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wouldnt be difficuld for a small bull x whippet to either catch or be caught (lined) by a jack russel but the cross would have to much terrier to be worth the entertaining i have seen jrt whippets run ok but to slow for me. If this was not an accident and its was a jrt x bull/grey whoever bred the litter needs hung by the balls as its sheer stupidity when the place is over run by unwanted lurchers that could actualy be of some use.

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What made you think bullgrey rather than whippet as the breeder advertised? That dog look very much a jrtxwhippet, cant see much of the bull in there IMO. I have a jrtxwhippet, not the fastest lurcher

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whenI bought him he was advertised as JRT X Whippet, as soon as i got there i seen his mother was a Bull/Greyhound, But the girlfriend fell in love with him and had no choice in the matter haha.. He can run and is keen, that's all that matters to me, I put this thread up to see if anyone else had heard of such a strange hybrid and if they where any good on lamp etc...

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It's saying No file selected or image to large, any ideas how to sort this out ?


right click on the actual picture then follow the previous instructions :thumbs:

I'm in a mac mate, you cant right click lol. /Users/Hayley/Desktop/UPLOADS/DSC_0397.JPG

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I didnt mean to have a dig at you mate its not you its the breeder at fault. If the dams a bull grey then pups could be anything from 17"-24" depending how they have thrown and yes could be handy enough wee mooching dogs just in my opinion should never have happend in the first place. All you can do is make the best of the dog and im sure he will catch you some game just as said youd have been best getting something from a genuine working litter whose owner could actualy give you some advice etc as your new to the game. As for the girl fauling in love mine has been at me for a poodle for months and as much as the few grand a year i could pump out for jackadoodles would be a nice earner i wouldnt waste the kennel space feed and time on something of no use to me she has now made do with helping train one of the whippets.


If you cant get piks up email me them and ill chuck em up through photo bucket for you klee-86@live.com

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