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Need help putting a name to an item

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Hi people, I need help with finding an item that I have no idea what its called :/


I thought it was called a side saddle but im having no luck finding one, I can only find the neoprene slip on ones which fit on the butt stock on ebay.


That type will have to do if I cant find this type im looking for, heres a picture to help with explaining (the thing the cartridges are held in)


Thanks in advance!!



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I've sorted it with a guy from Florida who's going to send it me out, he thinks it might get stuck in customs though so we'll see :) I dontbthink they can hold it though because it's basically just a cartridge belt?? It's not like illegal ammunition or anything.

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shooting times had a set of 3 free with the mag a couple of weeks ago so you could have bought a couple of shooting times mags and had some to spare dont know about internet prices but shooting times £2.20 times 2 or 3 4.40,6.60 no post no Vat no hassle :thumbs:




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I've always known it as a side saddle, it will be banned from UK import because it is a "gun part" I've heard of this before, even difficulty importing things like that that do not have any load bearing or even any way of making a gun or adapting it, it's just the screwy import/export laws, Midway UK are great for shopping about, I looked at getting a recoil pad off of them, but postage is INSANE! I'd just find a local shop who deals with them or the company and ask them to order it in, if you haven't already got it, you might wantt to try and check out anuone who specialises in supplying goods for PSG, they'll almost certainly have something....

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