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gordon ramseys shark bait

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For me this it,s Britain at it,s best.If we dont understand .Shoot it down.Cant say i totaly agree.But then again.Iam not some poor aresed fisherman living in a third world country trying to feed my family.We never seem to learn.(live and let live) And why the f--k anyone would ask Ramsey to fix the world,s wrong,s is a joke.:icon_eek:


no one is asking him to fix the worlds problems.it was just a take on whats happening making people aware of the prob.same as what hugh whittingstall is doing.in fact its all part of the same series of the fish industry.

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To be fair whether they cut the heads of or not the sharks were barely a year old and killed solely so a f****n slanty could eat its fins i couldnt give a toss whether it was one sided the c**ts need

the tiddly winks are a bunch o fecking animals,theyre just fecked up in the head,shark fin,tiger penis,rhino horn,bear bile,ffs is there any need,they have got to be the worst nation on this planet

BBC 'Style' documentary! It is one sided.   he didn't even try to get the service of a translatro most of the time so of course those fishermen were going to react strangly...wouldn't you is a forei

For me this it,s Britain at it,s best.If we dont understand .Shoot it down.Cant say i totaly agree.But then again.Iam not some poor aresed fisherman living in a third world country trying to feed my family.We never seem to learn.(live and let live) And why the f--k anyone would ask Ramsey to fix the world,s wrong,s is a joke.:icon_eek:


no one is asking him to fix the worlds problems.it was just a take on whats happening making people aware of the prob.same as what hugh whittingstall is doing.in fact its all part of the same series of the fish industry.



Being into fieldsport,s all my life.I can hardly condemne any man who live,s of the sea to feed his family.:thumbs:

Edited by Catcher 1
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It reminded me of John Craven on Coursing.


Emotive language like disgusting, revolting, cruel, wateful...and then insert every swear word known to man...all though he would have sworn even if he'd been doing a documentary on the brownies ;)


In the end if the numbers of sharks can be sustained and fishing regulated and laws introduced to prevent young sharks which haven't reached breeding age being caught then it's ok with me. But since we cant even manage our own fish stocks.......


If someone wants to eat wierd sh1t then it's not up to me to stop them but do it in a way that doesnt damage the environment and future stocks.

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Agree there i dont actualy have a problem with eating shark fin it was more the fact they were taring silly wee tidlers barely yearlings that peeved me of slightly and the fact of the amount of money there making doing it. In reality i couldnt give a toss if they were doing it to make a living and feeding there family with the rest like said but its clear there bloody making fortunes says it all when they can fork out in private military style places to bring there fins in. If i was in a chinky and got offered the soup free before seing that id have tried it but realisticly i wouldnt have paid for it regardless of price. And the way they steam and soak it for so long to me says that the fins there self must actualy taste crap cause if i were paying 200 bux for a fancy bit veneson the last thing id do is steam it for days then soak it in dozens of spices n serve it in the mixture as said id be aswel with a bit bloody rabbit itd still taset prity much the same. Also your bang on we cant sort the crap in this country out so why the heck are we bothering our ends about china!

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I come from what was once a thriving fishing community, And i've seen what the EU have done to our fishing grounds, Throwing fish overboard once caught doesn't make sense, and as many are deepwater species their swim bladders brust and they remain on the surface for the gulls to pick them off...


Theres all sorts fishing some may be doing it legally, but theres always the element that are out for all they can get,

i believe that it should be policed more strongly than it is, As some sharks take 10 to 15 years to reach sexual maturity, So this isn't sustainable in the long run, fact...


And long line are indescriminate in what they catch, look at the turtle they caught.... !!!!! i'm not no tree hugger, But a realist in most cases,

and to see them fin the shark alive turned my stomach, And yes i do fish,


but the one thing that has come out of this is debate, and that can only be a good thing....




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To be fair whether they cut the heads of or not the sharks were barely a year old and killed solely so a f****n slanty could eat its fins i couldnt give a toss whether it was one sided the c**ts need shooting , We cant practice our sports and they are just sailing country to country killing thousands of sharks for a fin ! we cant bloody drive down the road with a whole venison and a dog or we automaticly killed it with that dog and were done thats when we use every last morsal liver kidny heart kneck and feed the dogs the bones. I personaly think they done that cutting of the head thing for the sole reason that he was filming it as there a shower of cruel c**ts come on they breed fafin dogs and rear em in 2x3 cages of shite for food , Why are they gonna waste 5 mins cutting a head securing etc when they can do 3 in the same time if the take the fins of ? they were luring cats and seaguls round here and 2 retrauints shut for seagul in there chicken curry ffs catching em with a hook and line lol there a shower of dirty cruel wicked shits and its just another case of the little wee do do is band yet every other country brutaly inialates everything around them and get to. He was walking down streets and fins drying everywhere bloody watch towers on private docks christ its as bad and probably more of a money maker that the drug industry !


Yes maybe one sided but screw them do you honestly think theyd have sent the turtle back if he wasnt there alive ? probably some herbal bloody cancer cure in its mashed brain or something !


One thing though he has a set of knackers on him to just waltz up and film it like that , If he had gotten interprators n fafed about he woulda been taken to little places with 20 fins all sugar coated family run low profit buisnesses and would have been given no more than a show and if you ask me thats exactly why he undertook it in that manner to beggin with.


I would though say what the eu is making fisherman do with fish outwith there quota is pritty close to the same level.


I couldnt believe they could just cruise pritty much half way round the world filling up on shark and never so much as get a checkover .


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