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start getting out shooting again :)


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Well its been a few years now since I've been out shooting :(

I was at one of my mates houses one night when we got back from lamping and I was saying about saving for a good air rifle and he went I got summit for ya ere went upstairs and came back with two rifles they was them chinese DB4's one worked fine still had loads of power but the other needed nothing more than stripping down and putting back together but ile keep it for spares he assures me they drop rabbits easy?? Weather or not this is true well ile found out soon lol any ways there free so I can't moan there get me out for now I'm gonna grab a little set of sights next week from my local shop and a universal silencer :) get a bit of practice in before I fork out 5-600 quid on a pcp


Thanks for reading guyss



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From my experiance all full power air rifles can take u.k quarry as long as you can shoot them properly, the cheaper ones also, altho you may find to acheve consistant accuracy you may just have to get a little closer than you would with a pricey one, practace on paper an find out the max range you can achive a 25mm group this should tell you at what range you and your rifle are capable of making clean kills :)

Im sure others will also have advice on this.

Happy hunting mate.

.atb. .ste.


If what hunter says Is correct and this rifle is not full power you will struggle to make clean kills in most situations.


.atb. .ste.

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From my experiance all full power air rifles can take u.k quarry as long as you can shoot them properly, the cheaper ones also, altho you may find to acheve consistant accuracy you may just have to get a little closer than you would with a pricey one, practace on paper an find out the max range you can achive a 25mm group this should tell you at what range you and your rifle are capable of making clean kills :)

Im sure others will also have advice on this.

Happy hunting mate.

.atb. .ste.


If what hunter says Is correct and this rifle is not full power you will struggle to make clean kills in most situations.


.atb. .ste.


hi ste

If what hunter says Is correct and this rifle is not full power you will struggle to make clean kills in most situations.


when we first ever went hunting togther thats the rifle we went and picked up,vry low power but would be good for barn work


atb steve

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You wont have to save the earth, you can get quality pcp's second hand around the £300 - £400 mark.

Air arms s400, s410, s200

Bsa ultra theres loads, also some word class springers out there for around the same price but it sounds like you have ruled it out.


.atb. .ste.

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You wont have to save the earth, you can get quality pcp's second hand around the £300 - £400 mark.

Air arms s400, s410, s200

Bsa ultra theres loads, also some word class springers out there for around the same price but it sounds like you have ruled it out.


.atb. .ste.


Yeah ruled out the springers years back...

I'm definatly interested in the bsa ultras and the airarm S200 as there light and I'm not the biggest of fellas to be honest lol


Thanks for all the advice people :)

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