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parson type russels in ireland

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This is an interesting thread. At least no mad personal issues being thrashed out in public so far. I have quoted this post simply because it has to be one of the easiest questions to answer ever to h

found some pics      

i wasnt in the best mood when i wrote that, it is true to a larger extent than most will admit, (or turn a blind eye to) there are plenty of good breeders out there, if i was buying a pup id want refe

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jappatin are primarily a show kennels as far as i know mate. seen a few of their dogs over the years. they are bred for the pursuit of silverware. thats not to say some wont work. just depends on what you cal work i suppose. :thumbs::thumbs:



Dont think you win anything at those KC shows not even prize money better off sticking to the hunt shows eh

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dee i told you they arent digging dogs they are rabbit dogs and that was from the man himself at a gamefair last year,and the dog in finland is a show dog.no offence intended as i dont care either way and if the odd one gets to grips then good stuff,yis kegs from the bogs

The dog in Finland was worked for a while before going to the jappatin kennels where he made up to irish champion, nice lookin dog.

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I very much doubt Burnhill or Chapman have any Jappatin blood in their kennels.

Got to ask same question as DC, which hunts?



Think their stuff goes back to ground hill( George Simpson) and hoelio ( Barry Jones), dont think they been around that long to have those bloodlines, not sure bout hunt kennels think in wales

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dee i told you they arent digging dogs they are rabbit dogs and that was from the man himself at a gamefair last year,and the dog in finland is a show dog.no offence intended as i dont care either way and if the odd one gets to grips then good stuff,yis kegs from the bogs

The dog in Finland was worked for a while before going to the jappatin kennels where he made up to irish champion, nice lookin dog.


think your right there mate think they sent him to show hunting kennel over there

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jappatin are primarily a show kennels as far as i know mate. seen a few of their dogs over the years. they are bred for the pursuit of silverware. thats not to say some wont work. just depends on what you cal work i suppose. :thumbs::thumbs:



Dont think you win anything at those KC shows not even prize money better off sticking to the hunt shows eh


they dont show their dogs for prizemoney, best in show in crufts is only 100stg last i heard, its about making a name for yourself, its the reason some puppy farmers in the uk show dogs, i could mention names but i wont, the more dogs you have in the crufts catalogue the more buyers you have for your pups, its also the reason show folk drive to the most remote small championship dog shows in the country, even why uk show-owners come over here to enter their dogs into shows in ireland etc, its because they have smaller classes and you have more of a chance of winning = points that add up eventually to the dog being made a champion = more buyers for pups, ive seen some unbelievably poor quality dogs of an un-named breed that were awarded championship status because of all the remote shows where there was only 1 dog of its breed in the class. the kennel club show scene is a bad joke.

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The Dooners do indeed hunt their terriers,and i know that they hunt with them in England, but i could not tell you where at or with who and they are indeed better known as a show kennel. My terriers are of the jappatin bloodline but i only do a wee bit of ratting sometimes, ( to old,to fat and the knees have gone !)the dogs they breed are smaller neater type than the normal leggy shit you see in the kc show ring,


i used to have one of the leggy shit ones. worked well he did. 15 inches tts :thumbs:

nice lookin dog mate

found some pics :thumbs:







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jappatin are primarily a show kennels as far as i know mate. seen a few of their dogs over the years. they are bred for the pursuit of silverware. thats not to say some wont work. just depends on what you cal work i suppose. :thumbs::thumbs:



Dont think you win anything at those KC shows not even prize money better off sticking to the hunt shows eh


they dont show their dogs for prizemoney, best in show in crufts is only 100stg last i heard, its about making a name for yourself, its the reason some puppy farmers in the uk show dogs, i could mention names but i wont, the more dogs you have in the crufts catalogue the more buyers you have for your pups, its also the reason show folk drive to the most remote small championship dog shows in the country, even why uk show-owners come over here to enter their dogs into shows in ireland etc, its because they have smaller classes and you have more of a chance of winning = points that add up eventually to the dog being made a champion = more buyers for pups, ive seen some unbelievably poor quality dogs of an un-named breed that were awarded championship status because of all the remote shows where there was only 1 dog of its breed in the class. the kennel club show scene is a bad joke.

You 100 percent right about kc mate.

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The Dooners do indeed hunt their terriers,and i know that they hunt with them in England, but i could not tell you where at or with who and they are indeed better known as a show kennel. My terriers are of the jappatin bloodline but i only do a wee bit of ratting sometimes, ( to old,to fat and the knees have gone !)the dogs they breed are smaller neater type than the normal leggy shit you see in the kc show ring,


i used to have one of the leggy shit ones. worked well he did. 15 inches tts :thumbs:

nice lookin dog mate

found some pics :thumbs:








cheers. george simpsons howlbeck lines. he's long gone now

Edited by Cleanspade
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jappatin are primarily a show kennels as far as i know mate. seen a few of their dogs over the years. they are bred for the pursuit of silverware. thats not to say some wont work. just depends on what you cal work i suppose. :thumbs::thumbs:



Dont think you win anything at those KC shows not even prize money better off sticking to the hunt shows eh


they dont show their dogs for prizemoney, best in show in crufts is only 100stg last i heard, its about making a name for yourself, its the reason some puppy farmers in the uk show dogs, i could mention names but i wont, the more dogs you have in the crufts catalogue the more buyers you have for your pups, its also the reason show folk drive to the most remote small championship dog shows in the country, even why uk show-owners come over here to enter their dogs into shows in ireland etc, its because they have smaller classes and you have more of a chance of winning = points that add up eventually to the dog being made a champion = more buyers for pups, ive seen some unbelievably poor quality dogs of an un-named breed that were awarded championship status because of all the remote shows where there was only 1 dog of its breed in the class. the kennel club show scene is a bad joke.

You 100 percent right about kc mate.

If you get the right judge which there very few of theyii hold back points and rossettes if dogs dont come up to scratch , but happening less nowadays than in older days unfortunately

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they dont show their dogs for prizemoney, best in show in crufts is only 100stg last i heard, its about making a name for yourself, its the reason some puppy farmers in the uk show dogs, i could mention names but i wont, the more dogs you have in the crufts catalogue the more buyers you have for your pups, its also the reason show folk drive to the most remote small championship dog shows in the country, even why uk show-owners come over here to enter their dogs into shows in ireland etc, its because they have smaller classes and you have more of a chance of winning = points that add up eventually to the dog being made a champion = more buyers for pups, ive seen some unbelievably poor quality dogs of an un-named breed that were awarded championship status because of all the remote shows where there was only 1 dog of its breed in the class. the kennel club show scene is a bad joke.


wow, what a font of knowledge you are! what a useful person to know

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dee i told you they arent digging dogs they are rabbit dogs and that was from the man himself at a gamefair last year,and the dog in finland is a show dog.no offence intended as i dont care either way and if the odd one gets to grips then good stuff,yis kegs from the bogs

The dog in Finland was worked for a while before going to the jappatin kennels where he made up to irish champion, nice lookin dog.


think your right there mate think they sent him to show hunting kennel over there

think youll find that the dog that went to finland is called bandit and did that much work he got 5 certificates of aptitude for international champion of beauty,lol thats a hell of a name for a hunting certificate.GOOGLE IS A WONDERFUL THING
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