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pcp are they really worth it????????????/

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  On 12/01/2011 at 19:12, hunter1989 said:
  On 12/01/2011 at 19:08, ghillies said:

reply to the chinese cheepop's...the 20-30 quid ones? shudders, i was on a daystate harrier x and was handed this ermm... well, hmm, how can i put it?


it wasnt a two stage trigger, more a three stage bangy thing hahahaa it was fecin awful! had to grip the trigger, not squeeze it like, but snatch a good grip where it want bang! then the spring took off off with a bang then the final bang as the pellet took off....freigtened me death! heheheh..



blackpool style chinese stuff....basic but work for the price od a second hand cheap scope lol.




50 yards with any springer aint no suprise :whistling:....used to hit the previous pellets in the mud with an 80...that was a zero check.






50 yards with any springer aint no suprise :whistling:....used to hit the previous pellets in the mud with an 80...that was a zero check.


would love to see that dont forget to mention that was with your eyes shut matey :tongue2::thumbs:


neh when i could see propa lol...also i was out 24/7...makes a wee diference. tisnt how far you can hit...its how far will it kill.


seen a guy do it recently in a wind...one hole group with an HW80. 50 yards measured with a tape. i had a group like...just wasnt so conected lol.

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.(but cheap chinese crap deffo is below the limits lolol).   hi mate   no hard feeling but dont agree with the above statement.   i have had many smk and they are brilliant and ive took rabbits

I grew up shooting springers and they certainly take more practice and patience to shoot consistently well than a PCP, perhaps some of todays young uns starting off with a PCP and never shooting a spr

I wouldn't loose too much sleep over it, hunter1989 turned out to be a thieving, lying toe rag.

it goes like this.....wack..oh f**k too far...hehehe feathers everywhere then it flies off.


or, at about 60 yards stuff starts kicking a bit more than usual, you leg it over and theyre definatly dead on impact , just the less power makes a slower kick out time...67/68..pushing it, 72-74 yards they one leggy crawl about, dead again but a lotta polava..


depends on your gun, mines giving a wicked BC on a heavy pellet... 68 yards is a pushing it for me, statistics say 4 foot pound minimum, but i'd say 5-51/2 based on exsperience and balistic maths...


the 55 mark is cool though, if you hit it right...and no bod shots on rabbits lol. might be rong there, but bod shots at those ranges for bunnies went out long ago, due to 'exsperience'.


fugger it, time to get back out again, sick of waiting to get better lol............................

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  On 12/01/2011 at 18:31, gurtwurz said:
  On 12/01/2011 at 17:22, terrierjohn said:

can somebody tell me if there is any weight difference in the s410 .177 and .22 calibers



yep, the .22's pellets weigh more :whistling:



i gotta admit, since i got my eye in with the '95 i havent used the hw100 that much at all, i just love the feel of the springer, and the simplicity of chuckin some pellets in me pouch and going out for a mooch with it- just classic hunting for the sheer crack of it- :censored: ing ace!!!


cheers, wurz

hi wurz i was meaning the guns not the pellets lol

i'm not a pure numpty lol :thumbs:

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Ive shot some pretty long range bunnies and corvids myself wth a top quality tuned HW97KT or my old ProSport, even some 45 metre clean kills with my un- tuned HW95K, but when i had my Chinese Custom Lion i didnt get a good enough group with any pellet past about 20 to 25 metres at the very max.


Killed lots of ferals and magpies in Bosnia though with it so was well happy with it for close range pest control.


The Chinese rifles have come on since 1997 and ive seen a lad from this section (Reggaeman) take a few 30 - 35 metre standing shots with his old .177 SMK19 and drop bunnies with good head shots.


50 yards is a very good shot with a cheap spring piston rifle with a very stiff trigger Steve buddy :notworthy: .


Some great shooting there Steve i must say :thumbs: .


Better than what i could ever do any way mate :yes: .





Edited by zini
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  On 12/01/2011 at 21:39, zini said:

Ive shot some pretty long range bunnies and corvids myself wth a top quality tuned HW97KT or my old ProSport, even some 45 metre clean kills with my un- tuned HW95K, but when i had my Chinese Custom Lion i didnt get a good enough group with any pellet past about 20 to 25 metres at the very max.


Killed lots of ferals and magpies in Bosnia though with it so was well happy with it for close range pest control.


The Chinese rifles have come on since 1997 and ive seen a lad from this section (Reggaeman) take a few 30 - 35 metre standing shots with his old .177 SMK19 and drop bunnies with good head shots.


50 yards is a very good shot with a cheap spring piston rifle with a very stiff trigger Steve buddy :notworthy: .


Some great shooting there Steve i must say :thumbs: .


Better than what i could ever do any way mate :yes: .






Me and steve have both taken bugz out to 45ish yds with my gamo cf-x .22, with original trigger that refuses to ever break in the same place twice, therfore I seem to have adapted to a quick pull of the trigger (bad technique) but it works for me, it will group to at 35yds with rws superdomes, I admit the trigger is a massive draw back but can be tamed, I have even considerd getting the grt trigger for it, also it has a horrible twang but that could be tuned out. I know gamo have a very bad rep, this one is most definatly useable tho imo, have you ever used a cheap rifle that has ever surprised you as this one has me??

.atb. .ste.

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Well lads, its a funny 'ol conundrum this. I have been fortunate to have owned lots of airguns, both spring and PCP. To be honest the PCP's are quieter and often have a magazine . Thats great and quick back up shots are easy to perform. However, i do love the good old springers. When i get my HW77 up and running i will put a post or two up with what i shoot. The one good thing about springers is that you do not run out of air! im not joking, if i am doing a good stint with the gun i can soon shoot a 40 shot cylinder out. With great ease. You never run out of charge with a springer! :thumbs:

Would i shoot more with a PCP than a springer? Who can say? :boogie:

I often think that its not the gun,pellets, camo,knife,boots, inflatable shooting matt, etc its the person behind the gun. :thumbs:

If i had to shoot any one gun for the rest fo my life i think the 77 would be a hard one to beat...... :victory::notworthy:

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Hi Ste,


Yea mate as I said my Custom Lion was very good at close range while carrying pest control in Bosnia.


It had a terrible trigger, probably the worst one I have ever used but it knocked pigeons over well enough and magpies that made home in our gun hangers.


It only cost something like £60 with 3-9*32 scope and mounts too.


That was in 1997 though.


I feel that even a cheap chinease rifle or Spanish Gamo is ok for plinking or vermin control if you stay within the rifles capabilities.


I've no doubt that the 9 or 10 ft/lb max of power that the Lion put out would kill with a very lucky shot at. 50 yards but I at that time in my air rifle shooting life wasn't up to shooting that far and have only managed to get to shoot consistantly out to longer ranges within the past 2 to 2.5 years and that's since practicing since 13.


The Lion also wasn't up to that range as well buddy as stated and the scope was a standard 30/30 ret.


If someone or people like you and Steve are up to achieving this range consistently with a cheaper springer then fair play to you both buddy and good on you both.


I admire both your skills.



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