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Out for a mooch

Guest bodgerbear

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Guest bodgerbear

Well finally got a weekend off when I could actually get on my permission. Got on site about 8 o'clock bit nippy and windy but not too bad.

Put my new nets down (got some spun nylons from the Midland game fair last year). Really impressed that there really easy to see, alot better than the crappy Bisley ones I lost my rag with last season (Incidently they all ended up in the bin bloody things).

Put my jill down and stood and waited, nice little 5 holer and as my luck goes bugger all home, so decided to try my hob and definately nothing home.

Moved on to another little set, again nets went down, ferrets down and bugger all was home. Not the best start to the day.


I do have some slight trouble on my permission. Due to the nature of the site I haven't been able to ferret it till today. Now I've been doing my best with my air rifle and the lamp and I know theres loads of the little buggers around, but all the sets seem to be in dense bramble which im not allowed to hack back :(.


Whilst I was walking about I bumped into the head groundsman from the large golfcourse next door. Was having a chat with him and told him what I was up to and to cut a long story short he is going to try and get me permisson to go over the golf course, so a real Brucie bonus there.


I carried on walking around the permission and found a few more sets but some are really old and disused and the others are massive (Stopped counting after 30 holes).

Well stumbled upon a nice little set with about 6 holes. Netted up and put my jill down, 20-25 min later and nothing.

Got the finder out and found her 4 1/2ft down, gave her another 10 min and she hadn't moved, so cracked the shovel out. Got down about 4ft and the bloody rabbit bolted straight into the net closly followed by my jill. Sorted the rabbit out, netted up again and put my hob down just to see if there was anything else left but no one else home.


Well after 5 hours and one rabbit decided to call it a day. Not a complete waste of a day, ferrets tea sorted and possibility of a bit more permission.

Few shots of the day as well



th_IMG00101-20110108-0905.jpg?t=1294644163 th_IMG00104-20110108-1148.jpg?t=1294644163





Edited by bodgerbear
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Well finally got a weekend off when I could actually get on my permission. Got on site about 8 o'clock bit nippy and windy but not too bad.

Put my new nets down (got some spun nylons from the Midland game fair last year). Really impressed that there really easy to see, alot better than the crappy Bisley ones I lost my rag with last season (Incidently they all ended up in the bin bloody things).

Put my jill down and stood and waited, nice little 5 holer and as my luck goes bugger all home, so decided to try my hob and definately nothing home.

Moved on to another little set, again nets went down, ferrets down and bugger all was home. Not the best start to the day.


I do have some slight trouble on my permission. Due to the nature of the site I haven't been able to ferret it till today. Now I've been doing my best with my air rifle and the lamp and I know theres loads of the little buggers around, but all the sets seem to be in dense bramble which im not allowed to hack back :(.


Whilst I was walking about I bumped into the head groundsman from the large golfcourse next door. Was having a chat with him and told him what I was up to and to cut a long story short he is going to try and get me permisson to go over the golf course, so a real Brucie bonus there.


I carried on walking around the permission and found a few more sets but some are really old and disused and the others are massive (Stopped counting after 30 holes).

Well stumbled upon a nice little set with about 6 holes. Netted up and put my jill down, 20-25 min later and nothing.

Got the finder out and found her 4 1/2ft down, gave her another 10 min and she hadn't moved, so cracked the shovel out. Got down about 4ft and the bloody rabbit bolted straight into the net closly followed by my jill. Sorted the rabbit out, netted up again and put my hob down just to see if there was anything else left but no one else home.


Well after 5 hours and one rabbit decided to call it a day. Not a complete waste of a day, ferrets tea sorted and possibility of a bit more permission.

Few shots of the day as well



Pictures of the day



at least you got out mate, im stuck at home with a broken ankle. im from tamworth to.

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Guest bodgerbear

:boogie: at least you were out ;) a wee tip when you put picts up go to the IMG at the bottom of your picts in photobucket HIGHLIGHT COPY AND PASTE then the picts come up with your post ;)



heers for the help with me pictures at least you can see em now :D

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