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Whats makes a good hunter

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This is a question that I was asked some tme ago, what is the meaning of "A good Hunter".


Is it a person who has all the mod cons and spends mad money on a dog just to have the best on the market, a flash in the pan type guy.


Or is it the guy who has spent years learning this trade and will always ensure that the first sod turned turned is the last one laid.


What makes a good hunter.

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  Irish Lurcher said:
This is a question that I was asked some tme ago, what is the meaning of "A good Hunter".


Is it a person who has all the mod cons and spends mad money on a dog just to have the best on the market, a flash in the pan type guy.


Or is it the guy who has spent years learning this trade and will always ensure that the first sod turned turned is the last one laid.


What makes a good hunter.

In my opinion a good hunter is someone

1) who leaves the land as he finds it

2) Catches what he is hunting

3) Does not exagerate his catch

4) Treats his quarry with the respect it deserves

5) Is willing to teach youngsters the tricks of his trade


And last but not least f :censored: cking hates Tony Blair

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Guest alastair

eats the game,not just thrown in a ditch,leaves some for another day,respect for the land and stock,repays the landowner in some way,and top of my list is be quiet,also respect breeding seasons of the quarry.

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Guest alastair
  heart of wales said:
  alastair said:

eats the game,not just thrown in a ditch,leaves some for another day,respect for the land and stock,repays the landowner in some way,and top of my list is be quiet,also respect breeding seasons of the quarry.

I aint eating no f cking fox or mole :icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek:


:clapper: after a few :drink: they taste sweet

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  heart of wales said:
  alastair said:

eats the game,not just thrown in a ditch,leaves some for another day,respect for the land and stock,repays the landowner in some way,and top of my list is be quiet,also respect breeding seasons of the quarry.

I aint eating no f cking fox or mole :icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek:


:clapper::laugh::laugh: @ heart of wales! :clapper::clapper: LMAO! But you would if there was really nowt else to eat though!

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Obviously, the hall mark of Any True Hunter is that he should have read every word the Great Brian Plummer ever wrote, and should dedicate his life to emmulation of that Paragon of a man.


Yes. I could go on. But I won't. Black Bob's already beaten me to the best craic! :laugh:



Fox and mole? I know a man who has genuinely sampled each. Fox absolutely disgusted him. Mole left him completely speechless!


If I ever meet the guy again, I really must ask him if he's ever got round to road kill badger yet :hmm:

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The ability to feed at least his own family

Respect of his quarry respect for the land

The ability to keep quiet about it

to be able to read the signs of his quarry

and know there habbits inside out

and above all the ability not to get caught[for us poachers out there]

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