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Im starting to feel suficated by these pakis there f@cking everywere like rats and what they get away with makes me feel ill :gunsmilie:



feel sick with the amount of c**ts defending them

... but thier race or religion has f**k all to do with it they are scum full stop.


But it does because it's a problem that Pakistani Muslim men are causing.


That's not to say every Pakistani Muslim man wants to rape and pimp out young British girls. 56 out of the 58 that were committing these crimes were of Pakistani origin. Are you going to tell us that it's just a coincidence or something?

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Im starting to feel suficated by these pakis there f@cking everywere like rats and what they get away with makes me feel ill :gunsmilie:



feel sick with the amount of c**ts defending them

bet they wouldnt defend them say if it was there daughter or sister,they are just scum they shold kill them :boogie:

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The fact is little girls as young as 6 dont have to give thier consent, mohamhed said if they remain silent its as good as consent

Prophet Mohammad said the remaining silent is consent relates to a girl over the age of twelve and specifically refers to marriage. sex out side marriage is not permitted in islam and certainly no child would be permitted to be abused under any circumstance. people who commit the heanous crimes do so irrespective of what law says whether islamic or any other law.


These animals abusing White British children see themselves in a state of war with the uk, would you like to tell us what muslim males are allowed to do to "that which their right hand posseses"

you are being very selective picking one verse at a time the verse referring to which the right hand posseses

dates to a time when slavery was permitted and the female women slaves not children so dont distort what you dont under stand and if you know your history islam forbade slavery 1463 years ago about 1200 years before the western society even thought about making it illegal.


But surely the quran is the unchangable word of god every word being the truth for all muslims for all times, it cannot alter and no muslim would dare alter it, so that being the case every word in the quran is the truth forever, yes or no

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no justification whether 1 or a 1000 they are scum , how many non muslim white males are involved in sex crimes there are over 10 million foriegners including muslims from every islamic country in the world living in the UK they are not all involved in illegal activities. These that have been caught if they are Pakistani descent even if born here f**k them off to Pakistan and see what happens to them there. it is the do gooder social workers in this country who defend this type of scum not the majority of muslims be they Pakistani or any other nationality.

Edited by desertsong
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The fact is little girls as young as 6 dont have to give thier consent, mohamhed said if they remain silent its as good as consent

Prophet Mohammad said the remaining silent is consent relates to a girl over the age of twelve and specifically refers to marriage. sex out side marriage is not permitted in islam and certainly no child would be permitted to be abused under any circumstance. people who commit the heanous crimes do so irrespective of what law says whether islamic or any other law.


These animals abusing White British children see themselves in a state of war with the uk, would you like to tell us what muslim males are allowed to do to "that which their right hand posseses"

you are being very selective picking one verse at a time the verse referring to which the right hand posseses

dates to a time when slavery was permitted and the female women slaves not children so dont distort what you dont under stand and if you know your history islam forbade slavery 1463 years ago about 1200 years before the western society even thought about making it illegal.


But surely the quran is the unchangable word of god every word being the truth for all muslims for all times, it cannot alter and no muslim would dare alter it, so that being the case every word in the quran is the truth forever, yes or no

The use of alcohol was permitted in the begining of the revelation of the Qran it was later made Haram not permitted so the Qran has many things that were allowed and then forbidden the example Bilal who used to give the call for prayer was at the begining of Islamic period a slave and later he was freed. So the Qran is clear in what is permitted and what is not it is people without the understanding of its content and the understanding of the meanings of the Arabic language and text and context who misinterpret what is the actuall permitted or non pemitted acts.Nothing which is against thwe teachings of Allah or God is permitted in Islam full stop and rape is not permitted and suicide bombing is not permitted and those who advocate or defend such acts are munafiq which means gone away from the true teachings of islam I studied islamic jurisprudence in Qum islamic university for six years so I think I have a little knowledge of the Qran and its meanings Edited by desertsong
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Consent is the optimum word is islamic society consent is required even thought the age of consent is as low as 12 years old. In Western society the age of consent is 16 but we are not talking about consent here ...




The girls that were molested were not forced to have sex with the men that picked them up originally. They consented to sex with the men that picked them up originally, so there for under your Sharia law it is perfectly acceptable what these animals did to these girls.


Under our laws, you are considered a nonce if you have sex with a child under the age of 16. So to us, Islam is a nonce religion. 12 years of age an acceptable age for sex? :no: That's f*cking disgusting!!!!!

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no justification whether 1 or a 1000 they are scum , how many non muslim white males are involved in sex crimes


Reported in the Telegraph this week, out of 56 men convicted of gang rape since 1997 50 were muslims, 3 white 3 non white.....frightening figures considering muslims make up approx 4% of the population but 16 times more have been done for gang rapes than whites

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Consent is the optimum word is islamic society consent is required even thought the age of consent is as low as 12 years old. In Western society the age of consent is 16 but we are not talking about consent here ...




The girls that were molested were not forced to have sex with the men that picked them up originally. They consented to sex with the men that picked them up originally, so there for under your Sharia law it is perfectly acceptable what these animals did to these girls.


Under our laws, you are considered a nonce if you have sex with a child under the age of 16. So to us, Islam is a nonce religion. 12 years of age an acceptable age for sex? :no: That's f*cking disgusting!!!!!

The girls didnt consent otherwise the ones over 16 would have been consenti9ng adults they were drugged beaten molested and the same for the younger girls your opinions are limited to what your country law says if the age of consent in the middle east is 12 then this is thier law not yours so they are within the law most iof the debauchery raping pillaging stealling around the world was carried out under the union jack if you know your countroies history so dont be so rightious wrong actions and illegal acts apply to all society only man made laws have differences racism is also a crime isnt it in Uk or are you also selective in which laws you obey?

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no ones defending them I would be first in the line to hang the c**ts I would voulunteer but thier race or religion has f**k all to do with it they are scum full stop.



So are we to believe this figure of 50 muslim men out of 56 who have committed this crime....is mere coincidence ?


Theres an old saying i like that is very appropriate......" never be a fool to your own intelligence "


Im sure your an intelligent guy :thumbs:

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Consent is the optimum word is islamic society consent is required even thought the age of consent is as low as 12 years old. In Western society the age of consent is 16 but we are not talking about consent here ...




The girls that were molested were not forced to have sex with the men that picked them up originally. They consented to sex with the men that picked them up originally, so there for under your Sharia law it is perfectly acceptable what these animals did to these girls.


Under our laws, you are considered a nonce if you have sex with a child under the age of 16. So to us, Islam is a nonce religion. 12 years of age an acceptable age for sex? :no: That's f*cking disgusting!!!!!

The girls didnt consent otherwise the ones over 16 would have been consenti9ng adults they were drugged beaten molested and the same for the younger girls your opinions are limited to what your country law says if the age of consent in the middle east is 12 then this is thier law not yours so they are within the law most iof the debauchery raping pillaging stealling around the world was carried out under the union jack if you know your countroies history so dont be so rightious wrong actions and illegal acts apply to all society only man made laws have differences racism is also a crime isnt it in Uk or are you also selective in which laws you obey?


Your point is valid but carries another truth, we are in the UK we do not have religious law here we are a free and open society which is why we are so attractive to people from restrictive societies

The age of consent here is 16 anything below that is criminal offence and any sex with a child under 12 is statutory rape, these are our laws and should be adhered to by ALL, not given as a reference to the age of consent in various backward third world middle eastern countries


If these filthy SCUM want to use this as an excuse then go back to the places with the age of consent their religion sanctions , such as Egypt or Palestine where child weddings are common place, and stay there !

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There is no age of consent in the quran, anyone with a very very strong stomach should read up on what the ayotollah khomeni(sp)says is permissable between men and children/infants

Any books in particular as Ayatollah Ruhallah Khomeini only spoke and wrote Persian and Arabic and I would be interested to see what interpretations you have read and if they are in fact true interpretatations or propoganda from zionists or the Cia.

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The girls didnt consent otherwise the ones over 16 would have been consenti9ng adults they were drugged beaten molested and the same for the younger girls your opinions are limited to what your country law says if the age of consent in the middle east is 12 then this is thier law not yours so they are within the law most iof the debauchery raping pillaging stealling around the world was carried out under the union jack if you know your countroies history so dont be so rightious wrong actions and illegal acts apply to all society only man made laws have differences racism is also a crime isnt it in Uk or are you also selective in which laws you obey?


Point out where I'm being racist, it's all too easy for people like you to scream Racism, when you're pulled up on certain things that you can't defend.


And besides I'm questioning what your religion teaches, it's nothing to do with anyone's race or skin colour, a persons skin is irrelevant to me so how can it be racist what I'm saying?


Your Sharia law tells you it's perfectly acceptable to have sex with 12 year old girls! If you find that acceptable then from our point of view you are a perverted paedophile and there's no room for argument on this. There's no defending it.


And as far as what Britain has done in the past, what has that got to do with what we're discussing at the moment? It has no relevance what so ever! You seem to have the predetermined view that I think that we're faultless and that I'm just bashing your religion because I'm just a racist who hates P*ki's!


That isn't the case.

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