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pcp are they really worth it????????????/

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.(but cheap chinese crap deffo is below the limits lolol).   hi mate   no hard feeling but dont agree with the above statement.   i have had many smk and they are brilliant and ive took rabbits

I grew up shooting springers and they certainly take more practice and patience to shoot consistently well than a PCP, perhaps some of todays young uns starting off with a PCP and never shooting a spr

I wouldn't loose too much sleep over it, hunter1989 turned out to be a thieving, lying toe rag.

No problems with that at all Steve buddy.


It was best that I was honest with you than keep a secret that way the respect both ways is earned.


As Davy said to me if you have a gripe or something to say its better that you bring it out and be honest, which is what I have done, plus give you both a compliment in the process.


When I first joined the forum a couple of years ago I probably was looked at as a dreamer as I made some comments about stuff I have done which was true but highly unlikely to some.


Like you say, the best way to put people in there place is to video it and range it and prove it on camera mate that way no one can argue with you.


As Buster said the other day, a man’s word should be enough but it sadly isn’t and some peeps do exaggerate buddy as you will have seen yourself.


An example is a chap some months ago trying to tell the section that he regularly shoots bunnies at 70 yards plus with a old Webley I think it was (10 to 10.5 FP) with open sight, and that he can regularly shoot a 2p coin at 70 yards with the open sights.


Now I was shooting the other week with Tony at 50 metres on x 6 on my scope and the target was a bottle top.


I could only just make out the top at 50 metres so I know that he was waffling to the section about seeing a small 2p at 70 yards which is 64 metres and shooting it easily regularly.


I wouldn’t get on a downer buddy, and you don’t have to feel that you might leave the forum for one post where I have been honest to you.


I’m sure that you respect me being honest with you (I know I would) than me waffling to you mate.


Keep your chin up and soldier on mate. Remember that the forum is also about lads and lasses voicing their opinions as well as discussing shooting topics so expect negative comments from time to time mate. You want to see what I get via PM on here and YouTube mate in regards to negative posts. You would be amazed.


Anyway as I said before hopefully we will meet at Davys or at your permission 1 day and have a beer and shoot together.


Keep your chin up mate.



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Chill out steve you dont need to proove anything to anyone mate ;),

I would imagine that a lot of people on here are great shots but dont speak of it :)


Back to springers and pcps, I think springers are a great challenge and have provided me with some great sporting challenges a couple of years back when that is all I knew, then starting shooting again a few months back with a pcp that has won its place in my heart as a accurate recoiless, perhaps cold but effective pest controll tool, I enjoy shooting both, both are up to the job in the right hands and have fundimental differences that we are all aware of, I hope to have a good quality spring rifle beside my 410 in the very near future as I beleve improving your skills on a springer will undoubtably inprove your pcp shooting greatly.


I wouldent be without either just like I have a .177 and a .22 I like to be able to lay my hands on the best of both worlds, weather im plinking or hunting, having fun whilst improving my skills is paramount, this debate I feel is one of personal preferences and will more than likely go on forever as will the .177 or .22 debate lol,

Air rifles have a place in my heart for having to stalk quarry to close proximity and utilising all your fieldcraft skill and wit, as long as YOU can shoot YOUR rifle accurately regardless of price, calibre ect, your stalk will be a sucessfull one :)


.atb. .ste.

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Air rifles have a place in my heart for having to stalk quarry to close proximity and utilising all your fieldcraft skill and wit, as long as YOU can shoot YOUR rifle accurately regardless of price, calibre ect, your stalk will be a sucessfull one.


Spot on advice that Ste :thumbs: .

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Quarry taken at 50yds with a half decent springer is defo poss thats for sure....i havnt done it myself as i would not trust myself with the shot.....Im sure my TX could do the shot but i know i could not.......I believe Steve when he say's he did the shot no doubt about it.....i have no reason to believe he would lie about such a thing and it also seem to me that people can vouch for his shooting prowess.....If your capable why not take the shot is all i can say!

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  On 13/01/2011 at 11:33, J Darcy said:

Just for the record i have seen rabbits taken over 60 yards with a sub-11ft/lb airgun. Head shot, stone dead.Range measured with a range finder. :thumbs:

I have seen woodpigeons taken at long range with springers,as well as practically every other quarry species.


Hi Mr Darcy,


Yep what you say is true buddy as I have also witnessed these shots being made with a spring piston rifle myself :thumbs: .


55m, 60m, and a 63m shots with a springer, these all in metres and not yards so even further and longer shots buddy so I know it’s possible in the right hands :thumbs: .


I also know someone on this forum that has taken a rabbit when out shooting with me over 70 yards cleanly with his PCP straight in the head :yes: .


The problem arises in my mind when (EXAMPLE but not too far off the truth) a dreamer comes into the section and on his first post tells us all how he just took a crow through the brain perfectly at 70 yards with his SMK B2 with a 4x20 cigar scope, in a strong left to right breeze and that he regularly does it at that range using .22 Bull Dog pellets.


Now that I would like to see :laugh: .





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  On 13/01/2011 at 09:57, pianoman said:
  On 13/01/2011 at 01:46, andyfr1968 said:

So then, Simon, you're not really tempted by one of those Hatstands after all?? :laugh:


I dabbled with inflatable airguns for a while but I've stayed with my springers. I only had the 410 for less than a year and to be fair, it was a nice bit of kit that didn't give any trouble but it just didn't do it for me.


My 90's about twelve years old now, has shot tens of thousands of pellets and is as good now as it was when it was new. :thumbs:

No Andy mate. I'm very happy with my COATRACK HW77! :laugh: :laugh:


Interesting that you had an S410 pcp for less than a whole year. That's a situation I saw coming with me and PCPs. I really wanted to like them but, I always immediately felt that they were incapable of absorbing something of me into them, the way a recoiling spring rifle can. You could put my spring rifles in a roomful of identical ones and I could pick mine out blindfolded. I just don't get that same sense of connection with a pcp.






I know what you mean, Simon. The 410 was a crackingly good tool and I totally understand the folks who prefer their PCPs over springers, espeially if their new to the sport and maybe haven't given themselves enough time to master the technique. PCP's are much easier to master and that's a fact :thumbs:


Like you though, they just leave me a bit cold.



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Although i kinda like that clinical feeling you get from a pcp, I still feel like im missing out on something since i got rid of the TX200. does anyone have any suggestions of a light and easy to handle springer as i intend to get another at some point, i was thinking lightning XL maybe but iv heard they've got quite some recoil. im now worried that shooting the pcp might've turned me into a pansy when it come to weight an recoil and iv got to take this into consideration if i fork out for another rifle.

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Try shouldering a HW95K mate.


It's a wonderful little rifle.


Light and accurate and is way better a rifle than the Lightning if you ask me mate.


I've owned 1 lightning and multiple HW95k's.


As a guide I would personally give the Lightning a 7 out of 10 and a HW95K a 10 out of 10 within the same price bracket and weight category.



Edited by zini
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hi si


its not that im p*ssed its feels that people have no faith in the younger shooters,


ive been shooting almost 3 years now and think ive done pretty well over 250 rabbits shot over 100 pigeons and so on.


also my wifes just brought me a range finder,napier cleaning kit new silencer adaptor,qd studs and 5000 air arm pellets :thumbs:


so im still learning alot and stil buying new kit to help me with those ranges


anyways si no hard felling about anything you said


atb steve :thumbs:

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for me its springers all the way the first i got was a bsa goldstar 10 shot under leaver in 1999/2000 very nice bit of kit but got spoted were i should not have been and lost the gun to the pigs. so then i got a tx200 everyone knows how good these are. after a wile i put the tx in the loft and went down the pcp rought first i got an rws simmitor didnt like that so got the logun s16 lets just say there was feck all sweet about that. then the new one came out so i got that witch was the worst gun ive had to date. then i went for a stelth and didnt like that so 4 pcps later and a few £££ wasted got the tx out the loft and im still useing it to this day.

so the answer to your question is no i dont think they are worth the cash.


reasons for not likeing the pcps


1st logun groping the size of a bin lid and very inconsistent.


2nd logun:: same as the first but kept jamming pellets in the barrel.


stelth: was so inconsistent it was unreal plus the power would creep up on its own accord when i first got it, it was at 12lb and a month later when i got it tested because it seemed to have increased in power it was 22lb so it want asap


rws: did not like the floating barrel also had problems with jamming pellets and also inconsistent.

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  On 13/01/2011 at 15:55, hullhunter said:

for me its springers all the way the first i got was a bsa goldstar 10 shot under leaver in 1999/2000 very nice bit of kit but got spoted were i should not have been and lost the gun to the pigs. so then i got a tx200 everyone knows how good these are. after a wile i put the tx in the loft and went down the pcp rought first i got an rws simmitor didnt like that so got the logun s16 lets just say there was feck all sweet about that. then the new one came out so i got that witch was the worst gun ive had to date. then i went for a stelth and didnt like that so 4 pcps later and a few £££ wasted got the tx out the loft and im still useing it to this day.

so the answer to your question is no i dont think they are worth the cash.


reasons for not likeing the pcps


1st logun groping the size of a bin lid and very inconsistent.


2nd logun:: same as the first but kept jamming pellets in the barrel.


stelth: was so inconsistent it was unreal plus the power would creep up on its own accord when i first got it, it was at 12lb and a month later when i got it tested because it seemed to have increased in power it was 22lb so it want asap


rws: did not like the floating barrel also had problems with jamming pellets and also inconsistent.


HH why did you not try a good one then..... :thumbs:

any air arms, HW100, Falcon, Theoben, daystate. They are all top class. logun and Stealths i have never liked. :blink:

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  On 13/01/2011 at 15:58, J Darcy said:
  On 13/01/2011 at 15:55, hullhunter said:

for me its springers all the way the first i got was a bsa goldstar 10 shot under leaver in 1999/2000 very nice bit of kit but got spoted were i should not have been and lost the gun to the pigs. so then i got a tx200 everyone knows how good these are. after a wile i put the tx in the loft and went down the pcp rought first i got an rws simmitor didnt like that so got the logun s16 lets just say there was feck all sweet about that. then the new one came out so i got that witch was the worst gun ive had to date. then i went for a stelth and didnt like that so 4 pcps later and a few £££ wasted got the tx out the loft and im still useing it to this day.

so the answer to your question is no i dont think they are worth the cash.


reasons for not likeing the pcps


1st logun groping the size of a bin lid and very inconsistent.


2nd logun:: same as the first but kept jamming pellets in the barrel.


stelth: was so inconsistent it was unreal plus the power would creep up on its own accord when i first got it, it was at 12lb and a month later when i got it tested because it seemed to have increased in power it was 22lb so it want asap


rws: did not like the floating barrel also had problems with jamming pellets and also inconsistent.


HH why did you not try a good one then..... :thumbs:

any air arms, HW100, Falcon, Theoben, daystate. They are all top class. logun and Stealths i have never liked. :blink:


at the time the logun s16 was ment to be the best gun out there it was just not for me the others were a good price but in the end not worth the pellets i was firing through them.



but on the other had ive had a go on a mates hw100 and i did like that i would have one if i had the cash

Edited by hullhunter
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The problem arises in my mind when (EXAMPLE but not too far off the truth) a dreamer comes into the section and on his first post tells us all how he just took a crow through the brain perfectly at 70 yards with his SMK B2 with a 4x20 cigar scope, in a strong left to right breeze and that he regularly does it at that range using .22 Bull Dog pellets.


Now that I would like to see :laugh: .






mate this has got me laughin, fantastic, I love it, if we were in the pub I would smash my pint glass in to yours and say cheers, absolute classic :laugh: ; it reminds me of something that would have been said by jackthepatterdale or one of his other multiple usernames :whistling:


Right PCP are they worth it, I have a 410c and I do rather like it a lot, I did like my HW80 as well, but thats gone now and I still have my 1st springer a .177 Meteor.


People get to hung up on how many shots you get out of a fill, most 12ftlbs rifles will have atleast 40 shots at the sweet spot and thats plenty.


Roll on the dryer weather.

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