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air pistol

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Probably any at that range as long they are accurate and close to 6ft lb, will need to be a head shot tho, as the breast bone is solid, just out of curiosity how are you managing to get that close?

.atb. .ste.

Woodys nor pistols I have mutch knolege of, this I just my thaughts on the question you asked :)

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No air pistol is recommended for hunting, they just aren't really powerful enough. Sure, IF you can reliably get to within a few feet, and IF you can place the pellet in the skull, then a full power pistol will kill a woodie. However, unless there is something wrong with them I'd say you're unlikely to get within about 30 or 40 feet of a woodie, which is far beyond the range of a pistol.


The "ratcatcher" CO2 will give you a little bit of extra power, and the longer barrel gives you more range. I wouldn't use an air pistol, except for rats at very close range!

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Yeah, I have an old Webley that I've used to kill a few rats and squirrels in traps, though I tend to reach for the rifle in preference to it these days. The pistol is handy in very tight places where the rifle won't fit, but other than that I prefer having the extra power.

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Even my HW70 would drop a Woody with a head shot at that range.


Can I borrow your invisibility cloaking device please?


Cus there aint know way on Earth you are gonna get to woodies at that range without one :whistling:



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used the ratcatcher for a few years got pic of my best day with it.may take some time to put it up lolgun decent for close range shot mainly rats tree rats crows pigeon good we gun. asha.there was a few cross left up trees

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tell u malt am the same got the bsa ultra and cant get into it ,missed a few easy ones with it,ok at targets seting scopes etc just no confidance with it lol.might get the we gun out again few kills then try bsa again :thumbs:

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