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Good day out

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well after a late start (10ish) we managed to finally get out & do a spot of ferreting, we started off with a quick net-up on a bury in a horse paddock not that big just a 6 holer but no good so we carried on round the rest of the paddock but the whole place looked abit dry so after a quick board meeting we decided to move on to another part of our permission.Good decision,we netted up quite a large bury & collared up the ferrets, i'd took my 4 young jills(2010 bred) out with me today to gain some valuable experience, and decided to put my 2 polecats down.After a few minutes a rabbit bolted out of an un-netted hole(funny how they always find that one) & ran off like Usain Bolt,none of us spotted that hole as it was covered in leaves but never mind as a few minutes later another one bolted straight into the net & it was quickly dispatched.Then after another 5 minutes we had another one in the net squeeling with the ferret hanging of the back of the rabbits head while at exactly the same time another one bolted straight into the net & we had 3 overall.we had'nt finished yet either as another bunny bolted straight into the purse net next to me & i had a hat-trick of kills while the rest of the gang watched on hopeing they might get abit of action.after 4 rabbits from that bury we moved onto the next one netted up & put my 2 albino jills down this time.After what seemed an age finally a rabbit bolted & just seemed to give up lying there in the purse net not even struggling or anything so i guess the ferret had been chasing it all round the warren and it was exhausted.still waiting for more rabbits we got the ferret finder out to see what was happening & as my cousin was following the beeps of the finder it took him towards a hole & at the exact time he got there out jumped a rabbit in the net & in a blink of an eye he had swapped the finder for a rabbit, it jumped virtually straight into his arms.After that we decided to call it a day even though it was still quite early(1pm no-one had brought any grub) & go back next weekend.all in all it was a good day out & we had 6 in the bag not the biggest bag in the world but we enjoyed ourselves & i'm pretty sure the ferrets did aswell,i'm already counting down the days till the weekend already! atb Sean



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