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My mrs is a propper numpty i feel like :wallbash: ....I have told her countless times DONT WASH MY CAMMYS IN POSH BLOODY WASHING STUFF.......she went and did it again...my cammys now smell of bloody jasmine and some other poncy cr@p..the bunnies are gunna smell me comming from a mile away :blink: ..What do you guys use to wash your cammys so no scent is left on em?

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me... well i wash myn in a good dose of what ever i was lay in last.


i nerver wash my camo unless i really really have to. and even then its just hot water no powder.


get all the xmas crap together in the middle of the garden chuck a fivers worth of go-go juice on it and stand next to the smoke with ya camo on soon get rid of the jasmin....


well maybe dont burn the kids toys. but im shure you get the general idea.



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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: lmao

i usually just wallow around in the mud a bit! not only does this get rid of the scent but it also makes your camo look morre natural. if you want to go really extreme (and apparently even ATTRACT bunnies....?) you can use steve prices method of waching your camo in a grass concentrate made of freshly cut grass boiled down to a concentrate in water!

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hi steve, it wont help to get rid of the UV stuff your gears been washed in, but if you've somewhere that you can light a small wood fire at, then get one going and the smoke will disguise your human scent very well. just a wood fire tho- dont try this with a bonfire cos the tyre rubber stinks worse than persil...


you could try rinsing your gear in a stream to remove any excess washing product and then leave it to dry before smoking it, but crawling through assorted cow crap etcetera should do the same job!!


i also store my kit in a bin bag at home so A)it wont pick up any cooking or house smells and B ) the missus doesnt notice that it needs doing(in her eyes anyway!)



cheers, wurz

Edited by gurtwurz
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I would not have washed em but i went out 2 nites ago on one of my permissions into a freshly seeded field and with all the rain we been getting it was quite muddy and when lying down to shoot bug's i got cacked it the stuff



just let it dry and thrash it round the garden for 2 mins get the mud off.

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All as above mate, If I have to I just wash in water, then leave on the washing line for as long as possible until required through wind rain ect, you get the idea, I do have two sets tho (cheapy army surpluss nothing fancy) so having to weather one after a wash is not so mutch a problem, after last nite there is no green evident from the knee down and arms are caked up too, ill get a few more wears out of em yet ;)


.atb. .ste.

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I would not have washed em but i went out 2 nites ago on one of my permissions into a freshly seeded field and with all the rain we been getting it was quite muddy and when lying down to shoot bug's i got cacked it the stuff


Leave it to dry them hang it up and give it a good whack to get the loose stuff off, other than that mine rarely get washed



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Now don't be so hard on a good lass Steve.


When you get your gear washed and it smells Jasmin fresh or whatever, hang it outside and leave it overnight, let it get rained on and thoroughly soaked through if the weather turns that way. Get the smell of the earth and weather from your garden on it.



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I would not have washed em but i went out 2 nites ago on one of my permissions into a freshly seeded field and with all the rain we been getting it was quite muddy and when lying down to shoot bug's i got cacked it the stuff



sound perfect to me!!!! a good going over with a stiff yard brush and back into the shed would have done me!!


regards P

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