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Proper peed off

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just be careful when u next go out with ur uncle cause i 'think' that because you have been refused u cant even use anyone else's or is that only if u have had ur ticket revoked


Nope. You can handle and use weapons, as long as you are not a "prohibited person", so basically unless you've served a prison sentence of more than 3 months you're fine. If it's between 3 months and 3 years, the ban lasts for 5 years. If the sentence was more than 3 years (note the SENTENCE, NOT time served!) then the ban would be for life.


I'm still intrigued at this. The only reason for refusing to issue is if they consider that you posessing a shotgun would pose a danger to the public. Now, if you pose a danger now, how will you not in 8 months time? Seems nonsensical!

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I see what u mean mate but he said on the phone just stay out of police trouble and apply in 8 months like i said before i havent been in trouble for 4 years so y am i gonna do sumin stupid now and lose it all together i dont get it maybe there just tryna prove a point or sumin but i beta get it in 8 months or i will cry LOL thanks yet again for the help and advice what would be the advantages of apelling mate if i was to do it . BIGASH

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I am no expert in these things, but i think any appeal or intervention by shooting body such as BASC will take a few months, and in the end if you were to go down that route you could just piss them off. They are human and will be sticking to their own force / company rules, even if they do not believe them to be correct or fair themselves as individuals.


With all the recent firearm offences in the press they will be making sure that every grant is fully checked out, so that nothing can come back at the force. If they have said that you should apply in 8 months plus time, then i would do just that. Better to wait 8 months and get what you want than to attack now and delay things for much longer. If you appeal or go to an outside body you may not be able to apply under their 8 month recomendation whilst the appeal or whatever is ongoing.


Win the war not the battle!

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Diver, I almost agree, but not quite!


The firearms licencing bods need reminding from time to time that they are there to apply the law, fairly and equally. It's not for them to make the rules up as they go along!


As for the FEO having the final decision, I'm afraid not! The FEO's in all the forces I know of lost any real decision making powers a long time ago. Now they are purely information gatherers. That's not to say that having them on side for your application isn't a very good thing, of course it is, as they are only human and can have a big effect on your application by the way they write it up, but they don't get to make the decisions.


As for "just applying force procedure" well, if it's not really got any basis in law then it needs changing.

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Dunno how this is progressing but its not like an outright refusal or unwarranted conditions. Yes it galls to let it happen, but an appeal is risking a future awkwardness with an FEO who seems, to be fair, to be working with what looks good for him in the current climate by approving the ticket in principal. Five years free of police interest might be the local/updated politically correct policy.


By following the FEO's advice the applicant is displaying a better degree of common sense and temprement than would be seen by appealing over a paltry few months over the potential life of an FAC. Perhaps more than ever before, any applicant must be seen to be very tolerant and rational.

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Simple thought, you could say you were taking it to your uncle for advice on how to check to see if it was a legal weapon. Sounds like your uncle has a fair bit of experience. Claim you never fired it and that the fingerprints you left on it were from you trying the weapon, without firing. Then you can claim you were doing everything in your power to ensure it complied with the law. All you have to get your uncle to say is that he would have recommended you go down to the police station and get it tested there. Then you can drop the person who sold it to you in it for selling you a gun 1) knowing it was overpowered and not asking for an FAC or 2) illegally modifying the aforementioned weapon.


They could only arrest you if it was out of the case so you have a case for compensation at the least. You were carrying a cased weapon so they have no power as I understand the law.

Edited by secretagentmole
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Moley, whether he had fired it or not is neither here nor there. The offence is POSESSION of an air rifle capable of producing more than 12 ft.lb muzzle energy. Whether you knew or not, even if you've just bought it and walked out of the sellers front door, it is your responsibility.


As for stop and search, they have the right to do this if they believe that you have committed, or are about to commit, an offence. You can only have an air rifle in a public place with reasonable excuse.


They are unlikely to stop and seize an air rifle unless there is a specific problem in the area, or you are doing something silly. I've been stopped a few times with my air rifles on me, either in the car or in cases (also live fire rifles and shot guns) and have never had one seized.


Having said all of the above, there is NO reason why it should disbar you from holding an SGC. Get them to give you it in writing that, if you're willing to wait, they will definitely issue the SGC in 8 months time. It's total nonsense, and in law they would have absolutely no defense. If they think that you will be safe in 8 months, then obviously you are safe now! It's up to you, but I would appeal, as the more people let them get away with making up their own rules, the more they will do it!

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