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Serial Numbers


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Hello folks just a quick question, Ive been offerd a nice gun cheap and it seems to good to be true, Lets just say the bloke who is selling it on my estate is known to be as dodgy as they come :cry: is there any way i can use the serial number to track the history of the gun? I dont want to get this guy in trouble because i like my legs in one piece if you no what i meen any help appreciated brent.

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As for serial numbers, there's no registration of air guns, so once the gun leaves the factory there's no real way of tracing it.


I think the RFD has to record the sale of each air gun, but that information goes to the police, and there's no chance you'll get it out of them.


You could try approaching the local police and asking them if an air rifle of the type and serial number has been reported stolen, but most people wouldn't note any air gun serial numbers so again it's unlikely to show up.


Now, whether you buy it or not is entirely down to your conscience. If you suspect that it might not be entirely legit then I'd be walking away. An air gun that you don't know the history of, and smells a bit, could have all sorts of other problems. The chances are it's not been well looked after, but more importantly it's not unusual for dodgy types to up the power levels to above the legal limit. Now if that's that case, then if you are caught in posession you could be facing a 5 year prison term. Now unless you know someone with a chrono, I'd not be taking that risk!

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just been to see it and he said if you get rid of it dont take it to a shop! so i said ill leave it and made sure i rubbed it down with a cloth after i held it dont want nothing to do with that.


good call mate better safe than very sorry.



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Ihad my left handed mk 1 rapid nicked it was going to simmons as a silencer got stuck and I was doing a bit of a review on their stuff it was traced as far as Birmingham before it went walkies it had a 1 off left hand stock and a ferked silencer but it still got nicked to say I was gutted is an understatment and took 18months to get my money bought a mk 2 but it was never the same as this gun. I think you did the right thing fella you don't need any come backs these days


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Good on you mate.......always have to be aware when buying Air Rifles from anywhere other than gunsmiths/or someone who is trusted.......it only needs to be in the FAC braket if you dont have one then its bye bye rifle and bye bye freedom.....again niceone for using your head mate :thumbs:

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