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flat feet

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I've been told walking on moving surfaces can help with loose feet so the beach is a good suggestion. I was specifically told to walk a dog over gravel tightens up feet.

I've never had a dog with loose feet so never tried any of these but maybe the guys are right and there's nothing you can do about it.

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It does CP but that pups standing on laminate flooring, which every dog has trouble with, so the pic might be a bit decieving.

Looks like typical 'big heavy bull pup on spindley greyhoundy legs', and with a pup so built, never overdo the excercise, just keep it fun, plenty of walks and free running but keep it fun, nothing to serious for a few months and all will be well. I've had the same. :thumbs:

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Dogs are born with good, bad or indifferent feet ! If a pup has bad feet, there's nothing you can do about it, no amount of road work will make bad feet into good feet ! But then again, I've seen dogs with "bad feet" do the job they were bred for without any problems ! Good luck with the pup :thumbs:





Have to say ,,,spot on,,, they are what they are,,,:thumbs: .


Lots of bullx throw loose feet,,and no amount of roadwork will tightern them up,, lots also throw tight feet.

at the time he said flat feet,what would you do to try help a dog with flat feet?????now looking at the pic the dog has bad feet,i was on aboot flat feet

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It does CP but that pups standing on laminate flooring, which every dog has trouble with, so the pic might be a bit decieving.

Looks like typical 'big heavy bull pup on spindley greyhoundy legs', and with a pup so built, never overdo the excercise, just keep it fun, plenty of walks and free running but keep it fun, nothing to serious for a few months and all will be well. I've had the same. :thumbs:


LOL !! The only house dog I've had was my old Doberman, and when we put laminate flooring in, she was like "Bambi On Ice" !! As for the pup in question; it's impossiblr to tell from one pic, so I'd suggest a trip to a vet for a professional opinion.



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A couple of years ago i bought a pup with flat feet, she was on a poor quality food before i had her. After a few weeks and a lot of good puppy food she was back up on her toes. Not that im saying yours isnt on a good diet or is underfed, just something that i found did correct itself. Sometimes it can be genetic.

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It does CP but that pups standing on laminate flooring, which every dog has trouble with, so the pic might be a bit decieving.

Looks like typical 'big heavy bull pup on spindley greyhoundy legs', and with a pup so built, never overdo the excercise, just keep it fun, plenty of walks and free running but keep it fun, nothing to serious for a few months and all will be well. I've had the same. :thumbs:


yeah got to agree,,, and also yes the laminate will be making it look worse,,,, :thumbs: .


It deffo comes from the bull side those loose feet, seen loads with it far more than in any other cross,,, now and then in the collie cross but no where near as bad.

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