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Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Frank; Don't for f*ck sake tell them I told ye this mate, but; It's about as boggy, Juncas ridden and inhospitable a load of ground as I've ever seen! :icon_eek: I reckon each of these guys has barely a dozen or so head of cattle and they need to utilise every damn inch of it, just to keep those buggers fed through the summer!


I have a loaned acre of it, right outside my gate here. Keeps the donkey fat all summer, but now? F*ck! It's a quagmire and he prefers to volantarily spend his days either on the track or else in his stable, munching his way through my hay supplies! (Pretty piss poor hay at that - it came off my acre of Juncas!)


But all that too works in my favour. Means there's no cattle to dodge during the winter, when I hope to be busiest. The good ground - and the sheep - are all on the higher land around me, see? So I'll be down here, where the foxes slink back to, able to physically stand between them and the sheep, firing down onto them as they try to get up to the wooley backs. Nothing but empty bog behind and below my targets :D


I think I've landed on my feet here, mate! :good:

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I see, sounds as if you have got it made, it also sounds like your not too far away from that fecking great factory that makes them shitty plastic doors, am i right? You know the one i mean :laugh:;)


Good luck,



Edited by Frank
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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Insulated doors, Frank? :hmm: Actually, I believe that'll be the one. Ye know what? I genuinely haven't got a clue where they hide that place ~ but one of my Permissions has a day job there!


Danny; I could Die for a Quad around here as it is, mate! Need it to haul stable clearings and stuff! As it is, I plan to (eventually) get a Cob and Pot Cart. I can see me putting an 'Accomodation' on the cart and just spending the odd week or so travelling round all this ground. Set up camp. Tie the Dogs off and wander out onto the plain in search of my victims! What a f*ckin life, eh?! :D

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Insulated doors, Frank? :hmm: Actually, I believe that'll be the one. Ye know what? I genuinely haven't got a clue where they hide that place ~ but one of my Permissions has a day job there!


Thats the place Ditch :D and you have hit the nail on the head, how the B-JESUS, do they cover it up so well.? :laugh:



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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:no: Damned if I know, mate. That's 'my town' and I'm always down there. See their f*cking great lorrys all the time. Still just can't imagine where they eminate from :icon_eek:


Anyway, I just came back here to say 'Calm Down Everyone'! I've been busy and had a lot to think about. I just worked something out, now I've cleared my desk and slowed down a bit; It's Hundreds, not Thousands! :laugh: Christ almighty, several Thousand acres would take up much of Co. Leitrim!


No, I thought back over it. The Gard I spoke to in Carrick said they liked rifle men to have one or a couple of Hundred acres. I Think my mate told me he had a hundred, as did his neighbour. So I'm probably looking at more like three or four hundred acres.


Same thing applies; I know these boys land - or much of it. I walk it. And I'll be f*cked if I could even Hope to cover much of it in a long day! Working at night, in earnest with a rifle? Jesus! I'd have to take little pockets here and there. It'd take me a whole winter, staking out one bit at a time and clearing it.


I may make a point of strolling up to my third mans outer farm yard today. See if I can ambush him and get my third bit of paper signed. That'll just leave the guy across the bog from me



Hey, Frank; I'm paid at the end of the month. Do ye think I'll have time to buy the cabinet Then, and get screaming down to Carrick? Or might it be an idea to go to Carrick 'Now' and bank on them not coming to see my cabinet before pay day?

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Hey, Frank; I'm paid at the end of the month. Do ye think I'll have time to buy the cabinet Then, and get screaming down to Carrick? Or might it be an idea to go to Carrick 'Now' and bank on them not coming to see my cabinet before pay day?



Get to Carrick now and get the application in. ;)

You will face a lot of stupid quetions ect and they will try and make it slow as possible, if the Guards in Carrick are like they use to be and i think they are, nothing much changes in this part of the world, accept for houses and flats going up like mushrooms :blink: All mad about building it seems. :icon_eek:


They will check your background out big time, going all the way back to the UK, madical records ect ect, they dont take firearms applications lightly mate. :no:


Let us know how you get on Ditch, ill be expecting a report on here obout your visit to the garda station the next time i see you on here. :D


GOOD LUCK :good:



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Danny; I could Die for a Quad around here as it is, mate! Need it to haul stable clearings and stuff! As it is, I plan to (eventually) get a Cob and Pot Cart. I can see me putting an 'Accomodation' on the cart and just spending the odd week or so travelling round all this ground. Set up camp. Tie the Dogs off and wander out onto the plain in search of my victims! What a f*ckin life, eh?! :D


Sounds good to me mate :victory:


Good luck with the certificates and all that, mate :good:

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