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Moderators ~ Screw IN, Not On Ones

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Ok, all things being equel, I'm looking to get myself a NEF 'Handi Rifle' .22 Hornet.


Now, this thing, I'm told, has a bang like a barn door in hell. I'll Definately need to supress that report around here. I'll need a Moderator.


However, this model has a ramped foresight. There's no where to get an external thread cut. So it'll have to be a screw in jobbie.


The rifle has one hell of a thick, solid barrel. I see no problems with it taking an internal thread and holding the mod'. Only, except for in 'Hit Man' films, most of the mod's I've ever noticed are screwed Onto the outer sleeve of the barrel.


Will this be a particular problem / exspence? Anyone - especially in Eire - been down this road lately?


Thanks for any info :good:

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Ditch, forget the bollocks , its a noisy cartridge....it isnt, i know, i used one for fox for 18 months.It all depends on the land its shot over, and if your little bit of eire, is the same as cavan, its all very small fields, and hedgerows with lots of little hills and small valleys? yep?

The supersonic crack wont travel out of the first valley/hiil, before its absorbed.If you are shooting on a wide open moorland, yes, the sound will carry, but i dont think you are.

Internal threads are difficult , you need the foresight removing/ milling off, and an external thread cutting, any gunsmith should be able to do this, or a local machine shop.If you get stuck over there, post the barrel to me, and i,ll do it you.

I didnt use a moderator on mine, and never thought it noisy, and all my other guns ARE moderated.

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You'd be surprised, my brother was collared one night by a local crank, complaining of the noise "from all the fecking shooting you were doing", and started going on about complaining to the cops and whatnot. Then someone who is most definatly not a crank mentioned the noise to him as well.


Turns out it was another neighbour, a farmer, out with his .22 mag, shooting rabbits.


If you can get it moderated ditch, I'd advise you to do so, just to be sure (to be sure).

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Regardless of whether its moderated or not, you cannot get rid of the supersonic signature of the bullet, and thats what people hear. By all means moderate it, but remember, all it will get rid of, is the muzzle blast from burning powder, not the supersonic crack. Yes, they do make a difference, i use them on all mine, but from personal experience, its not worth doing on a hornet.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
just to be sure (to be sure).


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You mad, crazy f*kka! I laughed so much when I read that I brought on a coughing fit and stomach cramp that damn near finished me off! :laugh:



Well, great to have two sides of any discussion presented, lads :good: I'll take some advice from both of ye and will loose the ramp sight to make way for an external thread ;)


Fact is, Balders; Yeppers, my ground's very much as ye describe there. Only thing is, I live sort of at the top end of a 'valley' and everyone lives round the rim of it, see? Thus, the best shots - safety wise - will be fired from that rim, downwards into the bog below. But that means I'll be virtually firing from 'across the road from them'. I'll take all the edge I can get.


Also, these same people include my Permissions. And my initial Permission, when I once suggested going out there with a 'Shot Gun', almost shit himself! He was fine about my mates .22 Rimmy. I've no idea how the three guns reports would compare, but Must do all I can for these people ~ plus that's just the way I am :angel:


Anyway, in my own, very limited experiance; When I fired that .243, with a f*ck off great moderator on, it sounded like a clap of thunder. Without it?!? :icon_eek: I thought I'd blown the world up!


Could it make any differance then, if I used a standard, 'Black Cigar' type mod, or found myself something more like a foot of loo roll liner?


Oh; And how about this Sub Sonic ammunition ~ the stuff they all say ricochettes like a powerball?

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Is there a sub-sonic hornet available?


I know you can hand-load them to be subsonic, but, and you'll have to forgive me please Ditch, you don't seem to be a calipers and weigh-scales guy!


I think a sub-sonic hornet would defeat the purpose of the round in the first place, i.e. flat shooting vermin blitzing.


The man I know who has the H&R hornet put a Husher moderator on it, very expensive it was too. Very effective as well though. As Baldie says, the super-sonic "crack" is still there, but thats about all you hear. It's like shooting a high vel. .22lr.

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Regardless of whether its moderated or not, you cannot get rid of the supersonic signature of the bullet, and thats what people hear. By all means moderate it, but remember, all it will get rid of, is the muzzle blast from burning powder, not the supersonic crack. Yes, they do make a difference, i use them on all mine, but from personal experience, its not worth doing on a hornet.


Well said, this sums it all really when it comes to a silenced Hornet. ;)



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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Calipers and what?! I think ye quite safe in what ye say there, mate! :D


Ok then. So there's obviously no way of losing the 'Sub Sonic Crack' then. That's a given. But I Can pay enough money to make a differance to the bang off the thing, eh? It's just expensive? Fine. Lots of money I'll find eventually. The lost good will and permissions of my enraged neighbours might prove a tad more tricky! :icon_eek:


I'll sniff around and see what's what. Getting to hear a Hornet go off might be a smooth next move. Judge better then than by sitting, talking about it :good:



So; Anyone out there got a Hornet? Mind passing through and popping one off into the bog for me? :D

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You're right, Frank! That had me in f*ckin tears, mate! I saw ye'd replied. Came in, realised it was just a 'Smiley' job and wondered what on earth the craic was. Waited for ever for it to load. Saw ye laughing and it suddenly struck me how Bad that comes across! :laugh:


Nothing else I could have said really, is there? " Firing one off " or what ever. I'm doomed! :laugh:


F*ck it. I think we'll let that one stand, mate. Bloody classic! :clapper:

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Right Ditchy, here,s as good as its gonna get my man. :D The cheap option for you, is fit the rifle with an ASE UTRA moderator.They are a rimfire moderator, but can be used up to, and including a .22 hornet, they are sixty quid, and you can get them from the importers, jackson rifles in scotland, or from most firearms shops.This is the only option apart from a fullbore moderator, any of which are 200 quid.The hornet cannot be loaded to subsonic specs, as far as i know.Loading subs is a homeload only job, as it feckin dangerous, and i personally would not do it .I believe homeloading is illegal in Eire, so you are on shop bought ammo, the best for the hornet, being the 35 grain hornady v-max cartridge.If your firing down into a hollow, the crack isnt going to be too bad.Has the thought of a pcp airgun, doing 60 or 70 ft/lbs crossed your mind? they can be silenced easier, and have the poke for fox at sensible ranges.

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