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High voltage mole control

Guest The Big Fish

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:blink: Must have come as a shock to him, when he threw that switch and realised he'd got it all wrong, eh?! Doughnut!


Mind you; I've actually examined a Swedish Mole 'Gun' which, when moley blundred into it, fired a .303 round at him!


And we all know what moles are like for burrowing under obstructions and hefting them Upwards! :icon_eek:

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:blink: Must have come as a shock to him, when he threw that switch and realised he'd got it all wrong, eh?! Doughnut!


Mind you; I've actually examined a Swedish Mole 'Gun' which, when moley blundred into it, fired a .303 round at him!


And we all know what moles are like for burrowing under obstructions and hefting them Upwards! :icon_eek:



i,m still sticking to traps

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Too right, lads! And I know I'd rather take a .303 round in the face than a spoonfull of Strychnine any day of the week :( At least Strychnine never stood to erupt out of the ground at around 500 MPH at ye though! :icon_eek:


Are they still in use? I honestly couldn't swear to it, one way or another. But the one I handled was about thirty years ago and that one was made out what looked to me like dead modern alloys.


I've come across one or two since, on Google or what ever. I'm not even sure their use was confined to Sweden. But then, Scandanavia's an insular and 'funny' place around traps .....

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Too right, lads! And I know I'd rather take a .303 round in the face than a spoonfull of Strychnine any day of the week :( At least Strychnine never stood to erupt out of the ground at around 500 MPH at ye though! :icon_eek:


Are they still in use? I honestly couldn't swear to it, one way or another. But the one I handled was about thirty years ago and that one was made out what looked to me like dead modern alloys.


I've come across one or two since, on Google or what ever. I'm not even sure their use was confined to Sweden. But then, Scandanavia's an insular and 'funny' place around traps .....



that nowt like as bad as when a trap goes off on ya finger

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dull pricks we may be but you still took the time to read all the thread :tongue2:


Fao moley, traps going off on yer fingers, bad news that. i now have 2 broken index fingers from a fenn mk4 getting me a few yrs back, both of them stuck in the trap at once :whistle: :icon_redface:

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