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gordon ramseys shark bait

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To be fair whether they cut the heads of or not the sharks were barely a year old and killed solely so a f****n slanty could eat its fins i couldnt give a toss whether it was one sided the c**ts need

the tiddly winks are a bunch o fecking animals,theyre just fecked up in the head,shark fin,tiger penis,rhino horn,bear bile,ffs is there any need,they have got to be the worst nation on this planet

BBC 'Style' documentary! It is one sided.   he didn't even try to get the service of a translatro most of the time so of course those fishermen were going to react strangly...wouldn't you is a forei

To be fair whether they cut the heads of or not the sharks were barely a year old and killed solely so a f****n slanty could eat its fins i couldnt give a toss whether it was one sided the c**ts need shooting , We cant practice our sports and they are just sailing country to country killing thousands of sharks for a fin ! we cant bloody drive down the road with a whole venison and a dog or we automaticly killed it with that dog and were done thats when we use every last morsal liver kidny heart kneck and feed the dogs the bones. I personaly think they done that cutting of the head thing for the sole reason that he was filming it as there a shower of cruel c**ts come on they breed fafin dogs and rear em in 2x3 cages of shite for food , Why are they gonna waste 5 mins cutting a head securing etc when they can do 3 in the same time if the take the fins of ? they were luring cats and seaguls round here and 2 retrauints shut for seagul in there chicken curry ffs catching em with a hook and line lol there a shower of dirty cruel wicked shits and its just another case of the little wee do do is band yet every other country brutaly inialates everything around them and get to. He was walking down streets and fins drying everywhere bloody watch towers on private docks christ its as bad and probably more of a money maker that the drug industry !


Yes maybe one sided but screw them do you honestly think theyd have sent the turtle back if he wasnt there alive ? probably some herbal bloody cancer cure in its mashed brain or something !


One thing though he has a set of knackers on him to just waltz up and film it like that , If he had gotten interprators n fafed about he woulda been taken to little places with 20 fins all sugar coated family run low profit buisnesses and would have been given no more than a show and if you ask me thats exactly why he undertook it in that manner to beggin with.


I would though say what the eu is making fisherman do with fish outwith there quota is pritty close to the same level.


I couldnt believe they could just cruise pritty much half way round the world filling up on shark and never so much as get a checkover .

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Its their custom. Who are we to judge them? When other cultures look at our customs they think the same about us. Eg releasing thousands of semi tame birds to be shot for rediculous money, almost a status symbol in modern English society. For the wild game meat? Bollocks. Its for the sport! We Englishmen in our 'cyvilised' society may not agree with the ethics of what they do but we have no right to say they are wrong in what they do. Life is FAR more complex than that...

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I wouldn't mind people eating shark fin soup, BUT its nots sustainable and indiscriminate, killing young sharks that takes years to grow and have a slow reproductive cycle just doesn't make sence. If the numbers of sharks being caught continues it will affect the ecosystem of our oceans.....

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i think the industry should be more closely regulated and several breeds banned from being fished, and a ban on sharks under a certain age (say 5yrs for example) from being fished as well as adult sharks of breeding age being captured tagged or tattoed on their fins and becomeing off limits for the industry, if they were able to catch 2-300 adult sharks ea\ch year and tattoo or tag them and make them off limits you would have a better chance of preserveing stocks while not taking away from the chinese, even if it had the knock on affect of raising the price of shark fin soup even higher. maybe a compromise would work better than trying to ban an industry and force it underground.

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  On 17/01/2011 at 13:01, fresh earth said:

I would though say what the eu is making fisherman do with fish outwith there quota is pritty close to the same level.


but wont ever get on the TV.


What the EU is doing is shameless and 100% of those fish are wated rather than 95% of a shark.


As I say I am all for sustainable fishing but I wont be sucked in to starting a witch hunt over one single thing because in my opinion people that make these programs probably have a hidden agenda.

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We can judge who we like,its called having an opinion.there plenty on here (myself included) who judge the practices of muslims and feel its our right and go off on one if we are called racist and bigots.i see no pointin killing thousands of sharks for thier fins.yea i know ramsey would put his cause across,well after all it is his programme.but come on those chinks are a cruel wicked race.they kill and eat stuff with not a thought for the animals welfare.i feel especially with some members and its jmo that cause we are hunters and we are persecuted because of the ban,we should justify all acts of cruelty.well guys im sorry if i see something that i think is wanting cruelty ill have my say.i totally believe they cut the fins of the sharks and kick the bodies back in alive,as someone else pointed out.just look at what they do to dogs.f*****g wicked people.and a fish would get no humane treatment from the chinks of that im f*****g sure of.just look at how they persecute thier f*****g people.wasnt long ago they were killing any daughters that familys had.

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  On 17/01/2011 at 13:25, danw said:

Strange isn't it I don't remember any one shouting when we used to get £20 for a fox pelt what happened to the carcass Ohh yeah we threw them in the nearest hedge :blink: .


shark aint vermin though so to use that argument is stupid they werent killed for the pelt where as the sharks were killed just for there fins

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  On 17/01/2011 at 13:29, Nik_B said:
  On 17/01/2011 at 13:01, fresh earth said:

I would though say what the eu is making fisherman do with fish outwith there quota is pritty close to the same level.


but wont ever get on the TV.


What the EU is doing is shameless and 100% of those fish are wated rather than 95% of a shark.


As I say I am all for sustainable fishing but I wont be sucked in to starting a witch hunt over one single thing because in my opinion people that make these programs probably have a hidden agenda.



Hugh fearnly fuckwit has been on the telly all week going on about the eu regs,quotas and bycatch :thumbs:

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  On 17/01/2011 at 13:34, danw said:
  On 17/01/2011 at 13:29, Nik_B said:
  On 17/01/2011 at 13:01, fresh earth said:

I would though say what the eu is making fisherman do with fish outwith there quota is pritty close to the same level.


but wont ever get on the TV.


What the EU is doing is shameless and 100% of those fish are wated rather than 95% of a shark.


As I say I am all for sustainable fishing but I wont be sucked in to starting a witch hunt over one single thing because in my opinion people that make these programs probably have a hidden agenda.



Hugh fearnly fuckwit has been on the telly all week going on about the eu regs,quotas and bycatch :thumbs:


yup and i agree with everything he says signed the petition aswell.

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  On 17/01/2011 at 12:36, Born Hunter said:
  On 17/01/2011 at 12:28, Nik_B said:

BBC 'Style' documentary! It is one sided.


he didn't even try to get the service of a translatro most of the time so of course those fishermen were going to react strangly...wouldn't you is a foreigner with a camera man starting jibbering at you in a language you didn't understand?


One of his main points was that it was wastful and cruel. When you see how the fisherman on the boat he got a trip on, killed the sharks they cut the head off imediately....but that crusty oceanographer dude showed him the video of them finning the shark while alive. Probably not common, wouldn't it be safer to kill it first? Then he complains that they use the flesh of the dead sharks for bait....hang on! Which is it? Wasteful because they throw the body back or now they're using their brains and using the carcass for bait.


The 'most over fished shark' was caught every time on that boat. Not so rare then?


Great White shark fin? My ar*e. SHe just pointed out a shark in a book he showed her.


ANy discussion on how these guys are suposed to feed their families if banned?


What about farming animals for fir then? IS that wasteful and cruel? Personally as long as it is sustainable and some effort is made to use the carcass whats the difference?


You guys are getting suckered in


and no I wouldn't eat shark fin soup, I also believe we must make sure food is sustainable by the use of quotas and that we look after our environment. Sure they should kill the shark first before taking the fin but they did that on the boat he was on. One single video showing otherwise from someone who is totally biased doesn't show the full picture. Bet they dont stun other types of fish before throwing them in the hold to die of asphixiation either? Isn't that cruel?


Total load of bollox


I didnt see the show but your spot on Nick. Too many judge with out putting things in perspective.


how can you say he is spot on if you didnt even see the show. :icon_eek:

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For me this it,s Britain at it,s best.If we dont understand .Shoot it down.Cant say i totaly agree.But then again.Iam not some poor aresed fisherman living in a third world country trying to feed my family.We never seem to learn.(live and let live) And why the f--k anyone would ask Ramsey to fix the world,s wrong,s is a joke.:icon_eek:

Edited by Catcher 1
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  On 17/01/2011 at 13:33, staffs riffraff said:
  On 17/01/2011 at 13:25, danw said:

Strange isn't it I don't remember any one shouting when we used to get £20 for a fox pelt what happened to the carcass Ohh yeah we threw them in the nearest hedge :blink: .


shark aint vermin though so to use that argument is stupid they werent killed for the pelt where as the sharks were killed just for there fins


People went out just to kill fox for their pelt it made some of us a lot of money in fact I know some lads as lived on the pelt money they earned and it had f**k all to do with vermin it was all about the £££££££££ ffs we even used to poach fox just for its coat.

Perhaps you aren't old enough to remember those days??

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I didnt need to see the show to know about it and their practices. I dont agree with the ethics of what they do but then I wouldnt because I wasnt brought up in their culture. Im sure it applies vise versa. And in that case whos right, us or them? If what they do affects the rest of the world (ie world fish stocks) then we must ALL work together to find a compromise, but still doesnt mean either of us are right in our opinions.


And imo there is a big difference between an opinion and a judgement.

But hell, who gives a feck.



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