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would it be possible to hunt wolves with dog's?

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Couple things here. The lady sayin her bulldog killed two coyotes on its chain is full of shit. Secondly them "wolves" on the chain are the same size as a coyote maybe a few pounds heavier. Turn a pack of hounds lose on some wolves and your dogs will be dead and eaten. Not wounded but dead and eaten.


Is it possible to legally run a wolf with dogs anywhere in North America Dan?

Has anybody actually tried it in more recent years? I dont doubt what you say for a second, just wondering.

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Couple things here. The lady sayin her bulldog killed two coyotes on its chain is full of shit. Secondly them "wolves" on the chain are the same size as a coyote maybe a few pounds heavier. Turn a pack of hounds lose on some wolves and your dogs will be dead and eaten. Not wounded but dead and eaten.


Is it possible to legally run a wolf with dogs anywhere in North America Dan?

Has anybody actually tried it in more recent years? I dont doubt what you say for a second, just wondering.


It may be in Wyoming but I have no clue.

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Those asian wolves are not big, they're the size of a dingo or coyote or similar so they can be taken by a game dog, even though the game dog won't come out unscathed. The grey wolf (in particular the timber wolf) is a whole different kettle of fish. Those fuckers are huge and can weigh 70 odd kilograms, that's like a mastiff but born to kill over millions of years.

A seppo mate of mine tells me that some wolf packs in Missouri have taken to coming into the towns and eating domestic dogs cos they're an easier bet than deer and bison and there's always a ready supply of them to eat.

He told me once of a story where some women were jogging with their dogs and before they knew it they were being circled by a couple of wolves intent on eating their mutts. One of the women had an american bulldog and that was the one the wolves were trying to get. I can't remember if he said they ended up eating the dog or what, but they sure tried.

Don't know how true it is, but the bloke is a decent fella and doesn't seem like the type to lie.

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Those asian wolves are not big, they're the size of a dingo or coyote or similar so they can be taken by a game dog, even though the game dog won't come out unscathed. The grey wolf (in particular the timber wolf) is a whole different kettle of fish. Those fuckers are huge and can weigh 70 odd kilograms, that's like a mastiff but born to kill over millions of years.

A seppo mate of mine tells me that some wolf packs in Missouri have taken to coming into the towns and eating domestic dogs cos they're an easier bet than deer and bison and there's always a ready supply of them to eat.

He told me once of a story where some women were jogging with their dogs and before they knew it they were being circled by a couple of wolves intent on eating their mutts. One of the women had an american bulldog and that was the one the wolves were trying to get. I can't remember if he said they ended up eating the dog or what, but they sure tried.

Don't know how true it is, but the bloke is a decent fella and doesn't seem like the type to lie.

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the wild dog looks small.for a wolf .


A woman was killed in canada the east coast ,, coyotes killed her..SHE WAS A DOCTOR ..bush wolf can be nasty ...within the last few years worse..

larger yotes going south I believe to the usa. the hounds we have from the usa seem smart.


and hardly get hurt ..



we have this little hound female with heart .. too much heart

fisrt thing we knew she's beating the heckout of any yote when she first started ,, crazy little hound cross ,,for yote s.. now we know so we are very carfull if a yote has been wounde and we run to shoot the yote be fore she gets there ,,canadain bred nutty female hound ..


I am sure that others that have hunted caribou know . what the locals there say about hunting wolves ..and the locals asking us for dogs because a wolf killed their dog.

Edited by thomas h
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There is no such thing as a 'wolf' - there are lots of different types. You can run and kill eurasian wolves with dogs (seen it done) but when it comes to canadian / timber wolves then your dogs would die. They can and regularly do kill and eat huskies, hounds, etc etc etc

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My sal/whip/grey is showing great promise. He is only 4 months but he rags his teddy bear like mad. I reckon he would make a mess of one of those timber wolves.


Okay those of you who've got your aggressive replies ready... I'm joking! f**k that! You seen the size of those timber wolves?


Could even a pack of big mastiff type dogs stand a chance? And wouldn't the wolves be in a large pack also? Ripping any pack of dogs apart?



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some times he would lose dogs for 6 hours and never catch the grey boy he was gone ,many an old timer says he cat one just like the proghorn antelope who can run 50 mph and just go go go



O aye they can shift and have some mean stamina, they also tend to hang about in packs and know their ground very well. You got to remember that the wolf is the ancient ancestor of the dog and i dont think any dog has that kind of raw power and hunting ability.

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there let some go in new mexico but not to many for hunters to kill was a big stink up with ranchers on the black range and the gila mountains , they no there land well as they patrol it and are very clever and powerful hunting beasts with family ties and once the see fear in an animal well its doomed ,people on these internets go on about silly thing s alot like a childs game what if this that and whatever ,im into reality not some idiot says this and that

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Wolf hunting was the major reason running dogs were first imported to the American west by ranchers and us army officers in the late 1800s-early 1900s.These were greyhounds and deer hounds mostly then borzoi or Russians Wolfhounds and Irish Wolfhounds Bulldog and mastiff crosses were also mentioned from time to time. most wolves were caught and killed with the aid of the hunter.these had to have been very tough game dogs to accomplish this these dog are also the basic components for our modern coyote dogs (stags)

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decent fella

14slafl.jpg looks like yours .in montreal..


could have bred him to a lurcher but used a different pit.this pit is a relative to exported pits .i used one with longer legs and bigger ,, golden in color .


my bud that set me up for the pits,,he is dead now . but he was a breeder exporter .bred champions ..H eused i beleive dogs from another breeder that had pasted on as well I think one pit went to uk ...very strick breeding on real pits here at the time . but thats over ,,



Edited by thomas h
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