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Session Cut short

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Well, me n wor kid ventured out at the weekend for what we thought was gonna be a good nights shooting.....but couldnt have been more wrong.

We've just gained another 400 or so acres right next door to our one in Cumbria so we thought we'd give it a go. Wor kid phoned the farmer to let him know we'd be there and all was a go!

I got to his at midnight as usual and we set off only for the wind to pick up and it started raining.....GREAT! :thumbdown: We kept going and arrived 45mins later. The wind had dropped slightly but was freezing!

Setting up we found the first "bollock" of the night.... I'd brought the batteries but no add-on IR :icon_redface: so was stuck with the attached one :hmm:

The second "bollock" we'd only gone and left the dive bottle back at wor kids! :icon_redface: we both normally fill up straight after a session so we were ok for air

Luckily when we both checked zero we were within a couple of clicks of centre.


Going slightly off topic we've invested in some new radios after our other ones decided to pack up on our last trip out, after using DavyT63's when he was up here we had a look about and decided on these.....



bought from here



We had them shipped from the US and got hit with a small customs charge but for £100 all in it's a bargain compared to UK prices!


Anyway back on topic.....

We hit our favourite part first, the railway embankment which is normally amock with rabbits

After a short while Wor kid came on the radio, I've not seen 1 he said.... I replied with, I've seen 3 and have 1 in the bag. Then all was quiet for a good half hour until we saw the probable cause of our problem, Charlie!! if only we had our FAC and a suitable rifle to hand!!

After another hour of mooching and not seeing a thing we decided to hit the new permission.

As DavyT63 may comment later a lot of (ok well mostly all) of our permission is on hills

We jumped in the van and drove down the small track down the hill which turned out to be a big mistake, I had a quick scan of the field which revealed quite a few "eyes" in the distance about 70-80m

The wind had picked up slughtly and was now about 15-20mph then started to snow and my god did it snow....within minutes the ground was white and was already starting to freeze.

We took the decision to abort the trip as the NV was providing to be useless in the snowfall and jumped back in the van.

This is where the fun began.....we couldnt get uo the bloody hill!!.....Black ice and snow!

Wor kid had a few goes and the van just wouldnt do it....at one point he was sliding back down with his foot planted on the brakes, scary moments when ya sliding and cant do fook all about it!

I legged it to the top of the bank and found a pile of rocksalt which I started spreading and after about 30mins we eventually got the van up the hill onto the main road.

That was that...we headed for home in a blizzard. I never took any pics at this popint as we were too concerned of getting the van out!


Back at wor kids the weather was totally different.....not a drop of snow and no wind....bloody typical!

I chucked my gear in my car and I also headed for home. With the conditions being favourable I deviated and headed for a very small permission not far from where I live.

I hadnt put 1 foot in the field when I clocked my first and only target, 20m away it lay flat thinking I couldnt see it.... if I had a lamp no doubt it would have legged it but the NV paid dividends and the pellet hit it's mark.

Which made the total for the night 2 for me.


Hopefully on our next visit we'll do a bit better!


My pic...



cheers for reading as usual



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hi ya buddy

the fox is getting to be a big problem everywhere at the minute i am doing more and more fox culls come the summer and if money being buddy and i get another car as the wife needs ours then i could pop over and we could go out on a fox trip to slow them down a little buddy

and hope to see you get some better look matey

nice picture though and the radios are good aint they buddy



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At least you got a few bunnies though mate,


I was heading up towards Berwick over xmas to meet one of the lad's from the site for a shoot, when i hit some snow on the A1 and rolled me car into a bank so i was hanging upside down by me seat belt lol


So it could be worse, i did'nt even manage to get there, and i think he thought i calling his bluff when i rang and told the lad.


Anyway better luck next time mate!

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I wouldn't hit myself with the Doh! stick over your moments of forgetfulness Darryl mate. You've still shot more rabbits than I've actually seen bobbing about on my permissions so far this new year! :thumbs: Haven't seen and bagged a bloody thing in ages :no:





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hi lads

i bet that was funny,pushing the van :laugh:

i can see it now lol


good news on the radio side though,now next time we meet we will be able to keep in touch :thumbs:

they ar really good radio's me tinks :thumbs:


and a nice couple of rabbits to boot


see ya both soon


PS you should invite simon up for a shoot :thumbs:





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It's the same every year at this time on my permissions round here. The rabbits emerge at nightfall but only in small numbers. Otherwise they disappear till around March/April when the the first litters are born.


I need some new lamping kit or set up NV on one of my rifles...Or move up further north to Darryl and Gary's! :thumbs:



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Nice going lads :yes:


Okay two aint a massive bag but its more than I've had chance of boppin this year.

Was soooo tempted to get out this evening, got the guns ready, then the wind got up and it piddled it down like a bitch :thumbdown:


I'm after a charger for the midland radio's and some chargable batts. Thanks for the link Darryl :yes:





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