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Mostly heroin addcited old hags with minges full of cream cheese.


So I'm told.




You get what you pay for :thumbs:

i dont mean the streetwalkers SS, i mean the fit 20yr olds with nice fake tits. :thumbs:


You obviously not been to one have you?


SS is bang on and obviously experienced in that deparetment...........:tongue2:


My best advice to you is, stay at home and keep excercising your hand.


Oh and "Nice fake tits" :You honestly cannot beat the real things, you might as well be cupping a lump of play doh.



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Mostly heroin addcited old hags with minges full of cream cheese.


So I'm told.




You get what you pay for :thumbs:

i dont mean the streetwalkers SS, i mean the fit 20yr olds with nice fake tits. :thumbs:



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Mostly heroin addcited old hags with minges full of cream cheese.


So I'm told.




You get what you pay for :thumbs:

i dont mean the streetwalkers SS, i mean the fit 20yr olds with nice fake tits. :thumbs:


You obviously not been to one have you?


SS is bang on and obviously experienced in that deparetment...........:tongue2:


My best advice to you is, stay at home at keep excercising your hand.

Oh and "Nice fake tits" ..... :blink:You honestly cannot beat the real things, you might as well be cupping a lump of play doh.




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^^ This, Birds + Weed + more psycho nutters than you can shake a stick at :yes:


been about 9times,never met any psycho nutters lol maybe you were hanging around central station to much lol


Just past the grasshopper, into the red light district, on our way down to the canal, Two old guys rock up, Tell us they've the best meth in Amsterdam, we let them know were there for the Weed and they kick off, threatening to slice us up :icon_eek:


About 12 ft further down the road a guy jumps out the side alley wearing a big long black trenchcoat with a bald head and the craziest eyes ive ever seen (im talking crazier than that dude off the Adam Sandler movies) "ARE YOU LOT PERVERTS!!" he shouts, "not today" one of the lads replied "WHY NOT?" he shouted, "Im just looking for some food pal" and off he skulked in his trenchcoat...f**k knows what he was planning.


Then after about 3 mins of walking up the side of the canal (its properly quiet down there, like deadly silent), two "police" (im pretty sure they were spetsnaz lol) came sprinting up, Roided up to f**k, big russian hats on with some kind of H&K MP5 varient in their hands to kick the living shit out of some bloke.


Hot footed it out of there back to the grasshopper, was a bit weird to say the least.

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^^ This, Birds + Weed + more psycho nutters than you can shake a stick at :yes:


been about 9times,never met any psycho nutters lol maybe you were hanging around central station to much lol


Place is full of headers, god love em.

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^^ This, Birds + Weed + more psycho nutters than you can shake a stick at :yes:


been about 9times,never met any psycho nutters lol maybe you were hanging around central station to much lol


Just past the grasshopper, into the red light district, on our way down to the canal, Two old guys rock up, Tell us they've the best meth in Amsterdam, we let them know were there for the Weed and they kick off, threatening to slice us up :icon_eek:


About 12 ft further down the road a guy jumps out the side alley wearing a big long black trenchcoat with a bald head and the craziest eyes ive ever seen (im talking crazier than that dude off the Adam Sandler movies) "ARE YOU LOT PERVERTS!!" he shouts, "not today" one of the lads replied "WHY NOT?" he shouted, "Im just looking for some food pal" and off he skulked in his trenchcoat...f**k knows what he was planning.


Then after about 3 mins of walking up the side of the canal (its properly quiet down there, like deadly silent), two "police" (im pretty sure they were spetsnaz lol) came sprinting up, Roided up to f**k, big russian hats on with some kind of H&K MP5 varient in their hands to kick the living shit out of some bloke.


Hot footed it out of there back to the grasshopper, was a bit weird to say the least.


wow you certainly had your fair share of nutters then mate lol

granted plenty blacks offering drugs when your walking around.especially at night,all you could see was thier white teeth haha

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^^ This, Birds + Weed + more psycho nutters than you can shake a stick at :yes:


been about 9times,never met any psycho nutters lol maybe you were hanging around central station to much lol


Just past the grasshopper, into the red light district, on our way down to the canal, Two old guys rock up, Tell us they've the best meth in Amsterdam, we let them know were there for the Weed and they kick off, threatening to slice us up :icon_eek:


About 12 ft further down the road a guy jumps out the side alley wearing a big long black trenchcoat with a bald head and the craziest eyes ive ever seen (im talking crazier than that dude off the Adam Sandler movies) "ARE YOU LOT PERVERTS!!" he shouts, "not today" one of the lads replied "WHY NOT?" he shouted, "Im just looking for some food pal" and off he skulked in his trenchcoat...f**k knows what he was planning.


Then after about 3 mins of walking up the side of the canal (its properly quiet down there, like deadly silent), two "police" (im pretty sure they were spetsnaz lol) came sprinting up, Roided up to f**k, big russian hats on with some kind of H&K MP5 varient in their hands to kick the living shit out of some bloke.


Hot footed it out of there back to the grasshopper, was a bit weird to say the least.


wow you certainly had your fair share of nutters then mate lol

granted plenty blacks offering drugs when your walking around.especially at night,all you could see was thier white teeth haha


Haha :thumbs:

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