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I was working in the garage this morning and about 9.15am the phone rang. It was my uncle ringing to say he was down the mountain checking the sheep and a fox walked past him limping, carrying a back leg and disappeared into the whins (gorse). The cover is 2 parts of whins which almost come together in the middle. We usually take 3 or 4 foxes of this cover each season with the hounds and if my uncle sees a fox on it he is on the phone straight away. The last few times he rang we went out but the fox had obviously carried on and out the other side and away. This morning I rang a couple of mates to go with me but none were available so I went out on my own. I got there and told the uncle to go to the start of the 1st bit and wait until I got into position in the middle between the 2 pieces and then make as much noise as he could. He started hoilering and clapping his hands and I watched as he made his way round the cover coming towards me. Usually when we do this with the hounds the fox moves instantly but today I waited and watched and the uncle was almost 50 yards from me and I was just about giving up when 20 odd yards from me foxy boy broke the cover in front of the old man and trotted towards me, I neither moved or spoke and about 10 yards away I through the gun up and foxy saw me and stopped, an Eley 36grm BB made him do a backward sommersault and he was dead before he hit the ground. We looked him over but there was nothing wrong with his back leg so we realised it wasn,t the one he saw earlier, we checked the second bit but it was vacant. I went home happy knowing I will get another call soon :thumbs: Cheers.

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