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out tonight

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me and moggs off here are out on 3 new farms we picked up last week going up to see a pup for moggs first then on to the lamping havent a clue what to expect fingers crossed for us lads the lamping has been hard sinse the cold snap ill let you know how we get on :thumbs:



well we went out lad let moggs down on the pup so we were on the permision early had a good course on charlie boy but the dogs where verry unlucky when he did the vanishing act behind the tree trick :thumbdown: then we moved on and had a couple of unsucsefull chases on rabbits 1 slip each rabbitts are really thing on the ground this year anyway we got onto some high ground and saw a few long ears :D we had two unsucsessfull retreves but the dogs where unlucky bloody gates :no: and last off a sucsesfull retreave it lasted a good 3 minutes up and down dogs did really well my dog crashed cover twice to push out and stuck like glue all in all really pleased with my 15 month old bull cross hes 25" and a good 65 pound so he did well really pleased so heres some picks :bye:



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