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OK I threw in my earlier comment just to keep the debate going. When you check the figures it gets much worse - but will the politicians or the press tell the truth? Jack Straw said that the great majority of prisoners in sex offenders wings are white. Perfectly true, 80% are white. Now think about that. 20% must be black or asian. Despite what some people think, the proportion of black/asian people in the UK is about 4-5%. So 5% of the population are committing 20% of a particular crime. That makes them 4 times as likely to be offenders. The situation is much more complex than that but the figures tell the story.

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How would they feel if some white men got together and gang raped there women wouldnt say children cause not that sick like them scum buckets We should find the men who do these horrible crimes and rape there mothers and se if they like it on the other foot there would be hell on if we done that but us not that shollow and for all the paki lovers f**k off

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This has been going on longer than people realise, in 95 i used to run a very large and well known nightclub in Bradford, regular;y my white female staff were sexually assaulted on the way into work, in daylight, were the Police interested, were they Fook. Similarly any asian problem reported to the Police went like this 'we are a bit busy at the moment, we'll get someone there as soon as we can' (nothing less than 2 hours), any problems involving white males and the Police were out within 5 mins. Young asian muslims think they have free reign to do what they want to who they want and as soon as the get their collar felt they deal the race card, ive had 1st hand experience of this and have seen it happen on many occaision, when are the Police going to stop this, i mean its taken 10 years to admit the problem, will it take another 10 years to come up with the solution?

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here's one for the paki lovers on here to knock one out over My link


That's the reality of what we have to put up with today -





That black tv presenter should have knocked the shit out of them two, I never realised walsall was as bad as that, "no-ones coming in we'll mash them up" WTF theyre like 8 stone piss wet through...


With shit like that going off it wont be long before groups get together and start driving round and dishing out some fist.

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How would they feel if some white men got together and gang raped there women wouldnt say children cause not that sick like them scum buckets We should find the men who do these horrible crimes and rape there mothers and se if they like it on the other foot there would be hell on if we done that but us not that shollow and for all the paki lovers f**k off


Hold on a minute, what are you on about rape their mothers? You need to give your head a shake pal.


You want to lower yourself to their level do you? What separates us from them is that we don't act in that sort of way!


All rapists (white black or Asian) need to be crippled at the very least IMO.

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How would they feel if some white men got together and gang raped there women wouldnt say children cause not that sick like them scum buckets We should find the men who do these horrible crimes and rape there mothers and se if they like it on the other foot there would be hell on if we done that but us not that shollow and for all the paki lovers f**k off

:icon_eek: FFS..........makes you pond scum just like them.Two wrongs don't make a right.

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Jack Straw is expendable,he wont be an MP for much longer if im right[his brother is on the sex offenders list as well]


This is labours false attempt to look like they are prepared to takle this problem,in reality they have known about this for a long time.


This is an attempt to regain public confidence in the labour party as their love of islam cost them a lot of votes,its just a political move to make us feel they will adress the problems associated with muslim immigration,in reality if they got back in power nothing would change,most of the lefty scum on here realise this already.


Ask yourself "why has Jack said something now"? hes headed for the golden handshake bye bye Jack.

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How would they feel if some white men got together and gang raped there women wouldnt say children cause not that sick like them scum buckets We should find the men who do these horrible crimes and rape there mothers and se if they like it on the other foot there would be hell on if we done that but us not that shollow and for all the paki lovers f**k off


Hold on a minute, what are you on about rape their mothers? You need to give your head a shake pal.


You want to lower yourself to their level do you? What separates us from them is that we don't act in that sort of way!


All rapists (white black or Asian) need to be crippled at the very least IMO.

hold on min i wouldnt do it but how would they feel just saying it doing it two diffrent things should wrote it better but thats me just pissed off how they think do [bANNED TEXT] they want

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If it wasnt so sad it would be laughable at those that choose to defend the muslim way of life in the uk.if the bomb threats and the blatant disregard for our laws and customs,not mentioning the fact they openly call our soldiers baby killers and make no attempt at hiding thier hatred towards the west.Im not saying we got it right in the current war in the middle east,however to defend these scum and try and counter an argument with the phrase "our own white people commit these acts aswell" i find quite frankly offensive.for years they have been dodging tax and vat on those businesses they own and get away with it.but some people seem think that as long as they open thier shops so we can get our rolls and papers they are doing the community a fav and they are hard working people.bollocks they are greedy parasites and there laws they follow are barbaric and belong in the past.i despise all forms of child abuse but when the eastern europeans and the muslims are hand picking our kids for thier evil sexual deviant behavuiour then enough is enough. bad enougfh when our owen kind commit these acts without people not from here doing it.we allow to many in this country without knowing anything about them.god knows how many are carrying aids and f**k knows what else.i suspect those defending them dont live among them or have any dealings with them.living in thier liberal bubble where everything is a ok.

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That black tv presenter should have knocked the shit out of them two, I never realised walsall was as bad as that, "no-ones coming in we'll mash them up" WTF theyre like 8 stone piss wet through...


With shit like that going off it wont be long before groups get together and start driving round and dishing out some fist.


That documentary was shot about 5 years ago. Probably longer coming to think of it. Nothing will change for the good, people like to moan but aren't willing to do anything about it.


I suppose the EDL are a show of hands against this sort of thing, but I think they're going the wrong way about it and I can't see them lasting in all honesty.

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There good at giving it large when theres a group of them, get one on his own and he'll swear on the bible hes a christian, not a backbone between them all. Their skin colour and religion is all theyve got to hide behind, not one will stand up for it when its one on one. When they used to call me a racist on the front door of my own club when i used to knock them back id say, 'yeah i am, what you going to do?', they were that stunned that someone had admitted it they fooked off, too used to people pussy footing around them say, no no no im not a racist, my best friends an asian, load of b0ll0x, stand up to them, they'll soon get the message.

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