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your maybe forgeting that you can get licenced to carry a conceled weapon in the usa and in very extreme cases the uk...!!!


MAybe this guy was in the legal profession, undercover officer, the list is endless,



There was no doubt that the 2 trying to mug him were out with intent, As far as i'm concerned 2 more scumbags of he streets...

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Hmmm, interesting take on the word "liberal" there.   So you espouse the restriction of peoples ability to carry out perfectly safe practices, and yet you claim to be liberal?   Prior to Dunblane

I just hate the fact that I cannae buy an automatic assault rifle for personal protection..... well not legaly anyway

Completely right.


How many threads on here go along the lines "The f*****g cops won't do f*****g nothing mate". The Yanks have home invasion etc sorted out a lot better than this side of the world, where the criminals have guns and the legal gun owners are made feel like criminals!


yea until some kid gets shot by bullets flying around.im not saying the uk is perfect by any means,the laws are a joke in some cases,but adopting the gun laws of the usa.and the guy wasnt in his house,which me thinks he went out armed,


im from Hungerford,i was in the town when the massacre was going on.


kids and people are already being shot daily in this country as it is. FACT!


yea and i dont live far from dunblane and that psycho b*****d held legally owned hanguns.

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You've got to ask the question what is a man doing jogging with a gun? If they are on you property then fair doos


got to agree with you there,and if you need a gun to go walk the dog or go for a run.well quite honestly id be f*****g moving out of the place.

Are you not a weegie....?


no im not.im a falkirk bairn lol

Oh i'm very sorry..... :laugh:


no worries mate :thumbs:

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Your maybe forgeting that you can get licenced to carry a conceled weapon in the usa and in very extreme cases the uk...!!!


Maybe this guy was in the legal profession, undercover officer, the list is endless,



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your maybe forgeting that you can get licenced to carry a conceled weapon in the usa and in very extreme cases the uk...!!!


MAybe this guy was in the legal profession, undercover officer, the list is endless,



There was no doubt that the 2 trying to mug him were out with intent, As far as i'm concerned 2 more scumbags of he streets...

just read the article again (todays daily mail) and snap shot it says he had a permit to carry a concealed weapon :thumbs:

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This argument isnt about an englishmans right to legally keep firearms, its about an englishmans right to legally use them to protect his family and property from criminals. Imo we should be entitled to keep shotguns and other close range firearms for home security but I would be against legally being allowed to carry concealed weapons initially.


Lets face it I dont need a semi auto rifle or pistol to go out and repeat some of the incidence in this country that have led to our strict gun laws. All I would have to do is take a couple of shotguns I legally own, cut them down to conceal them and go cause hell. Our gun laws are unjustified, banning legal ownership isnt solving anything. But thats slightly off topic.

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fair doos to him,but still wouldnt wanna see a gun culture where people go around armed in this country though.


Try it. You'll like it. Our violent crime (the major industry in my neck of the woods) has dropped significantly. Since we started the concealed carry law.



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I was in Florida 2 years ago ad got to know an guy with a fishing boat who took people out in the bay fishing. He owned several firearms and was astounded when I told him the process I had to go through to get a .22 Rimfire. In his words these guns are "plinkers" and are the guns they start their young kids out hunting with.

As a comparison to purchase a handgun you go to the store pay the money fill out a sheet and 3 days later return to pick up your gun. The store do a local Police check to make sure you have no criminal record and that's it. You can then make a separate application in the state of Florida for a permit to carry and it is legal to shoot someone if you feel your life is being threatened.

I asked him why he owned some of the guns he did .44 mag etc and he said for personal protection, fact is he said if someone comes to attack me in the street I'm gonna shoot him dead. Why would you not just wound him in the leg I asked. Well he replied if I wound him he's gonna take me to court, a criminal court will throw the case out but then he's gonna take me to civil court, bankrupt and sue the ass off me so he can't sue me if he can't breath.


That is no exaggeration of our conversations the guy was an ex marine who also worked for the Police in Miami in the 80's now retired and just running his fishing boat.......


Is this right or wrong I don't know he certainly wasn't looking for trouble but would put a stop to it very quickly if trouble came to find him, wonder what he would make of some of our gang culture in the UK...........

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I was in Florida 2 years ago ad got to know an guy with a fishing boat who took people out in the bay fishing. He owned several firearms and was astounded when I told him the process I had to go through to get a .22 Rimfire. In his words these guns are "plinkers" and are the guns they start their young kids out hunting with.

As a comparison to purchase a handgun you go to the store pay the money fill out a sheet and 3 days later return to pick up your gun. The store do a local Police check to make sure you have no criminal record and that's it. You can then make a separate application in the state of Florida for a permit to carry and it is legal to shoot someone if you feel your life is being threatened.

I asked him why he owned some of the guns he did .44 mag etc and he said for personal protection, fact is he said if someone comes to attack me in the street I'm gonna shoot him dead. Why would you not just wound him in the leg I asked. Well he replied if I wound him he's gonna take me to court, a criminal court will throw the case out but then he's gonna take me to civil court, bankrupt and sue the ass off me so he can't sue me if he can't breath.


That is no exaggeration of our conversations the guy was an ex marine who also worked for the Police in Miami in the 80's now retired and just running his fishing boat.......


Is this right or wrong I don't know he certainly wasn't looking for trouble but would put a stop to it very quickly if trouble came to find him, wonder what he would make of some of our gang culture in the UK...........

Id like to see some of the muggers in this country bump into your mate seeker :yes: especially when he was carryin his MAGNUM :doh: :headshot::

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Is this right or wrong I don't know he certainly wasn't looking for trouble but would put a stop to it very quickly if trouble came to find him, wonder what he would make of some of our gang culture in the UK...........



He would probably laugh at it !...After all our problem is nothing compared to theirs,the fact that our gang culture is pretty much based on ,bloods crips and bad boys from the bronx etc etc,.. kids walking around with their jeans halfway down their legs because thats what americans do......maybe answers the question being asked !

This " lets be like americans " thing is wrong,the differences in attitudes between us and them is massive what works there wouldnt work here and vice versa.

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Taken the majority of those living in the cities etc in the states, Its a way of surviving poverty that has brought the gun culture to the streets of america,

As well as the bad boy image.


Fact is that the laws need to drastically change here in europe, As the laws favours the criminals atm...


Someone setting out with the intent of robbing or breaking an entering a persons home should be aware that if they do they risk death....... And not a slap on the hand and community service..


Its time goood folks stopped living their lives in fear and time of the perps to wonder is it worth loosing my life over a robbery.........!!!!


just because something is made law doesn't mean to say every tom dick and harry will have a weapon at home or on their person.


but the option will be there, and the criminals will think twice......




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I was in Florida 2 years ago ad got to know an guy with a fishing boat who took people out in the bay fishing. He owned several firearms and was astounded when I told him the process I had to go through to get a .22 Rimfire. In his words these guns are "plinkers" and are the guns they start their young kids out hunting with.

As a comparison to purchase a handgun you go to the store pay the money fill out a sheet and 3 days later return to pick up your gun. The store do a local Police check to make sure you have no criminal record and that's it. You can then make a separate application in the state of Florida for a permit to carry and it is legal to shoot someone if you feel your life is being threatened.

I asked him why he owned some of the guns he did .44 mag etc and he said for personal protection, fact is he said if someone comes to attack me in the street I'm gonna shoot him dead. Why would you not just wound him in the leg I asked. Well he replied if I wound him he's gonna take me to court, a criminal court will throw the case out but then he's gonna take me to civil court, bankrupt and sue the ass off me so he can't sue me if he can't breath.


That is no exaggeration of our conversations the guy was an ex marine who also worked for the Police in Miami in the 80's now retired and just running his fishing boat.......


Is this right or wrong I don't know he certainly wasn't looking for trouble but would put a stop to it very quickly if trouble came to find him, wonder what he would make of some of our gang culture in the UK...........

Id like to see some of the muggers in this country bump into your mate seeker :yes: especially when he was carryin his MAGNUM :doh: :headshot::


When I told him about the Tony Martin case he thought we were a backwards legal country...couldn't believe we were not allowed to protect our own property, The problem was I said he shot and killed one of them in the back so that put him up for murder, this guy just chuckled took a draw on his big Cuban cigar and said well he wouldn't have got shot in the first place if he wasn't were he shouldn't have been.


You know what I Have to agree with him, :hmm:

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Taken the majority of those living in the cities etc in the states, Its a way of surviving poverty that has brought the gun culture to the streets of america,

As well as the bad boy image.


Fact is that the laws need to drastically change here in europe, As the laws favours the criminals atm...


Someone setting out with the intent of robbing or breaking an entering a persons home should be aware that if they do they risk death....... And not a slap on the hand and community service..


Its time goood folks stopped living their lives in fear and time of the perps to wonder is it worth loosing my life over a robbery.........!!!!


just because something is made law doesn't mean to say every tom dick and harry will have a weapon at home or on their person.


but the option will be there, and the criminals will think twice......






They wont think twice though! It didn't make the 2 muggers in this topic think twice and they knew what the outcome could well be, I'm not saying I disagree with you but they mugged a man knowing full well that they could be shot and one of them was!

I'm pretty sure his partner in crime so to speak will no doubt be out robbing/mugging at the next given opportunity despite having seen what happened to his friend?!

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