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It Stared With A Fish

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Well it didn't really get off to a brilliant start with having to wait quite a while for it to arrive, but that is the publishers fault and i imagine that they will have sorted that out by now. So anyway back to the book... Well it 'went down' supisingly well with me, suprisingly well because i have never held much of an interest in fishing before, instead sticking to my rabbiting. It was one of those books that i kept going back to when i had a spare moment for another installment. It often kept me hooked, something we all look for in a book, and deprived me of a good few hours of sleep. It tells the tale of an angler in search of those 'big whoppers' (a fishing term), and the highs and lows of his journey to catch the biggest fish in a lake. With a good amout of humorous bits in it, i never switched off which usually happens when i'm reading so that has to be a possitive! Think i'm rambling on a bit here so i will conclude, unlike a lot of hunting books which i feel are overpriced for what they are, this book for the price of £10 + p&p for a good 200 page book, is well worth a read!


I'd probably give it an 8.5/10 as it would not really be my choice topic but yet i still enjoyed it.


You can buy it from here...


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