon

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hi si (zini)and simon (pianoman)can i be very cheeky and suggest you two get together in the not to distant future and get

all that vast airguning experiance thats in both your heads down on paper to make a (fantastic book),from the basics/laws/what

rifles/equipment/balistics/targets/hunting/etc,etc, you could use peoples experiances from this forum as well as all your

millitry background knowledge,i am sure it would be a best seller i for one would rush out to buy it on its release date as

would many other people im sure,i very much hope this thread has given you both food for thought.(please write one) :thumbs:

would everyone else like to see a book by these two geniuses????????





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If you'd include Ghillies for the abstract and Gurtwurz for the dry wit, Phantom for his skill and dedication, J Darcy for vast experience, Jasper for his calming influence, bring back Scuba just 'cos he's a right giggle if a little mad (no offence, Mike :thumbs: ), Buster for saying it exactly as it is, Davy for his imput, vids and help he's given to so many, Malt for being, well Malt really and many of the other regulars who don't talk sh*te or make daft claims and help the forum out in general......


I'd buy it!!!!


Cheers :thumbs:

Edited by andyfr1968
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If you'd include Ghillies for the abstract and Gurtwurz for the dry wit, Phantom for his skill and dedication, J Darcy for vast experience, Jasper for his calming influence, bring back Scuba just 'cos he's a right giggle if a little mad (no offence, Mike :thumbs: ), Buster for saying it exactly as it is, Davy for his imput, vids and help he's given to so many, Malt for being, well Malt really and many of the other regulars who don't talk sh*te or make daft claims and help the forum out in general......


I'd buy it!!!!


Cheers :thumbs:


thats the great part andy theres so many people on this forum that could give there expert opinion,it would make a fantastic book.

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Well, I'd love to do it.


I must say I'm very flattered to be so thought of :icon_redface: . Thank you everyone. :thumbs:





hi simon


well your talent then i would say go alone :thumbs:


you make the books si makes the class dvds :thumbs:


and im both of your managers :boogie:


atb steve

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It would be really something to work alongside Si and produce a no-bollocks field manual of a book and DVD. The shared military fieldcraft and rifle/scope set-up experience alone would be quite something that you won't quite get in "Airgunner".

Edited by pianoman
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hi lads,


i reckon you'd be on to something there- possibly the ultimate airgunning guide, especially if you miss out all the usual chapters that just advertise the name brands so shamelessly...


no books come close to john darlings airgun hunting,with the exception of our own Mr Darcy's advanced airgun hunting which is a damned good read.


surely Darcy books would publish a quality starter manual? you fella's definitely have the talents for it.


Well, crack on then!!


cheers, wurz

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Aye up.



Now theres food for thought, that would be a sound book for sure.


I think a lot of the others get sponsership via the advertising in some publications, all helps with their costings I suppose.


Perhaps you could include Colie-patterdale wos is name in the questions and answers section Simon :whistling::laugh:


Would txt talk convertions cover a chaptor :hmm:



Get your quills out and make a start, I will buy a copy :thumbs:









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and many of the other regulars who don't talk sh*te and help the forum out in general......



Thats me out then :(


What about the do's and dont's section as I specialise in the dont's and even if I dont learn from my mistakes dosent mean other people wont ;)


NO! I hear you say, maybe some funny cartoon illustrations??


No better leave it to the pro's :)


I would buy a copy :)


Perhaps I could have a little mention at the end for being the one with no imput of any value :)


But seriously if you need someone with a pretty face for the front cover you know where I am :)


.atb. .ste.

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Hi Fazerman,


Thank’s for your support and faith in my shooting ability and knowledge buddy.


At the moment I am a little too busy to start to think about another project as my DVD is my number 1 hunting priority and I want to get it finished and on sale ASAP.


If it was something that Simon wanted to start in maybe 5 or 6 months then I would gladly assist him with the book as I will be free then to concentrate on the book, and working with Simon would be a real pleasure and honour for me.


I do think though that there are enough fantastically experienced regulars in here to put their heads together as Andy says to get a book written pretty quickly. I am just one regular in here from lots that are interested in hunting.


There are a lot guys in here that I look up to and only wished that I was as good as them with a rifle. These are the guys that should assist Simon if he wishes to proceed now in starting the book.


There’s Collie, Liam, etc LOL, just joking, I’m not going to start naming names as you know who you are and so do the rest of us on here.


I’ve personally got something very special happening hopefully for me in the final DVD (number 5) as I am hoping to get sponsorship from a very popular large gun manufacturer that as got in touch with me via email and are interested in my shooting ability and DVDs etc. They have even asked me to test something for them on my DVDs.


I can’t say who they are at the moment and am awaiting a confirmatory email from their manager any day now.


If this comes off I will be changing rifle brand for the final DVD and using their products as part of the sponsorship.


If Simon wishes any assistance in a small chapter then of cause I can write something for him but other than that for the next 5 to 6 months I will be busy with other priorities.


Thanks again.



Edited by zini
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