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Ive been out with little black terrier Bess who stands at 10in to the shoulder. Bess is such a diamond worker. This dog can spot a mouse a mile off. Bess will pull down a bush to get to a mouse. The beauty of her hunting mice is that i only have to dig down 6 ins to get her out, we never have to wait more than half an hour before she has got and eaten her target. :whistling:


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Ive been out with little black terrier Bess who stands at 10in to the shoulder. Bess is such a diamond worker. This dog can spot a mouse a mile off. Bess will pull down a bush to get to a mouse. The beauty of her hunting mice is that i only have to dig down 6 ins to get her out, we never have to wait more than half an hour before she has got and eaten her target. :whistling:


Typical hard mouthed terrier........ :laugh:

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How old is she mate? I wouldnt go working her to much on the old mice when young, seen many a good dog throw the towel in when working them to young & make sure you have some peicilln in to, they can give a very nasty bite, and never double them up sure way to feck them up in the long run.Best thing to do is start them off about 7/8 months on ants then move them up to mice about 14 months old on. Steady is the key to a good terrier. pm me if you need anymore help cheers christian :thumbs:

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How old is she mate? I wouldnt go working her to much on the old mice when young, seen many a good dog throw the towel in when working them to young & make sure you have some peicilln in to, they can give a very nasty bite, and never double them up sure way to feck them up in the long run.Best thing to do is start them off about 7/8 months on ants then move them up to mice about 14 months old on. Steady is the key to a good terrier. pm me if you need anymore help cheers christian :thumbs:


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lol i carry mini staples with me for those nasty nips. :gunsmilie:

Oh yea and she is due to have pups on Feb 1st so if anyone is looking for a real hardened worker look no further and thats before you see the dad Spud the Stud. :laugh:

Edited by sallie
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