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Hi lads an ladies.


Been thinking of what 22-250 C/F rifle i will be buying wehn it comes to a variation, doing some early research so i can save enought money for what i want.


Basically i want a VERY accurate rifle, robust, solid and reliable.


The only make i could really be happy with is an RPA Internation Thumbhole Hunter (See Link) RPA TH HUNTER


I know there pricey (£2900 + VAT) BUT theres is a good reason for that i suppose.


What im really after is someone to share there expericance with this/these rifles. Iv not actually handled one but thinking of taking a trip up to the shop to look at one.


SO guys if you could help me out on these, i would be much greatful. Thanks in advance,


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I have 2 R P A rifles 22/250 & 243 not the Thumbhole stock models.Standard Hunter stocks have been using them for 2 years and have no complaints very well built robust and do the job that I bought them for.

Edited by BRIANB
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Hi lads an ladies.


Been thinking of what 22-250 C/F rifle i will be buying wehn it comes to a variation, doing some early research so i can save enought money for what i want.


Basically i want a VERY accurate rifle, robust, solid and reliable.


The only make i could really be happy with is an RPA Internation Thumbhole Hunter (See Link) RPA TH HUNTER


I know there pricey (£2900 + VAT) BUT theres is a good reason for that i suppose.


What im really after is someone to share there expericance with this/these rifles. Iv not actually handled one but thinking of taking a trip up to the shop to look at one.


SO guys if you could help me out on these, i would be much greatful. Thanks in advance,




Just another option mate but did you think of going down the custom gun route, for the money your gonna spend you could get an excellent build,

And something rather unique to you...



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Hi lads an ladies.


Been thinking of what 22-250 C/F rifle i will be buying wehn it comes to a variation, doing some early research so i can save enought money for what i want.


Basically i want a VERY accurate rifle, robust, solid and reliable.


The only make i could really be happy with is an RPA Internation Thumbhole Hunter (See Link) RPA TH HUNTER


I know there pricey (£2900 + VAT) BUT theres is a good reason for that i suppose.


What im really after is someone to share there expericance with this/these rifles. Iv not actually handled one but thinking of taking a trip up to the shop to look at one.


SO guys if you could help me out on these, i would be much greatful. Thanks in advance,




Just another option mate but did you think of going down the custom gun route, for the money your gonna spend you could get an excellent build,

And something rather unique to you...



I did have a glance at it, but im that sort of person where is I decided on what the gun would look like, it given them the design and then i probally wouldnt like it, where as the TH Hunter rifle i find has got everything i need for foxing. Thumb Hole Synthetic stock, Fluttered barrel ( if thats the word) i think its the right gun for me to be honest, but you never know, i may take that windy, unique road haha

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the RPA are excellent by the way, but if you want a good gunny to chat to please feel free to pm me.


Its all about knowing your options and what your money can buy you...


good luck with whatever you decide.



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i have a rpa in 22/250 not the thumbhole one but the interceptor stock. which looks abit bulky is the best stock i have used. you can use it right or lefthanded

which is good. it has adjustble cheek peice which i think is very handy if you have a big scope on top. i have a 56 front lens zeiss victory on mine. so the mounts needed to be bit higher then i would have liked to keep it off the barrel.


this is where the adjustble cheek peice comes in handy to get your face right on the stock. triggers are superb i had a jewell trigger on my old rifle which many say are the best you can get. but i perfer the 2 stage rpa trigger its very good. and the trigger blade is nice and big. handy if you have big fingers.


actions are soild and bolt lift is a little heavy but nothing to worry about. i have a 10 shot mag system in mine. like the accuracy international rifles use. i dont think rpa use these anymore though.


as much as i like the rifle its the best rifle ive owned and is deadly accurate. with homeloads ive shot 10 rounds under a 5 pence peice at 100 yards which is very good.


i wouldnt buy a new one at the price they are now. you could have a rifle built to your own spec for less then that. i would look out for a secondhand one. i know where there is a brand new rifle in the spec you want for 1350. but its in 308. you could get that rebarrel to 22/250 and it would still cost much less then buying one from rpa.


im sure you could get a couple of 100 pound for the 308 barrel so that make it even sweeter.


here is the review i had on it when i 1st got it http://www.airgunbbs.com/showthread.php?498121-rpa-interceptor-22-250-review

Edited by jamie g
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I have to say that my reaction was why not build a custom for that sort of money. Good custom stock, Remi 700 action blueprinted from new, Jewell trigger, Border barrel. Get the twist rate to suit your favoured bullets. That's my long-term game plan with a .204. Dedicated fox gun. Whatever,


ATB Ric.

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I am not a particularly good shot but I do know someone who knows his stuff and does a bit of foxing and shooting long range at bisley and he would say that you don't need to spend that kind of money, it comes down to a decent rifle and taking time on developing a good load for your bullets :





Thats a 1 pence next to the 3 shot group,shot off bipod at100yards . So you don't need a custom rifle,when a factory rifle will do that. That was using his new .243 Sako Hunter.

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Might not be what you want to hear but if i had £3500 to spend I would go sako, tikka or blaser, stick a z6i from macleods on top and still get change out of your budget.


I have a t3 in 6.5x55 that can clover leaf at 100 yards with an S&B 8x56 so if it was a 18x mag I wouldn't be surprised if it put the all through one hole with factory ammo. Now thats a rifle that can be had for less than £750, stick a £1400 z6i on and a nice mod at about £200-300 and you've got the best part of a grand to spend on reloading gear or shooting or a custom stock if thats what you want to do. I know what i'd do but its your choice.


3 shots at 100 yards using factory norma ammo:




But if you want something a bit different i'd also go semi custom.


All the best,



Edited by Groach
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