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green parakeets

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Right so we would be better off without ALL non native wildlife would we? Think before you speak. Some of us quite like having - fallow deer, muntjac deer, Chinese water deer, Sika deer, Rabbit, Hare,

working in borehamwood today and there was green parakeets flying over all day thay had a nest in one of the gardens they was adding more sticks to it. the man in the house said there always there.

ring necked parakeets are on the list this year so you CAN shoot them!

there is a few diffrent colonys of ring necked parakeets in britain


pretty sure there is other species oot ther doing well aswell....





we got a cockatiel that has lived here for 2 years, only see him now an again, but he is here, hangs aboot wae the starlings :laugh:

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  On 13/01/2011 at 19:43, trappa said:

Well i think they look real nice! would like to see them round here

Whilst looking pretty and exotic they are becoming a bit of a pest and a danger to native wildlife as they evict native birds from their tree holes and deny them of nesting sites.

The parakeets are known to harass woodpeckers (and other birds which nest in old woodpecker holes such as Starlings)and chase them from newly excavated holes which they then use to nest in themselves.

They also compete with native wildlife for food and dominate many garden bird tables and bird feeders. :thumbs:

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