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Huntinglife for hunting lurcher people only?


130 members have voted

  1. 1. should only hunting lurcher owners use this site ( as its the huntinglife)

    • I would like it if people with an intrest in hunting lurchers use this site.
    • I dont mind if people with no intrests in working there lurchers use this site.

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I must say the political climate in Britain has changed for the worst for you guys concerning hunting with dogs and to be frankly hunting with dogs in Holland is not done, nevertheless i have had lurchers and greyhounds a large part of my life and love my mooching but to brag about it on a open forum would bring me in trouble, so to keep on the safe side i like to read other peoples ventures . i do hope that makes me not a less valueble member, to say get rid of a large part of members who are not in a position to post about theire daily adventures would be a bit shortsighted in my eyes.YIS Hollands hope. :)

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It's the HUNTING life, not the LURCHER hunting life. I look on the terrier section and the shooting section as well as other sections; so why shouldn't they look on the Lurcher section ?   Cheers.

but youv still got an intrest in hunting with lurchers. its the people who only crop up when say a rescue post or show post comes up. Then look down there nose at people like myself who keep dogs outs

Get a grip or better still get out with your dog and stop bitching

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every one has a dig about me putting this question up. well 8 pages later and its neck and neck so it must ring true with afew on here.


all I care about is working my dogs no shows and there not pets. If that makes me backwards as one pretty boy said well im backwards. I belong in a backwards time when a dog erned its keep. :victory:

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every one has a dig about me putting this question up. well 8 pages later and its neck and neck so it must ring true with afew on here.


all I care about is working my dogs no shows and there not pets. If that makes me backwards as one pretty boy said well im backwards. I belong in a backwards time when a dog erned its keep. :victory:

I reckon the folk who think its a stupid question Baldocks can,t be arsed voting so your poll,s pointless, :wacko:


and you just said it yourself you belong in a backwards time,its time to move forward pal :hunter:

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every one has a dig about me putting this question up. well 8 pages later and its neck and neck so it must ring true with afew on here.


all I care about is working my dogs no shows and there not pets. If that makes me backwards as one pretty boy said well im backwards. I belong in a backwards time when a dog erned its keep. :victory:

I reckon the folk who think its a stupid question Baldocks can,t be arsed voting so your poll,s pointless, :wacko:


and you just said it yourself you belong in a backwards time,its time to move forward pal :hunter:

77 people could be bothered and you keep being bothered. Im out this topic now.

You crack on in your backwards country. all the best Jock


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am new on here and have only ferreted for a year and a half, and used air rifles for years but iam now intrested in a lurcher/saluki ect, and i find that reserch on here great and have found alot of info i wanted just by looking through the forum! cheers, sorry am poo at spelling! :tongue2:

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every one has a dig about me putting this question up. well 8 pages later and its neck and neck so it must ring true with afew on here.


all I care about is working my dogs no shows and there not pets. If that makes me backwards as one pretty boy said well im backwards. I belong in a backwards time when a dog erned its keep. :victory:

I reckon the folk who think its a stupid question Baldocks can,t be arsed voting so your poll,s pointless, :wacko:


and you just said it yourself you belong in a backwards time,its time to move forward pal :hunter:

77 people could be bothered and you keep being bothered. Im out this topic now.

You crack on in your backwards country. all the best Jock

thank f**k, i don't think i have seen any of your reply's that make any sense,not just on this topic, and don't talk pish" i'm out of this topic" you'll be back, just to see if it makes 9 pages. :feck: are you crobinc in disguise?:haha:



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baldock you seem pissed of im abit old style but not to old as im far traveld i put lurcher owners in categories a bit those that live for the hunt better there breed they keep ,those that by any old dog cause it says on the tin r the pet owners well the best thing for them is to keep shite cause theyll ruin a very wellbred killing machine ,to me dog has to be hunter worker first if its no good well put it down or a less demanding home ,u wouldnt get a farmer keeping useless collie etc i think lurchers are fads and a talking piont shows etc were realy there for providing the dinner and sport and i hope it never changes from that way of thinking for some ,ive had dogs confiscated runins with the muskers police does it make me stop hunting and breeding good dogs once in awhile NO you box more clever and still enjoy [bANNED TEXT] self,to me thtas the diffrence from dedicaition than just im alurcher owner and never the twain shall meet im a jock scotish to but no mug at the game mate,i hope you not ANTI SCOTTISH ETC ,maybe they should have a section for pet lurcher owners and true dedicated working lurcher lads and lasses

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every one has a dig about me putting this question up. well 8 pages later and its neck and neck so it must ring true with afew on here.


all I care about is working my dogs no shows and there not pets. If that makes me backwards as one pretty boy said well im backwards. I belong in a backwards time when a dog erned its keep. :victory:

I reckon the folk who think its a stupid question Baldocks can,t be arsed voting so your poll,s pointless, :wacko:


and you just said it yourself you belong in a backwards time,its time to move forward pal :hunter:

77 people could be bothered and you keep being bothered. Im out this topic now.

You crack on in your backwards country. all the best Jock

thank f**k, i don't think i have seen any of your reply's that make any sense,not just on this topic, and don't talk pish" i'm out of this topic" you'll be back, just to see if it makes 9 pages. :feck: are you crobinc in disguise?:haha:



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every one has a dig about me putting this question up. well 8 pages later and its neck and neck so it must ring true with afew on here.


all I care about is working my dogs no shows and there not pets. If that makes me backwards as one pretty boy said well im backwards. I belong in a backwards time when a dog erned its keep. :victory:

I reckon the folk who think its a stupid question Baldocks can,t be arsed voting so your poll,s pointless, :wacko:


and you just said it yourself you belong in a backwards time,its time to move forward pal :hunter:

77 people could be bothered and you keep being bothered. Im out this topic now.

You crack on in your backwards country. all the best Jock

thank f**k, i don't think i have seen any of your reply's that make any sense,not just on this topic, and don't talk pish" i'm out of this topic" you'll be back, just to see if it makes 9 pages. :feck: are you crobinc in disguise?:haha:



Aye,I noticed that as well,awe his other pxsh talking on other posts,admittedly I,ve talked some pxsh on this thread,probably because its a pish question, :feck:

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What about folks like me who have hunted lurcher and lugger dogs for many years but have had a change in circumstance so they aren't able to do so anymore? People who just like to chat with other doggers and [b] have plans to get back into it again as soon as circumstances allow[/b]? I think ferreting people out who haven't got a current working lurcher is bad for the sport. By having open arms and welcoming all on board we doggers are being openabout a sport we have nothing to be ashamed of. Also, we are encouraging new blood.

Just my opinion.



i have the same problem .. the missus found out i messed about with the ex .... so my circumstances changed (missus dnt trust me lol) .... so when they change again, i'll be booking holidays off work :thumbs:

keep it in your trousers mate and you wont get into trouble.

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ive been a member on her for a couple of years but done only a little hunting ,ive used this site for mainly reserch for myself as ive always had mainly racing greys ,and for many years i raced pigeons ,i didnt want to just jump into the sport without reserch first,after a couple couple of years i looked at the type of dog i would require and the quarry i would like to hunt ,i now have a lurcher pup whoes 18 weeks old hes good at basic comands ,house trained ,and is doing very well at retreving,at the moment im also working on stock breaking and this weekend hes going to be let off around stock on a long lead ,im 40+ and have picked up all these things by reading this site you shouldint be restrickting people you should be encouraging them . this year a guy off this site has taken me under his wing ive been traveling 120 miles to go rabbiting /longnetting and i hope to get some permission for next year .at leased ive got the basics and it was all picked up off this forum.

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