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It's our own fault. We have no community now, The White British community probably consists of the people that live in the same house together. I've lived in the same area all my life, I've lived on t

Whether you like it or not a crime by a foreigner in England is going to get peoples backs up more than if it was the same crime committed by an Englishman....thats perfectly natural.....if i cut the

Places where things like this are happening "the community" is to blame imo.........you've all let them come into your communities and take over The manic street preachers said it "If you tolerate th

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  On 08/01/2011 at 16:28, Tesco said:

The age 12 is being used as a smokescreen girls as young as 6 can and are being married to men in their 60's in the M.E


2, 6 or 12 years of age it doesn't make a difference really does it mate, they're all still children who shouldn't even be thinking about sex at those ages, let alone having sex and having babies.

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It's our own fault. We have no community now, The White British community probably consists of the people that live in the same house together. I've lived in the same area all my life, I've lived on this street for about 7 years and there is still people that I'm yet to even say hello too .


It's like now people live in a decent level of comfort why do they need to bother with anyone else? It seems like as long as they've got their nice home, double glazed windows, central heating, leather 3 piece, nice car, HD TV, and all the other trinkets that make life worth living for then they don't need anyone else, they don't need a community. F*ck everyone else!


The fact is that if I seen a gang of Asian blokes in a car trying to persuade young girls to get in their car, and I decided to attack them to protect the girls, I wouldn't get any help from those in my community they would more than likely get me nicked by phoning the old bill.


We've lost our sense of community, we've lost our identity, and the majority of us are fit for nothing but moaning about what a mess the country is. We've been devided and now we're being conquered.


too true

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slightly of topic, I have lived all my life in rural Devon and North Wales except for 1 year where I was just outside Luton, i could not believe what I saw the first time I drove through Luton, it was full of muslims in full dress and they seemed to run areas, for those defending them it is not right for them to be runing our towns.

What makes it worse for us down here is everybody from these towns that are white and have some money move down here cause their sick of it and tell us what to do....

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There is no defending what these scum have done.


However, it concerns me that these girls were not given better guidance from ther families. No child or woman ever deserves to be abused, but where were the parents or responsible adults who were supposed to be looking after these girls? There are too many young kids running the streets half blocked and half dressed. They should be kept under control and before anyone else jumps up saying 'anyone should feel safe to walk anywhere at anytime' , oh yeah, in the ideal utopia that would be true but unfortunately that's not where any of us live.

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Keith Vaz the Muslim labour MP has just been on the news saying he wants a police enquiry to see what the facts are and I quote.....


Mr Vaz, who said he represented many men of Pakistani origin in his Leicester East constituency, told BBC Radio 4's Today: "What I don't think we can do is say that this is a cultural problem. One can accept the evidence which is put before us about patterns and networks but to go that step further I think is pretty dangerous.


"We can't ignore the facts of individual cases, but against what Jack says is what the judge said in the Derby case. don't think you can stereotype an entire community."



What a w****er even with the evidence given to him he wants a police enquiry (more of our public money) I suspect to try and find a way to squirm out of this hole politically. If you ask me most of the problems we are faced with in this country are down to Labour I wouldn't vote for them if they were the only political party around.

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  On 08/01/2011 at 14:24, desertsong said:

Prophet Mohammad said the remaining silent is consent relates to a girl over the age of twelve


OMG...........12years old "IS A CHILD" for heavens sake!!!!!!!! what little girl of 12yrs old is able to give consent to something she shouldn't even be exposed to by vile dirty paedophiles??????????? i find society scary and i worry for my grandchildren........BUT i find it more scary and worrying that anyone would defend these vile creatures and talk of 12yr old children in a throw away comment!!!!!!!!

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Well not been on for ages and not much seems to have changed,for the statistic buffs watch this vid,undeniable proof of the muslim rape culture,although in Denmark not here.



For people to try and defend muslims and say this isnt endemic in their culture is a f*****g joke,as are they,traitors the lot of you,please move to an islamic shithole if you like them that much and stop helping them turn our country into one.

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